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Do you belive in love?



Love becomes suffering from misunderstanding. People lose perspective.
To sum it up from the Buddhist perspective:
People ignore the fact that neither the things they are attached to nor their attachment to them is lasting. By clinging to impermanent things as real, they create suffering by trying to hold onto something which be it's nature is impermanent and constantly changing. By understanding the nature of things we are able to happily accept the constantly changing experiences in our lives.
My approach is that by celebrating the changes and the constant potential brought on by change life becomes a fresh and wonderful experience.
So my wife and I grow and change together and let go of clinging to a concept of the way things ought to be and relish the way things are.
Every morning I wake up and think, we will never be this age again. This morning is already passing. I appreciate looking at my wife asleep and don't take it for granted that this is lasting. We will eventually die, sooner or later and I don't take any moment together for granted. It won't make love any less painful, but at least if anything happens to either of us, we will know that we made the most of our love and what we learned while sharing this wonderful path of life together.
After 5 years I still feel lucky every morning and am overwhelmed with emotion thinking about how incredible she is and how great life is with her around.


I don't believe in superstars organic food and foreign cars
I don't believe the price of gold the certainty of growing old
That right is right and left is wrong that north and south can't get along
That east is east and west is west and being first is always best
But I believe in love I believe in babies I believe in mom and dad and I believe in you

I don't believe that heaven waits for only those who congregate
I like to think of God as love he's down below he's up above
He's watchin' people everywhere he knows who does and doesn't care
And I'm an ordinary man sometimes I wonder who I am
But I believe in love I believe in music I believe in magic and I believe in you

Well I know with all my certainty what's going on with you and me is a good thing
It's true I believe in you
Well I don't believe virginity is as common as it used to be
In working days and sleeping nights that black is black and white is white
That Superman and Robin Hood are still alive in Hollywood
That gasoline's in short supply the rising cost of gettin' by
But I believe in love I believe in old folks I believe in children and I believe in you
[ guitar ]
I believe :wave:


hippies said:
Yes I belive...my darlings grow beautifully, sun shines, my guitars have a nice noise...I have a lot of friends who I love...Love is everywhere around us...You must see it:eek:)

Have a nice evening...

I can see myself in love with a girl like you..... if that answers questions.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I believe there is someone out there for everyone. Although relationships dont' mean to much these days. I think a good girl is hard to find in terms of loving and being in a relationship with. When that one comes along and it's meant to be then true love will set in. If you never find the right one then your shit out of luck. Let your instincts tell you. I would like to find a stoner chick that has alot in common with me. I only need two ladies that's mary jane and whoever my soul mate is.
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New member
i definately dont... i use to, but not anymore. and if any of you knew what i have been through over the last couple months, you may have a different opinion about love too. but dont worry just yet, i try to stay positive...think about it like this... 'love' is the only game not called on account of darkness.:chin: hey, at least that's one good thing about love!


Active member
I truly truly believe in love. Its kinda like saying "do you believe in snow" when you are standing in a three foot snowbank. Do I believe in the power of love? Yep.. I believe anything in the world can be faced if you have love in your back pocket. It gives me the strength to face what seems like oceans of absolute despair, it allows my to revel in the absolute beauty of life. It even sometimes lights volcanic fires in the pit of my stomach where I want to stomp someone..

It brings passion.... it drives me....it makes the sun brighter, the air crisper, the colours more vivid.. and life such a breathless ride...or.. that could be the sativa.. that's good too! :D


my dog ate a butterfly

at that moment it hit me, the very fact that the dog loved the beautiful butterfly so much that it wanted to consume the butterfly to unifiy itself with the insect in body and spirit, my dog wanted to intimately know the butterfly and to love it unconditionally and i feel sure that is why the butterfly was taken, not out of malice or hunger but simply because of love.

