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Do people REALLY think growing marijuana is easy?


To us, growing weed is easy, but chemistry is easy for a chemist, and programming is easy for a programmer.
No comparison there. I could tell a grower how to get up near a g/w with a couple of pages of text. People go to school to be chemists and programmers. I wouldn't feel safe trusting a chemist or programmer's work if he hadn't at least spent a year of intense training. Growers can learn by farting around. Want to give a lab over to some Joe off the street so he can learn by doing? Sure, horticulturalists go to school too, but for growing that's overtraining.


Shitty herb is as shitty as you grow it too..what you said makes no sense, growing quality medicinal grade herb is an art. Just the drying and curing aspect can take many tries to get right, let alone many many other aspects depending on how and where you grow. Please don't generalize mediocre weed, consistently producing top-quality medicinal-grade Cannabis takes alot more than just throwing a seed in the soil outdoors in someone's yard.

Yeah but that's getting into opinion. What's "quality medicinal herb"? It's always hard to be in the top 10% or whatever of anything enough people are doing, but that's like saying tying your shoelaces is hard because some people are soooo good at it and man their knots are just the best ever. LOL.

Growing good product is easy. Growing "top grade medicinal blow your socks off product" is just a way for people who want to make growing sound elite to get their wish.


Overkill is under-rated.
that makes me laugh..commercial growers devote their lives to the cause of spreading the herb and go through great lengths to do so..it's about MONEY!! to the tune of 350-400 an oz..
you mkae it sound they are runnig around giving everyone deals from the goodness of their hearts..ROFLMAO...

Not in California they're not, go ahead and ask me how I know. Lately I'm lucky to get $175 an ounce for quality indoors, but I don't sell ounces.

The days of getting rich growing weed in California are over.


Yeah its funny to me too. I see people spending 20-30k on 10's of thousands of watt setups, I ask them if they have ever run a hydro setup before and I usually get, "Man its not like its that hard." That usually last about a month and then they are back in asking whats wrong with this and whats wrong with that. I try to explain that takes work, timing and dedication to get the first rate shit. I think that the other mistake that people make is bringing in too many people. Often those guys spend all that cash on the big bad ass setups have someone that "is totally going to run it all for me." From my experience that goes bad and quickly. Someone ends up getting burned or pissed off and the partnership fails!
I don't think that its over with for California at all. The flow of this last years outside is finally faded. Yes there was more than ever from outside. Just means you have to plan for it next year. Think about making some friends out of state. I know that its more work but trust me that there are states out there, that are still happy as hell to see that primo outside Cali come Oct. Plus if you have that first rate stuff save it and let it get a really nice cure. Then when the flood is over, reap the benefits.
Plus we just got beat up with the outdoor crop and all the other idiots who became Prop 215 friendly and tried to grow for their first time or first few times so they can try to get a piece of the pie. There was a flood of all kinds of products in Cali and really tied down the market.

Now that the outdoor is slowly moving out and people are trying to re-plant for next years crop, we can gear for the drama that lays ahead. Probably bet that AT LEAST double the garbage that came through this year will be ready for next year.

And don't get me wrong, the guys who grow the BOMB will always be growing the BOMB. They are not included in my discussion because you KNOW FIRE WEED when you have it. The best bet for now is to get your indoor skills ready because the drought is coming again my friends. We see this every year.

Indoor prices will skyrocket because outdoor crops are 6-7 months away. Plus with all the people that DON'T KNOW what their doing will quickly realize that "God, this business sounded glamorous but really isn't for me" because of the failed crops and lack of capital. The game will always find ways to weed the rookies out unless your persistent or have a large amount of funding.

I say in 2 months everything goes back to normal. Don't give up on the indoor because the drought is on its way. Happens everytime guys!!


Well-known member
Sounds like another rant from a commercial grower that is being undercut in prices.
Fact is growing cannabis is so easy a president did it. I wish every household in the country grew there own pot. Then we would not have people that invest thousands of dollars in there operation. Pot would be given away to those unable to grow. We would not have the police state and crime as we do now. 90% of those growing are doing so for there own consumption. Sorry if he turns his friends on or sells a couple of bags and a dealer loses a sale. Most pot grown and sold in most of the country goes to paying rent or food and clothes for the kids. Most growers have jobs and grow to save money not make a killing. Cannabis is as hard or easy to grow as you make it. It will grow on its own and flourish outdoors. A small closet some cheap CFLs and a fan and you are a proud farmer. It might not be the biggest and best but it gets you stoned or helps heal your wounds. What else matters. Commercial growers want to belittle people for exorcising there rights and freedom to grow and consume cannabis. I hope you all are gone in ten years.

