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Do u like football/soccer?


Mr. Nevermind

I never called anyone " out of shape pussies" I did however make an observation of a play when a linemen couldnt run 40 yards and is a pro athlete. that is out of shape. I didnt make abusive comments. I made observations based off fo the time of play compared to commercials between the 2 sports as well as the style of play.

Look, you dont like football. Cool. No reason to close the thread. It was going just fine until you came along and put peopel on your " Shit list" :pointlaug . So please, take your negativity out of this thread and let those who enjoy the game have a peacful conversation. We can agree to disagree on this one, but its not a debate. its a thread for fans of football to discuss the game. So kindly, leave if you dont like it. and take your " shit list" with you



Mourning the loss of my dog......
Babbabud said:
I see this thread has become a bit personal. If this thread continues its downhill spiral it will be closed.

I'm done posting here, I've said my (very un-negetive) piece.

By the way, these are the comments that upset me:

PazVerdeRadical said:
..... but americans have this closed culture where they only see what is within their boarders.
....just because you guys are kept in the dark about what is going on the rest of the globe it does not mean it did not exist or was not popular....
PazVerdeRadical said:
..... but lets face it man, because of this very independence, they have became blind to how the world outside its boarders thinks and moves...... except for the late bloomer u.s, again, why is that? too independent or too self-absorbed?

These quotes are examples of stereotyping, they are baseless prejudice comments obviously made by a person with hatred for the USA(that seems to go beyond soccer).

The truth is that the USA is the true melting pot of the world, you will not see such a combonation of cultures anywhere else in the world(save Brazil maybe). Nearly every social and racial group on the plantet is represented here, and believe it or not we get along quite well, insted of making war on each other like I see in other such situations.

Perhaps the USA haters around the world should consider that they are guilty of what they blaim us for, that being close mindedness and predudice.
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all praises are due to the Most High
Yes I know you think Soccer is so great that everyone in the world should love it, and you think there must be something wrong with Americans because we are not equally obcessed, but its not true. Soccer has had to compete with 3 majorly popular sports here, and there is not enough room for a 4th(well mabey Hockey in some places).

Anyways, I've made my point here, and I did my research, and it proves my point, and thats what matters. The facts are the facts!

backcountry, hello. i never said there must be something wrong with americans becuase they don't like football, i said they were late bloomers. and i said they were late bloomers because america has a tradition of having a closed culture, having a hard time assimilating things not made in the u.s, an example of this is football/soccer. it is a valid observation, not a personal attack on anyone, nor a diminishing one. in fact, the u.s national soccer team has done a good job at the last world cups, perhaps the last one is not the best example, but nowdays they are not the easy team everyone could easily beat.
i also think football is the only true democratic sport, where height or any other physical attribute does not matter much when it comes down to playing it. think about it, look at maradona, or zidane, or how physically different are all these great well rounded players. it doesn't matter if you are white, asian, black, brown, whatever.
but i guess the whole world who sees this is wrong and we must all be biggots because we are not turned on by nfl... :yoinks:

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Mr. Nevermind

Did anyone check out the Arsenal vs Chelsea game on sunday? that was a good one. Though i think Man U has the EPL pretty much locked up. They should do well in champions league as well. They are playing much better this year, Saha is in great from this year. C. Ronaldo is not diving as much as last year thank goodness.

Also, my 2 favorite samba boys Ronaldo and Ronaldinho are getting their form back. Ronaldo scored liek 3 goals in 2 game and Ronaldinho is doing almost all the scoring for Barca with Etoo and messi out. Giovanni dos santos is moving up form Barca b squad to the starting line up n januaruy so that should be interesting. little mexican superstar


Mr. Nevermind

i also think football is the only true democratic sport, where height or any other physical attribute does not matter much when it comes down to playing it. think about it, look at maradona, or zidane, or how physically different are all these great well rounded players. it doesn't matter if you are white, asian, black, brown, whatever

That is one thing i love abut the game. Size dont matter , in fact to much size can hurt you on the pitch. Look at Robinho. he is liek 5'5 maybe 140 and plays againnt men much bigger than him. he said it himself " footballers are bigger today but as long as you have intelligence, brains will always beat muscle on the pitch"

Roids and performance enhancing drugs dont help much on the pitch which is why i like it. You cant cheat skills. Robinho is tiny but his skill is huge and thats what makes him so good. That and he is brazilian, they have a natural advantage in football if you ask me. Their hips and feet move in ways we can only dream of



Active member
This is why I love football- The raw emotion it can bring to full grown men.
Im NOT ashamed to say I've cried over my team, they bring me nothing but pain and heartache, each and every weekend. But I wouldn't change it for the world.

I was brought up being a mad footie supporter and always will be- England is a very footballing country with all dad's wishing their lil Jamie to be the next Wayne Rooney or Georgy Georgy Best(legend). I know people who lives revolve around the game-they dont work to pay the bills or buy food, they work so they can pay to watch their beloved team. They travel hundreds of miles in shit,awful weather just to watch 90minutes- But to them its heaven! Its a way of life for them.
You think we're not a big country yet, week in week out there are close to 2 million people on the terraces chanting their teams anthems or having a row!

