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Do you have experience with anxiety and depression?


Game Bred
i've seen cannabis trigger attacks in folks prone to them.

my wife describes it as a perpetual energy machine. the anxiety over when the next attack will hit causes it to hit and so forth.

strong cannabis can exacerbate.
i felt like i wrote the OP, my anxiety and depression define who i am and what im going to be... i know im young but i feel old as hell

sometimes i feel like i've reached the point of no return, where im never going to be "normal" again...

i recently went through what your going through when it comes to cannabis giving you anxiety and that was a month and a half ago for me(one hit of SFV OG would send me into a panic attack) and now im back to smoking constantly, so it'll probably pass for you too.


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
Watch both of these videos

here is an example of a study done

and a much more in depth explanation of a study of members of the UDV church in brazil
<-- very informative on the medicinal & behavioral values of these molecules & if you want to skip right to the heart of the OP's subject go to 8:15 in and the study on teenagers at 13:10 though you should just watch the whole thing

possible negative health effects
I think a lot of anxious and depressive behavior stems from our "dual identities". The conflict between who we think we are as individuals, and who we think we are supposed to be from a sociologic viewpoint. And the fact that sometimes, and maybe a lot of the times we don't often measure up to what we think, others think, a "good" or "successful" human should be. That being said...

modern pharmaceutical antidepressants are serotonin antagonist's, similar to the way LSD works on the brain, they plug the re-uptake receptors on the neurons there by temporarily increasing the amount of free serotonin within the synapse. In fact it was LSD trials that led to the discovery of brain/behavioral chemistry in the first place

but the brain adapts by reducing the amount of serotonin produced there by needing more medication which leads to an increase of side effects and can include hallucinations and delusional thoughts etc., like LSD.

^^ and another problem with the current drugs is they have a short period of effectiveness followed by relapse into depression. So while on the medication they may feel happy, but when it begins to wear off before their brain can produce more serotonin; since we know they don't produce serotonin at normal levels, an already fragile individual is left without a good balance of neurotransmitters and falls back into a possibly even deeper depression

NOTE: that, I in no way suggest someone with severe depression or anxiety go and attempt to treat themselves with entheogen's... instead i suggest one looks into this field of research. Where scientists are looking into how these substances work on the brain in order to hopefully engineer better anti depressant drugs based on these molecules, much like the former LSD trials and modern anti depressants. Though i believe the natural substance will likely always be better than a patent medicine because the natural substance serves a natural purpose where the "medicine" serves shareholder profit
^^Though I do think that at the very least these substances do help one properly quantify and apportion the roles of their "dual identities." to help one to understand the importance of being an individual while also understanding and maintaining their part in the collective whole.

DMT and psilocybin on the other hand are serotonin agonist's meaning they act directly on the receptor site by mimicking the serotonin molecule there by increasing one sense of happiness and enjoyment.

the brain reacts to the increased presence of these tryptamine molecules by increasing serotonin receptor sites there by increasing ones tolerance and minimizing the substances psychedelic properties (like we see in cannabis tolerance). and since these molecules, DMT and psilocybin, are non toxic and facilitate an increased tolerance their doses can be incrementally increased without much of an increase to the risk of side effects.

members of the UDV church in brazil, including some teenagers, drink Ayahuasca tea containing DMT twice a month. And they report very low incidences of dysfunctional family life, depression, drug and alcohol abuse.




Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Spot on!

Spot on!

I've dealt with untreated anxiety most of my life, only way to truly get rid of it is to find out what is causing it, confront it and get it the hell out of your life.

I get seasonal depression but I feel to a certain extent happiness, sadness, angery, fear, are all part of life and never went for the meds because they make people turned off. Most anti depressant users I know are still the most depressed people and seem to have more severe mood swings.

