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Do you remember what YOU were doing 30 years ago today when Lennon was shot...???

Rocky Mtn Squid

It's hard to believe that it was 30 years ago today that Mark David Chapman shot John Lennon in NYC. Makes me feel both sad and old.....:yoinks:

I have a slightly different viewpoint on the entire incident, dare I be labelled as a conspiracy theorist. Do any of you ever listen to Deadline Live with Jack Blood....?? I've been a faithful listener for many years. IMHO, his show is one of the best on internet radio.

If you have the time, have a listen to his show from 2005 on the assasination of John Lennon. His guest is Mack White.






Freedom Fighter
I was in the Navy, floating around the Indian Ocean--
I think it was the first time I cried for a non-family member that died--


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I/we were playing cards in The Bronx when
Howard Cosell broke the news to us.......

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
laying on my bed in my dorm at college. I couldn't believe it, didn't seem even close to possible. Why kill a peace loving artist.

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
I was 13 at the time and not really into music yet. Coming back from a family visit they were playing Lennon and Beatles on the car radio in a tribute. It was the earliest time I remember hearing the Beatles. From then on I was a fan and it really started my appreciation of music. All because of Lennon's murder.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I was a month old my Ma told me she was crying when she heard the news , then I cried so hard I shit myself ..........Unrelated but still sad.
Peace TS


cant stop wont stop
Non existant in this life, but I was born on the 4th anniversary of his assassination.
I would say I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist too but this one I'm not so sure of, unless of course this fella was some sort of a manchurian candidate.


I remember like it was yesterday.
I was about to walk into tavern at Washington State University on Colorado st and D st when I ran in to a friend that just told me that John Lennon had just been shot and killed. We both when to have a beer to morn our loss.
We miss you John.

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