I think the Yanks dont really get along with the game because they're fucking useless at it- couldnt hit a barn door from 5 yards! But this isn't a negative thing, Different countries have different cultures, and just like the way my old man wanted me to be a pro footballer im sure alot of the american fathers would love their sons to be pro footballers or basketball player.

Greatest sport in the world- Thats not only opinion-its fact!

All The Best
Guv'nor :wave:

Mr. Nevermind

Guvnor said:
This is why I love football- The raw emotion it can bring to full grown men.
Im NOT ashamed to say I've cried over my team, they bring me nothing but pain and heartache, each and every weekend. But I wouldn't change it for the world.

I was brought up being a mad footie supporter and always will be- England is a very footballing country with all dad's wishing their lil Jamie to be the next Wayne Rooney or Georgy Georgy Best(legend). I know people who lives revolve around the game-they dont work to pay the bills or buy food, they work so they can pay to watch their beloved team. They travel hundreds of miles in shit,awful weather just to watch 90minutes- But to them its heaven! Its a way of life for them.
You think we're not a big country yet, week in week out there are close to 2 million people on the terraces chanting their teams anthems or having a row!

I think the Yanks dont really get along with the game because they're fucking useless at it- couldnt hit a barn door from 5 yards! But this isn't a negative thing, Different countries have different cultures, and just like the way my old man wanted me to be a pro footballer im sure alot of the american fathers would love their sons to be pro footballers or basketball player.

Greatest sport in the world- Thats not only opinion-its fact!

All The Best
Guv'nor :wave:

Exactly! I had a friend come over the other week and watched a Man u game for the 1st time. he never watched football before. He was amazed at the fans how they chanted and sang and were all acting as one to support their teams. He lives over an hour away and drove up yesterday morning to watch Chelsea vs Arsenal and loves the game now. He is going to come up now for champions league games as well. He is starting to understand the game ( he still dont understand offsides and offside traps) and enlys watching them now. I think that if any american sits down and watches a game for the enitre length they will be a fan. Luckily my friend got to see games where the teams were scoring so he didnt sit thru a 0-0 tie. I like tie games howeveer sometimes, just means both teams are at top form and havent made many mistakes.

And Guvner, my friend, though i understand your comment. This yank could hit more than a barn door from alot further than 5 yards!! Just winding you up mate.



Guvnor said:
I think the Yanks dont really get along with the game because they're fucking useless at it- couldnt hit a barn door from 5 yards!

You honestly think that??? Im from the US and Ive played soccer for most of my life. Throughout all of my school years I played soccer and basketball and loved both equally. Met some incredible players from the different competitions as well as from MLS. So I know first-hand that this is a ridiculous statement.

But you are right.... soccer is not an Americanized sport like many others. And even though there are incredible athletes that could play soccer, they often dont because basketball and football are bigger sports here in the US. Basketball and football are looked at like elite sports in the US and its often a way for underprivlidged students to get a scholarship and go to college for free. Soccer hasnt reached that pentacle yet; hopefully one day though.

I do think its amazing how loyal your fanbases are in Europe especially. You guys do travel far to watch your teams. So do Americans though. There are some equally loyal fanbases for college football/basketball, NFL, and the NBA. We just have different interests, and thats ok. :D

Mr. Nevermind


Guvner is joking. He is a good dude, dont take offense. He knows im a yank and we talk football together. So he knows there are some that love the game and can play. He is speaking in generalizations, i think he knows i could crack him in the face from distance with the ball. Guvnors a good dude



Active member
Guvnor said:
I think the Yanks dont really get along with the game because they're fucking useless at it- couldnt hit a barn door from 5 yards!

Indophiliac said:
You honestly think that???

Nah, only having a giggle mate :D While I was never good enough to ever go pro or anything near, I was fortunate enough to be scouted at 9 and was sent to America, along with the rest of the lil U.k team :D

We played a load of your lot, they were a little older- 12-15, and our lot didnt win a simgle game at all- we even got done by a girls team :pointlaug
Great experience for me and gutted I was never good enough to go further.

But that little trip taught me one thing, that still lives on to this day
You boy's can certainly kick a ball

All The Best
Guv'nor :wave:


Guvnor said:
This is why I love football- The raw emotion it can bring to full grown men.
Im NOT ashamed to say I've cried over my team, they bring me nothing but pain and heartache, each and every weekend. But I wouldn't change it for the world.

I was brought up being a mad footie supporter and always will be- England is a very footballing country with all dad's wishing their lil Jamie to be the next Wayne Rooney or Georgy Georgy Best(legend). I know people who lives revolve around the game-they dont work to pay the bills or buy food, they work so they can pay to watch their beloved team. They travel hundreds of miles in shit,awful weather just to watch 90minutes- But to them its heaven! Its a way of life for them.
You think we're not a big country yet, week in week out there are close to 2 million people on the terraces chanting their teams anthems or having a row!

Greatest sport in the world- Thats not only opinion-its fact!

Are you a hammer? Or a Charlton supporter? Either way ...sorry

After reading this.....I can most definately say that this is the most truthful statement I've ever heard about futebol. And I cannot be any more empathetic to it. I've cried more than once over my teams(club and country.....viva portugal).

