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Do you Believe in Ghosts or Afterlife?


Active member
I didn't until.........now!

2 years ago I severed my relationship with my brother, as a result of our sister and I just didn't want all the drama in my life. He tended to meddle and I knew he would. He told me if he had to choose sisters, he'd choose me. I couldn't ask that of him because, I have disease and figure any sibling will outlive me. We talked in that last conversation and he said he'd contact me from the other side, if there is one. He is Buddhist.

One morning I awoke and just sitting up in bed. My large wall unit headboard and pier cabinets shook like a strange Earthquake...shaking and not the general type. Nothing else shaking. My little dog didn't even bark. I checked the internet--no earthquakes. Just seemed strange.

Later I was sitting in my living room about 8 feet from my china hutch and then it shook like heck and the doors rattling. Nothing else and no earthquakes. I texted an ex-sister-in-law: "I think I have a ghost in my house. IDK if it is friend or foe? I think it is friendly though."

Last week-end she called me and in conversation mentioned, "Did Van Die?" I answered, "maybe, IDK." My brother Van was 60 and not a grey hair in his head or wrinkle on his face and a full head of thick hair. Figured he would outlive everyone. She said her daughter saw it on social media. She thought I knew, because I've been so very close to all 4 of my brothers.

The next day I texted his best friend, Van gave me that phone #, in the event this happened. He surely passed away of lung cancer and very fast and suddenly.
We promised each other if we died, we'd find a way to contact the other if, in fact..THERE IS AN AFTERLIFE. I know my little brother is near me now and flying in the sky. He had endless dreams of flying, above the world.
I am sure he is! I know he knows how I feel but, I've never felt so alone and sad.
I've lost 2 other brothers--under similar circumstances...this one is the most difficult.

because I texted my ex-sister-in-law in Arkansas...I now know it was my brother shaking things to get my attention and it did. The hair stands up on the back of my neck, just thinking about it.

Never before in my life have a felt a presence of anyone, at all and definitely not like this.

If you knew me, you'd know I believe you die and that's it! This was the first time in my life I am open to "Friendly Ghosts."



Andinismo Hierbatero
hello just :)

that's a very interesting experience what you describe. Recently, at work we were bullshitting, and someone asked if we believed in ghosts, I learned to keep quite about my views on the subject, but a co-worker that answered was like:

"asking if we believe in ghosts is like asking if we believe in this table right here, believing in it or not makes no difference, the table is here".

I have seen ghosts with my own very eyes, without looking for them and in situations where the last thing on your mind are ghosts or death or anything of the sort... I wrote up one of my experiences in a long thread about ghosts in the tokers den a few years ago...

Also, a very good friend from Bolivia, had a very vivid dream one night, it was a famous author knocking on his door, when he opened, the famous author was there with my friend's father, he had come to say 'see you later'... when my friend woke up, he got a phone call and was informed his dad had died in a car accident.

to me it is obvious, or self-evident that there's life after our bodies cease to function; you can even tell your soul from your body apart while still alive.

much peace and good health to you and yours!

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I have had a number of people tell me of experiencing the visitation of a near friend or relative in the immediate aftermath of that individual's death... Interesting near death experiences too. There is a consistency to these stories. Don't claim to understand it. It's all much much bigger than me. I want to live a full life, desperately actually because it may be the only one I have. But honestly, I now actually look forward to release when my time is up.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I believe in the energy of life and all living things...(livity).. and that it does not disappear when a living thing dies, thats not how energy works in science and nature... you can either view this as a spiritual thing or simply the composting of old bodies which in turn creates new life..

so, does this lend itself to potential for "apparitions" yes, I guess it does...have I seen one? nah man, I've seen echoes of past times on mushrooms though.... I used to live on an old roman fort and I've seen legions marching through the nights rain up there... but of course, I was completely off my face... :D


Active member
I think there is is a thin veil between us and another dimension that is crossed , and can be seen at certain times . I have had very close friends who died and on the same day have had visitations of some sort .


Well-known member
Live in an area where Day of the Dead is recognized. A new concept to me, but after reading about it ,I have a small area with gifts, candles, pictures and plants.
Feel better about it than I do the bowl full of candy for the kids made with high fructose corn syrup.

St. Phatty

Active member
When I meet someone who has their "feet on the ground" AND believes in something outside of the reality of Western "Culture" - then I start to believe too.

Once I was in a history book-reading group. One of the guys was a friend I liked to smoke pot with. He talked about UFO's, for example, but I didn't take him seriously. Partially because I mostly saw him at the reading group, and he tended to be a little intoxicated and say crazy things.

