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Do you scrape your pipes?


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Whoever says you can't get stoned off resin is DUMB. I've had to do it plenty of times.


Im not saying I like it, I am not saying im proud. But when I have been out a couple days I do get desperate and scrape.

Hate it though, tastes like shit, crappy little dirty buzz but it does help take the jones down a little.

I would like nothing more than to never smoke pipe scrape again...but I know better.
yep!when ur gaggin for a cone, spliff, wateva, n cat get none u gotaa do it:joint:
i use the resin from hash bongmix that get stuck to the d+c.and that does gve u a high if u need it, RANK tho it is...


I don't need to back up shit, scrape your pipe and smoke the resin. You get "high" for like 5 minutes, that's what's called a placebo. Placebo it up if you're out of bud, be my guest...

Whatever, I'm done with this shit. The only reason I brought it up is I saw this dumbass picture some dude took with pipe scum on a fucking scale, like it's worthy of anything other than the fucking garbage.


I don't need to back up shit, scrape your pipe and smoke the resin. You get "high" for like 5 minutes, that's what's called a placebo. Placebo it up if you're out of bud, be my guest...

Whatever, I'm done with this shit. The only reason I brought it up is I saw this dumbass picture some dude took with pipe scum on a fucking scale, like it's worthy of anything other than the fucking garbage.

:yoinks:whoa man calm down!peace

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
That's the thing though, there is no THC, or any other cannabinoid present in pipe scum. That's what gets me, I mean, I wouldn't care if there were actually some THC left, but there's not. It's soooooooooo dumb, only a bunch of stoners could let a fable like this exist for so long.

There really is THC and every cannabinoid present in resin. It may not be in the quantities desired but it certainly does exist. People do get high from resin. It does happen.

I'm not sure what bubble you choose to live in but out here people that are hard up do get high from resin... and we don't want to kill cops... sorry your delusions have you acting a fool but you need to get out and live, you'll find that you learn much.

Minnesota Nice

yeah, way back in the day i smoked resin. got high as shit off of it too. hungover on a sunday morning scraping the bong and watching an aeon flux cartoon sync up perfectly to the sonic youth on the stereo....haha...we'd get crazy stoned off that tar. i've smoked the solid black ash nugglets out of my ashtray too. when you're stressed out from whatever and you haven't smoked in like a week or two, yeah it'll get you stoned. stopped doing both because it started to trigger migraines for me (along with red wine, cigarettes, and stinky cheeses...oh well)

now when i'm dry i just clean my pipes with isopropyl and put them in a drawer...outta sight, outta mind. gives me a nice feeling that the next smoke i get is going to be super tasty and will probably knock me on my ass.


I'm (hopefully) past needing to smoke pipe tar, but it sure will get you high.

Apparently the OP has had pipe tar analyzed in the laboratory, maybe needs to fill us in with the numbers? :confused:

master shake

Active member
Resin doesn't get you high. Period.

Who the fuck appointed you resin expert??...What reason do you have to say that? Maybe it doesn't get YOU high but I would bet my testicles that resin would test positive for THC.

Resin isn't black, it is white with red spots. Period

haze crazy

inthelight, yeah like what you said, but it does taste like ASS! Good ASS, BUTT ASS none-the-less ...Now that purple cleaner (from Home Depot...not...the strain) makes short work of it. My Bro-in-law still has a brass chamber pipe ....YUCK I won't smoke from it. I gave him a glass pipe last Christmas, but it was broken before the new year....


Haven't smoked resin for decades, but I can still smell it...mmmmm, ass!

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