Get some sun, it will make you feel better.



my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
Let your plants fully ripen or they will trigger your anxiety no matter what your variety.

thats good advise too, I've pulled a few plants a lil early from time to time and would get kinda anxious not that bad at all but still a little bit


Lifetime sufferer of depression. I go sit in my flower room with a fat J

Depressed? Go help a terminal cancer patient.
I've had periods in my life where I've been very depressed and anxious, and I feel a wave of it right now, it co-incides with me coming off the anti depressant escitalopram. I have used escitalopram for 4-5 years on and off and after being on it for around 5 months this time.... my dr took me off it the week before last... since then I've felt very irritable, anxious and generally on a downer, I'm going to ask to be put back on it when I see him next week. some cannabis takes away anxiety and depression, ak47 has been the most uplifting strain I've smoked... which is why its first on my next "to grow" list.
excersise definitely helps considerably... running is a very good way of beating the depression and anxiety aswell


If you are anxious , depressive , that's mean you have underlying fear.

You can change everything in your life , try all the meds you could , but if you can't stand in front of these fears , and trying to understand by yourself where it come from or why , then one days or another , in front of a particular situation , fears will come back.

It's nt easy to ear , but you must investigate in yourself as a scientific , go through all the subjective and unconciouss process.

Nobody , nothing can really help you.Do you want understanding , or a limited happy vision of life or yourself , that's the question

heady blunts

prescription blunts
I've been dealing w chronic depression and anxiety for over a decade now.

first off, stress-induced anxiety and grief-induced depression are not the same as chronic anxiety and depression.

advice about all the things in life getting you down or finding the source is not much help to anyone in my position---and this is NOT to say I don't spend a huge portion of my daily mental energy doing self-work, because I certainly do.

I've found a disciplined regamine of cannabis, exercise, and diet keep me feeling my best. when one starts failing I feel worse pretty immediately.

I stay high all day every day. I stick with strains that help and blacklist ones that don't. if I maintain a functional high all day long, I use a similar amount as if I were to abstain all day then over compensate when I get home from work. plus if I'm medicated my work is much more productive and of a higher quality. canna caps have revolutionized this for me.

exercise is my biggest obstical. I'm not a natural athlete by any stretch of the imagination, but I have found yoga works for me (i know I know---try weightlifting if yoga infringes on your sense of masculinity).

diet is no joke. if you can manage to make 51% of your daily intake raw unprocessed foods, you will feel much better. I'm a major carnivor, so I'm not about to drop meat from my diet, but I started getting quality meat and i end up eating less. my hunger is satisfied with less, it tastes better, and it's better for me. and I am not kidding when I say the unhealthy karmic guilt you ingest in factory farmed meat is not present in good meat. that has a real effect on my spiritual balance.

two last things that make a huge difference to me: dogs and sunshine.

I have found that spending time with dogs makes me happier than any drug or discipline. they are truly amazing animals.

I moved to california for legal weed and lots o sunshine, and I've never felt better! no matter how good my circumstances in life may have been, when I lived in the north east I would be severely depressed for 6 months a year thanks to sun deprivation and lack of exercise from being cooped up.

good luck OP and others with these symptoms!


When you use a drug or medication chronically, it slowly starts to make changes in your brain. Certain receptors upregulate and certain receptors downregulate. You have cannabinoid receptors in your brain called CB1 receptors and when THC binds to them you get high. If you chronically flood them with THC though the amount of receptor sites and/or their sensitivity may change leading to tolerance. If you have fewer CB1 binding sites or if they are desensitized that would be called downregulation.

Now it could be that while your CB1 receptors downregulate in response to chronic THC exposure, leaving you with a tolerance, D2 receptor sites may upregulate. D2 sites are where dopamine binds and most drugs of abuse that produce euphoria states eventually act on dopaminergic neurons in the brain. Too much dopamine though and you end up with psychotic symtoms. This is what schizophrenics and meth heads have in common. Their brains either naturally or through chemical methods have too much dopamine. And so they think people are out to get them, and behave oddly. Too many dopamine binding sites combined with THC use which causes dopamine release could be the culprit for your anxiety. Most likely taking a break from weed would solve the problem since the changes in your brain are reversible. Also a strain of cannabis with higher amounts of CBD might help since CBD is thought to be antagonistic at the CB1 receptor.

I too have taken many meds for depression and anxiety. I made a list once and I got to over twenty different meds and I probably forgot a few. So in place of weed what can you take instead.