Then I had a job interview with a network guy at a large telecom corporation - and he told me that he very much believed in UFO's (he had had a contact experience). He also showed me some very impressive network tech (like Skype - in 1998). That's sort of what I mean by "Feet on the ground" - he's connected enough to the real world to work with fiber optics, and coax, and radio dishes - etc.

After meeting him, I had to grant that there was Something There, There.

Same here - I believe your guys' stories.

I think Tip hat, Peacock and Dance emoticons are as close as I can come to finding a Ghost Emoticon here
:tiphat: :peacock: :dance013:


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ICMag Donor
The supernatural is very real.....Along with alot of other unusual phenomena..I've never seen an apparition. But have encountered a
few spooky things..

I lived in one house, where I know there had been no deaths, but something strange was going on there. There seemed to be a presence
within the house.. It was nothing over the top, but was enough to make me weary...

The house had sliding doors to the bedrooms....The doors were made of timber. There was no frame beneath the doors, They slid on a rail above the doorway. So the bottom of the door would slide across the carpet. One afternoon while laying on my bed reading a book, I heard this sound, which was the door slowly opening on it's own accord. At first I thought the door may have been hung a tad crooked, But there was no way it could open without some kind of aid, or force.... The carpet the door slid across produced a little bit of resistance.

After this happened again.....I was a little spooked. So I put a hard wood wedge behind the door to stop this from occurring.
Late one night, I woke up and suddenly heard someone or something at the door. They were trying to slide the door open but I
had it wedged shut. It seemed as though they put some force on the door, I could see it trying to open. Then no sooner had this happened, it just stopped. That freaked me out. I dont think anyone was physically in the house. I thought it was this same phenomena.

I will make another post about some more unusual phenomena,
Need to keep this reasonably short, otherwise I get logged out and have to start my post again. Nunoo Nunoo.
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Active member
i believe a lot of the advocates for "strict materialism" are douchebags lying through their easily removed teeth, and that's what i believe.


Active member
I work in a very old hotel and there have been multiple deaths there. I feel like as a direct result something was possibly embedded in certain rooms . There are some rooms here that i cannot stay in by myself because they give me the heebie jeebies. As for life after death, idk. I just know ive had and seen some stuff happen that definately makes me question it.


Active member
ICMag Donor
i believe a lot of the advocates for "strict materialism" are douchebags lying through their easily removed teeth, and that's what i believe.

There seems to be alot of Fakes and frauds in regard to the unknown,
which makes credible evidence hard to believe. Whether it's a witness account or a video image.

Where there is certainty consideration is absent.


Active member
Our bodies run on electricity, if electricity is energy and energy can neither be created nor destroyed only transformed, our spark has to go somewhere when we die.

I do believe in reincarnation and past lives, for all I know when we die our spark or soul leaves our body and jumps into the body of someone being born or a new life being created.

I think we live forever through our future ancestors, our eyes for example might resurface again 3 generations away from ourselves in the form of a recessive trait, our hair color, our facial structure etc, will all resurface again so long as our family line keeps going.

Or in another way of thinking we die, we get buried, worms eat us, worms shit us out, the grass eats the worm poop fertilizer, the cow eats the grass, the man eats the cow, the man dies, the man gets buried the cycle of life continues endlessly. We live forever through our molecules.


Well-known member
When I was younger, me and my friends would drive out to a place known as the New forest a few miles from where we lived and get stoned to the bone, driving around the narrow lanes till late at night.
One perticular night was real misty and with the trees overhanging above it looked quite spooky, as I sped down one lane I could make out something ahead so slowed down, as we got nearer my pal in the passenger seat yelled at me, brake man, stop!...what I saw then I can only describe as a Victorian woman pushing a pram but like made out of mist, we both looked at each other in disbelief, not understanding what we saw then got the fuck out of there!
I pulled into the first garage we came across on the way home and got my mate to drive the rest of the way as I was physically shaking and too freaked out.

I sometimes think, was it a stoned hallucination? But we both saw it and there was so much detail in what we saw, I just don't know? Scared the shit out ta me whatever it was.


Nope and nope. There's nothing,it's the end of us. Well that's what I believe anyway. Religion and the whole afterlife thing was made up for 2 reasons IMO. 1 to comfort people and 2 to control people. When we believe there's nothing after you die we tend to live different,we live without consequences. We enjoy life. Somebody created the concept of religion to tell people that there was life after death,you would rejoin loved ones for eternity with no worrys,danger or Ill health forevermore. Of course to be allowed this afterlife you had to follow rules here on earth. Control. Of course this is just my opinion, everyone's entitled to one and I could be wrong. Who knows?, I could die and find myself at pearly gates. I doubt it is all I'm saying.