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Do you smoke before going to bed?

Do you smoke before going to bed?

  • Yes; I feel fine the next morning.

    Votes: 66 86.8%
  • Yes; But I wake up a mess.

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


How many of you smoke before going to bed?

Ive been doing so for the past several months. I was on a small break near the end of school, but ever since break started I went back to toking. However school is beginning again, so I am going to cut back on it, and save it for the weekend. For some reason, whenever I smoke before going to sleep, I wake up the next day groggy, lazy, and a visual mess. Anyone else have these effects? This is the main reason why Im going to cut back as I cant be in this state every morning when school starts.

Anyway, please vote and comment on your experiences.


Active member
that's usually when I smoke an hour or two before bed. it makes me sleep much better but also sometimes keeps me up watching late night tv


Active member
I just smoked three bong hits, if i fall asleep now i'll wake up a mess the next morning..

so, I'm gonna eat a bowl of cereal, listen to some music, and fall asleep as soon as my high is gone and im coming down.

Wake up,and take another..

Go school, come home, take nother.


Active member
sometimes I just wake up with headaches but I don't think its because of the weed. I also wake up with headaches a lot when I don't smoke before bed. my dentists says its because I grind my teeth.


I am about to do so right now, but it is a very heavy Kush.
Most anything else keeps me up... Even this will for 20, 30 minutes before I doze off :)

Normally it is just an hour or so before bed


hi all yeh ive smoked a jay before bed for the last 20yrs no bullshit mon-fri day im at work so no puff aint to botherd but i must admit in the evening i have a few my fav one is the one before bed makes me horny and sleepy the wifey dont complain in the mornings i feel still redeyed but im ok im a morning person anyway i think it depends on the type of person you are.


Active member
yea, except i have no indica dank right now, only blue dream, and ssh. cant sleep on this shit it's keeping me up.. first class of new semester in 6 hours, damn.. when i was on probation for awhile a year ago, i started having dreams again every night it was sweet i couldn't wait to go to bed lol. i never dream if i smoke before bed.:no:


New member
same here, ive been smoking 15 years, spliff in the evenings allows me to wind down, and get a good night sleep, and feel refreshed when awake, but i too also know my mate does the same and he does have probs gettin up in the morning, or that could be just hes a lazy B


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
of course i puff puff puff keep before bed.. And before i eat, and before i go somewhere i need to be stoended for.. It depends what i puff before bed sometimes i wake up stoended over aka hungover.. peace.



Active member
i do feel fucked the next day.. but i smoke pritty much all hours im awake so its become sorta normal... not getting high is what feeels bad.. can't eat... nasuea.. can't sleep.. its fuked


I started smoking/vap before bed due to stress and worries mid-summer 2009. I didn't want to use over the counter or chemical methods to sleep, so MJ. If I smoke White Rhino or indica type weed, I fall asleep fast. Sativas I stay awake unless I vap alot, a gram or 2.


i started having dreams again every night it was sweet i couldn't wait to go to bed lol. i never dream if i smoke before bed.:no:
I was talking to my doctor about only dreaming when i dont smoke & he says its because you only dream when you reach deep sleep & smoking weed prevents you from reaching that deep sleep stage. I cant remember the exact names for the sleep paterns but will ask my doctor again next time i go.


New member
I was talking to my doctor about only dreaming when i dont smoke & he says its because you only dream when you reach deep sleep & smoking weed prevents you from reaching that deep sleep stage. I cant remember the exact names for the sleep paterns but will ask my doctor again next time i go.
I believe your talking about REM and I will tell you with complete honesty I smoke every night before bed and dream all the time.


smoke hang over? never heard of it..............all day except at work...


I'm trying to get out of the habit of doing so bc it makes it harder for me to go asleep if I'm sober...
Usually wake up feeling a quarter-baked, don't care for it.....

Keep in mind, that's from vaping maybe .5-1g of decent nug, so maybe .2 (what I consider a solo bowlpack amount) before bed would be better with less negative effects....meh!

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