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Do you save your stems?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I only saved a few stems, still got them packed away somewhere. It was back from my days of trying to grow 6 foot plus plants indoors. My intent was to try to fix them up and turn them into walking staves. I looked at them once about a year after I harvested them and decided that they probably wouldn't work so well for that purpose unless maybe I put a metal rod down the center of them. So I left them where they were figuring I'd come up with some other idea for them but so far nothing, and that was about 4 years ago.


Well-known member
If still retains some moisture, it can be peeled into long fibre' strips, good for plant training, broken branch repairing, etc., just think every time you need to tie something lightly. Soaking and "taming" the strips will make them more manageable if you want to braid a rope.



I once made a pottery glaze out of my stems. Came out pretty cool. I started asking around for people to donate their stems so I could make more glazes. Everybody wanted cash in exchange. Greedy bastards trying to sell me their stems!


Well-known member
As m314 said you can make potent oil from stems. You use ISO alcohol and then filter and let evaporate and scrape up into a container very easy very good why not? Also I add trim and small buds if I have them. Peace sdd


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I saved this one, it's from my first crop... I use it to poke down the end of my spliffs :)



Active member
i throw them away. it counts as evidence in court where i live, and i personally know a person where the police/law used it against him/her.



Quit savin the stems and leaves.. do a seed run.. a jar full of seed will always be the best back up....


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
I made a coat rack from one big outdoor plant once, but usually i just toss em, true story bro.


Personally, i think using stems is overkill.

But to each their own i guess.


Active member
stems go into compost pile.. I used to give them to my bird but he is gone now...yeehaw

Same for me & the same for the fan leaves. As an indoor grower, the stems don't get very thick, so I chop 'em into small pieces at harvest & into the tumbler.

Trim is gifted to some medical oil makers, as is some popcorn when the harvest is large. I'm not much for concentrates, preferring ganja. Dry sift or water hash might be a different story but I'm not going to the trouble of making any.

Production has been entirely adequate for friends & family even when I shut down for 3 months. We never run out or even come close, an old hippie's dream come true.