For anxiety the most effective thing is going to be a benzodiazepine. Like Klonopin. But you don't want to take it for too long or you'll get rebound insomnia and anxiety when you stop, if you can stop taking it. It's unpleasant to get off of once you've been taking it for months.

Even though must people will wring their hands about the next thing I suggest because of it's effects on blood lipids and blood sugar, Seroquel at low doses (< 50 mg) can be very safe and effective for sleep, anxiety, and depression. The reason being that at low doses it's antipscyhotic features don't come into play. It's strongest binding affinity is for histamine receptors and 5hT2A receptors. The former involved in sedation (just like Benadryl) the latter associated with an antidepressant effect. The downside is hellish rebound insomnia if you been taking it for a while and decide to stop taking it.

A more benign approach would be an antidepressant like Doxepin. If all the Tricyclic antidepressants it's the most sedating and won't produce tachycardia. And after a few weeks you'll notice the antidepressant effect kicking in. Trazodone also would be a good choice.

The most benign medication mix I can think of is to get a scrip for hydroxyzine which is a very sedating antihistamine. Alternate taking that, benadryl, and doxylamine (Unisom) for sleep. As long as you mix and match you won't build up a tolerance to the sedating effects like you would with say benadryl. But it won't have an antidepressant effect.

If you decide you'd rather be all natural, than I'd say the number one thing is to give your brain a chance to renormalize by taking a break from weed for a month or two. Do something relaxing like Tai Chi or meditation every day and also do some vigourous exercise everyday also. Psychiatric drugs aren't a panacea. Obviously if you are desperate take them. But don't forget to have compassion for yourself and the suffering you're going through or have went through.

ut as you found out unfortunately taking them for a while produces changes in the brain and not all of them good ones.

Oh and one last thing, if your depression is moderately severe and you have thoughts "like I wish I were dead" go talk to a psychiatrist and a counselor. The right medication plus talk therapy is the quickest way out of that dark hole. Remember though psychiatric medications in my opinion are a lot easier to get on than they are to get off.


i totally agree with you , diet and sleep are very important , to me it's the basis.

Canna can help you , but to me if you still need to be high everyday , you are not in a "viable" state.

I was a heavy smoker , anxious , depressive etc.Never took any chemical meds.
I started to "work" on my sleep , idem with diet and excercise.
Today , i feel that cannabis is my last limit.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
fixing my sleeping disorders is my next challenge. i have chronic nightmares and night sweats.

i think i would be a totally different person if i could have deep sleep with nice dreams and wake up feeling calm, relaxed, and refreshed.

Oh and one last thing, if your depression is moderately severe and you have thoughts "like I wish I were dead" go talk to a psychiatrist and a counselor. The right medication plus talk therapy is the quickest way out of that dark hole. Remember though psychiatric medications in my opinion are a lot easier to get on than they are to get off.

glad you made this point, should be on here.


when i feel the negativity sneaking up on me, something that doesent happen often at all, i have two thing i do to help, first i have a place in the garden where i lay flat on my back, and close my eyes, and listen to the rusteling in the leafs, and the birds sing. then I reach out and "tuch" the negativity in my mind and feel it, but still keep the rusteling and bird song clear in my mind, for this mary jane isnt welcome it makes my mind to unfocust and my fantacy just take what ever path it want.
the second metod is to go for a walk in the forest, then far away when i am tierd, i sitt down drink a cup of tea and smoke mj, then walk home again.

this do wonders for me but maybe i am blessed to have nature so close at hand.


Sleep is definitely my trigger for my stress and anxiety level throughout the day. I've found that by using marijuana to treat my sleep disorders, that my anxiety levels drop dramatically the next day. There are days when my depression and anxiety(mostly anxiety) are too difficult to deal with without medicating, but I've never been able to regulate on pills. Marijuana has been the only thing I've ever taken that can help me sleep and squash the anxiety in one fell swoop.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor

I'd like to offer some simple advice to anyone suffering from depression, rarely is it brought on by a single problem but usually by an accumulation of issues over time.

Finally you may feel the pressure from what seems to be every aspect of your life, you've probably let all of these problems become a monster that seems unbeatable. Nobody can slay a dragon.

