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Do you scrape your pipes?



Like Olive Garden or someshit hey? "I can't believe I smoke the whole bowl and all!" That was worth coming back to see....nice one!
I have smoked a lot of resin, and I can tell you first hand, it can get you high, and not just for 5 minutes...it's called black gold for a reason lol. If you are dry, it's the next best thing. It ain't no dankness, and it sure as hell ain't pleasant, but it will do the job.


reisin totally hits IF you don't smoke more than once a week. But the problem is that if you smoke so rarely you don't get much resin.
Yea, nice mellow placebo buzz, huh?


It's not a placebo. I did this before I had any preconceived notions when I used to smoke years back. Noone told me it would get me high..I just scraped my one-hitter and piled together all the burnt resin and said what the hell lemme try it and see how it goes.I was surprised that It really does get you high. It tastes like ass..but it really does get you high...maybe your tolerance is too high to get any effect from it.

Its kinda like vaped buds for me now. People say theres nothing left when my vaped crumbs are browned..but I have smokes them in the past n gotten high. A really weak headache high..but a high nonetheless. Its really hit or miss though. A few times I got a weak buzz from it..other times nothing at all. I guess depends on how well vaped the crumbs are. Nowadays tho..I just pileup the edibles and throw them into a pot to make cannabutter.


Resin does work and, depending on what you've smoked, doesn't really taste that horrible. I was a cigarette smoker back when I last tried though, might feel differently about the taste nowadays.

However, I'm convinced that the shit is a health hazard and will not smoke it.


I had this roomie who always had like 10 pipes (seriously) in a box..he would smoke an 8th out of one of the pipes and immediately after he was out of bud, he would scrape that same pipe and get like...next to nothing.

I always told him that he needed to smoke at least an ounce through one of them before he scraped anything, but he always scraped for resin.

I understand scraping pipes to smoke the rez, I've done it before...but it's just silly to have so many pipes and never any weed, and its just dumb to scrape after an 8th out of one pipe cuz there is nothing to be had.


Active member
I had this roomie who always had like 10 pipes (seriously) in a box..he would smoke an 8th out of one of the pipes and immediately after he was out of bud, he would scrape that same pipe and get like...next to nothing.

I always told him that he needed to smoke at least an ounce through one of them before he scraped anything, but he always scraped for resin.

I understand scraping pipes to smoke the rez, I've done it before...but it's just silly to have so many pipes and never any weed, and its just dumb to scrape after an 8th out of one pipe cuz there is nothing to be had.

Lol, we used to do the "double scrape" in highschool, scrape out all resin, smoke it, and then re-scrape the pipe for resin from the resin you just smoked, lol.
You did what you had to when there was no weed then, possibly including smoking the occasional bowl of stems:yoinks:
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Well the original poster has no doubt about its ineffectiveness... I'm just waiting on his proof.... seeing as how tons of people posted in favor of its potency I'm anxious for the Journal of Science or whatever reference he'll bring us to prove us wrong. I'm really curious as to the inclusion of the phrase "fucking retarded" in the summary.


Active member
I'm really curious as to the inclusion of the phrase "fucking retarded" in the summary.

Yeah I saw that, I know I have gotton retarded high from resin before, maybe that's what he means, lol.


  • CartmanRetarded.jpg
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Well the original poster has no doubt about its ineffectiveness... I'm just waiting on his proof.... seeing as how tons of people posted in favor of its potency I'm anxious for the Journal of Science or whatever reference he'll bring us to prove us wrong. I'm really curious as to the inclusion of the phrase "fucking retarded" in the summary.

Apparently my cousin fed resin to a neighborhood cat and it was sleeping in the middle of the street after that! :woohoo:


honey from gross pipe resin

man...if the OP's resin doesn't get him high, his herb must SUCK. I mean, even if his clear assumption that no vaporized cannabinoids accumulate on the inside of a pipe, surely he has seen all the little bits of WEED that pull through sometimes???


Aye, the OP is just getting the opposite of a placebo.

He has convinced himself it won't get you high therefore he won't feel high. Or he is waiting to feel the high so much that he doesn't realize he is buzzing.

I've smoked up a few new people before, and when they say they don't feel high( when they should ). Its usually because they are just waiting for it and don't realize it, until they stand up lol

Honestly, You are like the coke heads going into rehab and telling the counselors, "Hey, im no stupid drunk alcoholic man, i do coke.... put me with other coke heads, not those dirty Listerine drinkers.. "

Get a hold of yourself bro and stop trolling.


Pleasantly dissociated
What kind of idiot says there's no thc in the residue in your pipe?

Are you that stuck up? Do you grow tons of your own or do you just have a ton of money?

Is there no thc in leftover joint butts aside from what's in the remaining plant material?

hahaha, so true, anyone said they never scraped the rosin and got high isnt a pot head, i hope i never have to do it again but ill say ive scraped and puffed it in the past year, if ya havent puffed in a few days resin will get ya high as fuck, enough said, gross but true

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