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Do people REALLY think growing marijuana is easy?


Active member
It can be eazy to some and hard to others. Depend on so many factors.
Have u grow befor?
Do u rent?
Do u have easy access to equipement?
Do u have easy access to strains or clones?
Do u have time?
Do u have friends?
Do u have enemies?
Do ur gril or wife tolerate u to grow?

Some ppl have easy access to good marijuana, they have money they don't care to grow...




TCF = total crop failure
example ,"I need the money man ,I gonna grow"

just saw a rookie kill 30ish nice plants ,IN SOIL, with EARTH JUICE

The dumbass hit them with heavy nutes every time he watered ,he never would listen to any advice, nor did he bother to do any research ,I looked in on it half way through and asked him "do you think you have any bugs?" as Im looking at one of the worst mite infestations ive ever seen(in 15years) he says " no, no bugs and I been checking " as he holds up a 4" magnifier lens, I gave him some azitrol and instructions, but he thought sucking the mites off with a shopvac was better....lol
so i just checked in on him the other day and TCF
the dipshit had turned what should have been 3lbs of kindbud into 1/4lb of bullshit
this is how it looked before he totally fucked it up



Driving 100,000 lb trucks on small construction sites is easy... driving a 75 ft. truck and trailer on congested surface streets is easy... if you don't mind running over hoods of cars, fire hydrants, or knocking over power poles.

quite hard to do well even if it looks easy.

when someone is really good at something they make it look like they are doing nothing...

we're quibbling over definitions. and remember some here are talking out their ass and may have never grown weed

if you are good at something never do it for free- Joker the dark knight


Active member
This hobby can be difficult depending on your location and finances amigo.
Of course growing MJ isn t that hard but once again if you grow super skunk varieties or hazes it can be a little different.
Finally the end result can suit you and it might not suit me and it cannot be that easy otherwise no one would try to make new varieties wich are actually growing better indoor or best at avoiding mold issues on the outdoor etc etc ..

The way you say that it s like you al ready know everything about growing and you aren t surprised anymore. too bad for you amigo

far from it bro. i am constantly learning and adapting. even 'easy' activities can be mastered. i appoligize if you detected a bit of hubris in my earlier post.

riding a bike is easy. winning the tour de france not so much. :huggg:


New member
sorry if someones said the same here but, i dont think it's nessasarlily that people think its easy, it's as easy as you make it but, it's that they dont put the time in EVERY day to make sure there lil darlins are getting the best of everything you give them, including there love :)

one Q

man, if you read for 2 months before you build your set up, you're good. With Pontiac's DIY and all the good ppl on here... The only danger is DIY electricity, if you buy all youre shit out of the box you should be safer than the guy who wires his own.
There are exceptions though.


Growing Easy

Growing Easy

Growing easy,

and it gets easier everyday

even after 2 years.

I'm just saying . . .

learning curve:whistling:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah but danimal how many even so-called good growers fuck up a perfectly good grow one way or the other by either getting the wrong bud or fucking up the nutes or if they are giving the crop away they just don't give a shit what happens to it. A fool that can't see a bug infestation he is just that, a fool lol lol.. We all live and learn. You have to really love this plant to do right by it ,or forget it.You must hate losing money and love to see the plant do the best it can do and know this is the best and do a lot of reading lol Growing is easy growing really great bud over and over again is hard. peace out Headband707


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
It's EASY to produce something, anything (but even that requires some work)....but producing GRADE A? Not so easy. But no matter how you slice it, if you spend as much time building, prepping and maintaining your grow as I do, then it amounts to some REAL work (and that's just for 6 plants). The larger you go, the more complicated and not-easy it becomes.


ICMag Donor
alright i'd like to retract my earlier statement in this thread...i just got off work from an 8 hr shift standing and using hand tools all day...my back is really tired...i know the soil is dry ,some might need repotting ....hand watering 100 plants ....i don't even feel like going in their ...maby ill post an ad in the employment section for a gardener who works for smoke....i guess its really not that easy ...sigh
It's easy as shit until everything goes tits up which it seems to do just as you're getting smug about how easy it is lol If it's easy for you right now then enjoy it while it lasts ;)


If you do your homework. If you invest in the right tools. If you are willing to make the effort and take the time, growing isn't difficult. I think that too many people decide they want to grow, and throw some $$$ at it without doing the prep work required.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
There are several levels of blah blah blah. live and learn.
There are several levels of quality too. Look at the posts in this thread.
I leave it to you to categorize the levels of commitment in here. If your wise, and run heavy on Logic, you will look at results from those who council you, before accepting their council. Im available to those who need any further assistance. DP


Easy. My first time came out better than my second cause my second grow I tried to do too much shit. The first I just stood back and let em go and I had top notch smoke. I've only had two grows go wrong and both of them were because I tried a whole bunch of new shit somebody was telling me. I don't get this whole idea of growing dank is hard either. All of my smoke is top-notch and I don't even look at my room for days sometimes. Just have the right equipment and a little intelligence and you're good to go.


far from it bro. i am constantly learning and adapting. even 'easy' activities can be mastered. i appoligize if you detected a bit of hubris in my earlier post.

riding a bike is easy. winning the tour de france not so much. :huggg:

We probably think same ways amigo.
I checked a little on your precedent grows and it s a shame we could not talk about it with one of yours beautiful nugs on the table.

And you ll as i would need something stonger than MJ to win the tour de france. lol

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