Pick apart those issues and try to resolve them one at a time, start w/the easiest of them first, with the resolution of each issue you'll feel a sense of relief and accomplishment allowing you to move forward in life.

Now this is what a doctor will NEVER tell you, but give you a pill instead - which will fuck you up worse than what you were when you first went in.

A most valuable video for those on medication.


ICMag Donor
I had some bouts with depression..brought on by relationship issues ,,death in the family...loss of job and financial problems,all happening at once...By far the worst 3 years of my life..

I resolved some of these issues and know what i need to do to fix some of the rest of them.But my short term solution was good drugs ...The thing i like about my choice of remedies is that ,everything that bothers me just disappears...

After putting my issues on the back burner for awhile,when high i am able to look at these things without getting upset.And now have made like changes which have ,made my depression for the most part ,all but disappear..

But of course their is a differnce between depression and clinical depression...Everybody goes through some sort of depression i believe at some point in their lives..


I do. It's more anxiety than depression, but lately it's been both. And it's been horrible.

I started having troubles in my early 20's after a prolonged period of difficulty and significant loss. I've been on pretty much every pill they make for depression and anxiety, but I haven't had much luck. They turn me into a tin man, and I still have the panic attacks. The pills take the depression away, but they take all of the joy out of life too. A few years back, I had an anxiety/panic attack that lasted for months. I thought I was going crazy. Since then, I've found that it comes and goes in cycles. A few months of utter dispair, followed by times of bearable anxiety where I can get on with my life. Drinking seems to agrivate the situation, so I gave that up a while back.

I've found a lot of relief by smoking pot, it's worked better than any of the pills that I've taken and it allows me to focus less on the negatives things in life. It lets me live in the moment, so I don't need to constantly relive the times that give me pain.

Unfortunately, with my latest attack, I've found that I've developed a sensitivity to pot that I haven't had before. Normally, I'd smoke about a gram a day, with no negative side effects. Now, I can't even take a hit without aggravating my anxiety in a horrible way. It's very frustrating!

It's like night and day. Has anyone ever experienced this sudden reversal of canna-relief? A month ago I could enjoy as much as I wanted, several times a day, and now I can't even have my night cap without pulling a whitey! WTF!!!

What ya smoking? Blueberry worked for a person I know...he was just anxious until it finally kicked in. He only did a one hitter a few times a day..most of the time one hit...but big bud caused his defib to go off and he made himself stop smoking...bummer! So, it adds up that some racey strains will promote anxiety and the lower powered laid back ones may help. A lot of those newer breeds are racey ... like Chem Dog, Colorado Kong, 60 day wonder, etc. Of course, those breeds have a nice high for those that can use them.

As far as pills, another guy I know tried a bunch in a row and almost every one had him hitting the bars and driving drunk and made him suicidal. He later tried some bi polar meds and all but lost his emotions. Finally, he grew out of most of it and has more depression that anything...he finally just made up his mind that no mother fucker had the right nor the power to make him commit suicide and he refuses to let that shit in his head. He says something like "You can't stop a bird from landing on your head but you don't have to let the fucker make a nest" or something like that..lol

The anxiety part was dealt with by Clonapin but they made him sleepy so now he does a half of an Ativan if he even suspects he is going to have trouble or is going somewhere that stresses him...and at least a half hour before he rides on some days...good luck!


Hey man the best advice i have for you is make anxiety your bitch. Severe anxiety sucks ass but as soon as you realize it's literally just adrenaline surging through your body your going to feel better.

Anxiety can't kill you, make you pass out, or go crazy. Just have fun with it when its bad, go for a bike ride or play call of duty. Dont let that shit effect your life there is nothing wrong with you.

Also, as far as strains go--avoid Haze's or haze hybrids, and smoke lots of OG and Bubba..


LSD and psychedelics won't likely help....coke/crack for a few days until it breaks off helps but is illegal and dangerous...meth and other speed stimulants makes it worse after they wear off...X is just fuckin nasty ...fuck X ...Tegretol is best for bi polar for some but makes you as flat as a pancake emotionally...world blows up.,..you're okay...