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Tropical Outcast
This picture has been circulating around by email and other means.

Does anyone know these guys?

To me and most others what they are doing just doesn't seem right...

(and I am trying to be nice here with what I am saying)



If you know of the website 4chan (do not check it out if you don't) then you know that they have followed through on a few animal abuse transgressions.

I imagine it has been posted there, and that if anything can be done, it will be. They seem to have lots of free time over there.


I would never do something like that. I respect life too much.

but those guys got you goin', Strainhunter. in a sense they did it for people like yourself. they can't help themselves ... the same as yourself can't help responding. same coin, different sides.

Life is is filled with Irony. Irony makes the world go round. thus Detach.

and Kindness to you too.


It is an old pic and it has been pasted on 4 chan.

but those guys got you goin', Strainhunter. in a sense they did it for people like yourself. they can't help themselves ... the same as yourself can't help responding. same coin, different sides.
I agree. Don't feed the trolls.


I've never seen / been on 4chan...

My oldest son tells me about it - once I hear enuff I ask him to stop, and recommend he keep away from the miscreants.

I've seen enough nasty shit in real world that inet fake wannabe thuglings hold less than zero appeal. Once you've seen a couple of people die, seen your children born, known people whose lives went to shit from mental illness/drugs/violence, the world has a different hue to it.

Posing is for models...


Well-known member
I bet these tough guys would cry like 2 year old babies if a real man were to kick their asses in for them.


Active member
don't people choke their dogs all the time when they yank on the leash or the dog is trying to get away and its choking itself with the collar?

everyone with a dog is guilty of cruelty to animals. unless your dog is leash free 24/7/365


don't people choke their dogs all the time when they yank on the leash or the dog is trying to get away and its choking itself with the collar?

everyone with a dog is guilty of cruelty to animals. unless your dog is leash free 24/7/365
We don't use a choke chain, the dog walks w/ us, not racing ahead and choking itself.

No abuse of pets here - I've snared rabbits and ate them, but that was food, not fun.

I hate cats, but would stop some butthead from abusing one.

I even fish w/ barbless hooks - try landing (and releasing) a 3 pound smallmouth on barbless hooks. I catch and release everything.

Torturing animals = 1/3 of way to being a psychopath


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Well stigh..my dog pulls just as hard as he can the whole time I'm walking him. Is it pleasant for either of us? I doubt it.. I don't jerk the leash..I don't have too, I'm 6'4 and 300lbs..if he's uncomfortable it's on him. Btw he's a 70lb pit/boxer. The original pics show nothing but pure abuse.. it's different than someone walking their dog as far as I'm concerned..those punks need to be neutered. How can you see it differently?


Active member
quite easily actually. dogs pull themselves when theyre on the leash and choke themselves while tied to fences chasing things that pass by, etc. i dunno what they're doing in the picture they might just be tugging on the leash for a second, they might be strangling the dog, who knows. its just one still photo. but for you guys to have such an attitude towards these people when you yourselves have a dog choking himself right now simply because he has a collar around its neck and is tied to something is pretty hypocritical, just the mere fact you own a dog and a dog collar means you can't condemn them for doing the same thing while seemingly having fun doing so.

who knows its prolly just 2 dudes with a new dog flipping the bird to their friends and the dog jumped while the picture was being taken.


You give the impression that you're well indoctrinated into the PETA paradigm. I suppose it's all a matter of perspective, isn't it? Yet what's most amusing is that PETA, once they gain control of an animal, have an 80% kill rate. I think it's cruel to keep cats indoors all the time, but that's my rural living perspective. I prefer to keep my dog unleashed, but risk her being confiscated should she step off the property. So far, I have been unable to reason with her effectively, in order that she may know and understand that should she wander, she could end up in animal jail. I am, however, able to give her a look and a simple 'Ah ah!' and she obeys.

Those two are well beyond 1/3 of the way toward being Dx'd as psychopaths.

lost in a sea

there are far worse examples of animal cruelty going on every millisecond and you wont stop it with threads like this,,,

peta are freaks, they hate all life..

i agree,, dont feed the trolls..

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