Without futebol......happiness is not possible


I didnt take any offense to the post bro. Im an avid soccer fan in fact and wish that the US would embrace and encourage it like other countries do.


To this day......absolutely nothing....and I mean NOTHING(not even a super hot women) gives me goosebumps on my arms like the sight and sensation of being in a crowd of 60, 000 plus who have just exploded, yelling "yeaaaaaaa" right after your team scores at home.....If only sex could feel that good.......
Is the champions leauge draw this week i reckon the team everyone wants to avoid is Lyon there playing real well in Europe this year.

Mr Nevermind i dont think Man u have the leauge won just yet there's a long way to go if Chelsea beat Newcastle on wed night then gap is 2 points and with the busy christmas peroid coming up Utd could well drop points that and if one of there key players gets injured or a ban they dont have as much cover in there squad as Chelsea.

Theres a long way to go yet and i just love it.


if chelsea beat newcastle theres a 5 point gap between them and united.


Finally more people here are into football. We have a "Real Football" thread here somewhere, but the title itself causes arguments with American Football fans almost automatically. Why do they come and try to flame the sport right away? Must be jealous... There seem to be more football (soccer) haters in the U.S. than Christian haters LOL.
Anyone seen Ronaldinho's bycicle kick goal in the Spanish league Lately?
What about the World Championship of clubs? Inter VS Barcelona, now that will be a game. The best of the West VS The best of the East should be Amazing. Inter obviously the underdog.
The truth is American Football and Football have nothing in common and arguing about which is "best" is dumb.
IS anyone here retarded to the point where they can't leave a conversation they know jack-shit about alone, and just babble and argue why soccer sucks?

Why the fuck aren't they discussing the Chargers and Lidanian?

Anyway I agree with alot of what Paz and Mr NVMD said about soccer, but that Maradona thing LOL no way...maybe I just lost alot of points in your book hehehe...naw

Paz - For you to say most Brazilians (Or any at all) think Maradona is better, is a very tremendous equivocation on your part my friend. Maybe in Ecuador, mais nunca no Brasil voce vai ver alguem dizer que Maradona eh melhor do que o Rei Pele , isso vira briga hahaha.

It's like saying Americans think that some French dude was best at something LOL - Even if he was noamsayin'?
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all praises are due to the Most High
flamengo, i am not in ecuador. and many brasilians hold maradona in higher regard than pele, it is just fact. ronaldhino himself has maradona as favorite player over pele, enough said :D
although i agree that there are a lot of tensions between argentinians and brasilians, specially when it comes to futbol. but brasilians and argentinians alike leave aside all petty differences when respect is due to great players. just last year carlos tevez won best player in brasil and he's a controversial argentinian player.
another lovely thing about football.

lyon has been playing crazy good for sure! and inter is no underdog this year, they're number 1 in italian a series last time i checked.


Mr. Nevermind

Anyone seen Ronaldinho's bycicle kick goal in the Spanish league Lately?

Indeed, nice goal. The cocky SOB tried it again though against Real sociadad but couldnt quite get it. but he had fun trying and still ending up scoring anyway. i think he has 11 in la liga now. Not to shabby

The world club championships are gonna kill me. The time difference sucks, one game was on at liek 5am this morning i missed it obviously. But if the Barca internacional game is on at 5am you bet your ass i'll wake up for that battle.

See I said Diego is better and here we go. Brazilians love maradona as well as Pele, though the brazilians blew a blood vessel when the fifa player of the century award almost went to maradona with online voting and they had to split the award. But truly to compare the two equally is impossable since they played different positions in different eras. Its pretty much a matter of taste and i prefer Maradona though he is no spokesperson for the sport like Pele.

As far as EPL? Yeah chlesea can still pull it out but Man U is in good form ( Except for that loss to celtic in CL) and should be able to hold on as long as noone is injured and Rooney can keep from being red carded. Arsenal are almost done since henry is still out. I beleive he is talking of trade anyway. Tired of being a lone stiker, he is used to having another striker to join him.

So many countries, so many tournaments. Gets hard to keep up at times but when you love it you do!


PS: Glad to see my mate Flamengo show up, the real football thread has basically been a conversation betweeen him and i.


PazVerdeRadical said:
flamengo, i am not in ecuador. and many brasilians hold maradona in higher regard than pele, it is just fact.

ya ok buddy.....brazilians saying that maradona is better than Pele even though both countries are the biggest of rivals and they dont even like players from the other country in their own leagues. Does anybody remember the controversy in Brasil when Mascherano and Tevez went to Corintians???

Pull your head out of your ass....because it's high up there....now that's a fact. Just because you think maradona is the best....dont go making things up that you can't prove just to make yourself feel right and important.
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Virtuoso said:
Pull your head out of your ass....because it's high up there....now that's a fact.

I'm sorry about that.....but a REAL futebol supporter appreciates all of the great players.....and isn't simply talking shite because he's on a band wagon.

I'm not insulting your intelligence because I don't know you.....but if you know what a "band wagon" is.....you'll realise what I'm tryin' to tell ya.
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