that experience is how i know for sure that love is real and love is powerful


dmcheatw said:
my dog ate a butterfly

at that moment it hit me, the very fact that the dog loved the beautiful butterfly so much that it wanted to consume the butterfly to unifiy itself with the insect in body and spirit, my dog wanted to intimately know the butterfly and to love it unconditionally and i feel sure that is why the butterfly was taken, not out of malice or hunger but simply because of love.

that experience is how i know for sure that love is real and love is powerful

That was truley heart touching dear! : (



dmcheatw said:
my dog ate a butterfly

at that moment it hit me, the very fact that the dog loved the beautiful butterfly so much that it wanted to consume the butterfly to unifiy itself with the insect in body and spirit, my dog wanted to intimately know the butterfly and to love it unconditionally and i feel sure that is why the butterfly was taken, not out of malice or hunger but simply because of love.

that experience is how i know for sure that love is real and love is powerful
Now I know why a stray dog ate my own dogs poo after he took
a dump at my local recreation park. I thought it was because it
was hungry, but now I know it was because of love... :D

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New member
dmcheatw said:
my dog ate a butterfly

at that moment it hit me, the very fact that the dog loved the beautiful butterfly so much that it wanted to consume the butterfly to unifiy itself with the insect in body and spirit, my dog wanted to intimately know the butterfly and to love it unconditionally and i feel sure that is why the butterfly was taken, not out of malice or hunger but simply because of love.

that experience is how i know for sure that love is real and love is powerful



Cannabrex Formulator
I for sure believe in love......been in love with my wife fer almost 20 years now.....

I truely think that love boils down to needing to make sure your mate dies happy....and doing whatever it takes to make it happen.

I honestly believe that the most important thing in life is to die happy and fulfilled....not doing so is the only thing I am really afraid of (that and giant centipedes).

And in my experience, love is all about needing to make sure your mate gets that......it's not about what you get from the relationship....it's about what you are driven to give.

Find someone who is as driven to give to and love you as you are to them , and you have a partnership that can last a lifetime....and end in a happy parting.


Active member
pieceofmyheart said:
no, not any more :badday:

I still do, sometimes there are storms, sometimes clouds.......
but it always shines back through,,,,,,, we clear the wreckage away, take count of what's really worthwhile, it's not money, nor comfort,
it's the love that's the real gold, it always has been and always will be.
Even when it seems lost, it's still there. It will always be so........


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Jenna said:
I truly truly believe in love. Its kinda like saying "do you believe in snow" when you are standing in a three foot snowbank. Do I believe in the power of love? Yep.. I believe anything in the world can be faced if you have love in your back pocket. It gives me the strength to face what seems like oceans of absolute despair, it allows my to revel in the absolute beauty of life. It even sometimes lights volcanic fires in the pit of my stomach where I want to stomp someone..

It brings passion.... it drives me....it makes the sun brighter, the air crisper, the colours more vivid.. and life such a breathless ride...or.. that could be the sativa.. that's good too! :D

So nicely said Jenna thanks


Active member
i surely am in love and it seems to be growing by the day as is our family or soon to be new family member... without her i wouldnt have what i do today and i doubt i could find anyone like her. Been with her since i was in school before i ever grew a mj plant and dealt with long distance relationship but so much has changed over the yrs and i surely am in love now more than ever... PeAcE


Genkisan, that was beautiful.
Too bad most don't share the same views, or are unwilling to act, or should I say just be, on these.
I have been in love... and in my heart, My lady and soulmate will be there. Everynight, I think of what went wrong and how I could of made it better? You think at that time, "the past," you THINK you know everything....but in fact you know little. I can say I truely miss my ex. and I wish I can be with her..'"just to talk about how her day went..."

Love is blind, then out of no-where, it throws you head of heels...
I am glad that I have loved and lost.

Try it....its not for the fainted hearts....

hope everythings works out....with everyone and myself.....


Active member
I stopped believing in love, as well. It was a long time coming, but I took a look at myself and found that I had too many scars from so-called "love". Its lost its luster, its shine. If a girl could bring that back in me, Id be amazed.