I couldn't agree with you more.

Growing pot is easy.
Growing good pot is easy.
Dirt in - seeds in - little bit of ferts and water - that's pretty much it.

It really is that easy - íf it were totally legal and untaxed the price would be much much lower - I can't believe anyone is even trying to argue differently, rofl. Not as cheap as tobacco probably if hand-trimmed but damn close...

As for drying an curing right - any large corporation could get that part dialed in pretty damn well and do it perfect every time - if people would be willing to pay $10/oz instead of $5 or something like that, hehe.
hell yah.

wow, never realized you were so douchy:pointlaug. The question posed is do people think that marijuana is easy to grow? The obvious answer is yes. Because it is. No where did I see anything about quality or yeild or curing in the question. If the OP's question was, "Do people think cultivating large yielding high quality medical marijuana was easy?" I probly would have answered differently.

me to.

Growing Marijuana is easy, is just plant isn´t it!? We´ve been doing it for ages...;)
It´s even easier to make money out of growing marijuana business.
All this nonsense of medical marijuana gives me the creeps. I´ve been smoking for more than 20years now and allways, i mean allways, found a medicinal value in all my herbs.
In other hand you can turn the growing experience into a art and try to find the golden pot in the end of the weed rainbow:) But in my opinion that´s Trophy Hunter mentality or even worst evil marketing.
Just my humble opinion
Right on.

Another thing that puzzles me...Who the hell says that the quality of the weed has increased on the last decades?! Bollocks
That´s just nonsense of light smokers that never tried some good old weed.
And dont you come after me with the latest SuperSilverHazeTurboTwinChargerPinneapleMango thingy...
Keep it simple!
yah totaly. I have smoked really old weed bafor and it was the bomb.

that makes me laugh..commercial growers devote their lives to the cause of spreading the herb and go through great lengths to do so..it's about MONEY!! to the tune of 350-400 an oz..
you mkae it sound they are runnig around giving everyone deals from the goodness of their hearts..ROFLMAO...
ROFLMAO. I hear yah.

Me too!
When i do something because i love it i shouldn´t be expecting money and glory out of it. That´s being greedy:biggrin:

I respect allmost all jobs but please don´t expect a damn Nobel Prize for putting us High as a Kite:dance013:

I have been growing outdoors and micro closet growing for 12+ years now and have alwase gotten really really dank ass weed.
ok so what if I don't yield lbs of dank weed. I only grow for me and my family anyways. NOT for money and glory out of it.

and I really do just throw my seeds on the ground water them and watch them turn into bushy plants.

so yah growing weed is easy damit.

over and out. don't hate but instead appreciate.


my personal opinion is that if you are reasonably intelligent and have a love and passion/borderline obsession like me then eventually you will succeed at growing. you may have to deal with multiple failures before you get it right but that is just part of learning and developing your own personal style of growing. As for people thinking they can just throw seeds in soil and presto well....you may get lucky depending on where you live but it usually will take a great deal of knowledge, persistance, patience, and luck to get bangin crops again and again. I dont get mad at them for trying after all we were all there at one point or another. some of us just still keep on and that is what makes us professionals


I personally think a retarded monkey could grow the stuff, I mean outdoors atleast (I am a slightly evolved living example). Indoors may require a dedicated monkey but still with some dedication and time spent it can be done. I do agree to the extent that I dont think most people realize how much time and dedication is needed, you gotta kinda like growin stuff. Down below is my first ever plant, outdoor strawberry diesel. I read about growing years before actually attempting it, I just couldnt resist cultivating ganja. Peace and good vibes too all the new green thumbs out there. Keep planting the seed.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I look at it this way, they will fail and be a lot more appreciative $$$$ of what we do


Active member
Take it from a guy who hitting .500, 10 attempts-5 losts, this shit aint easy!....

deer, water, dirt, electricity, light, sun, more water, mold, mites, nutrients, ph, root-rot, rabbits, squires, thieves, smell, heat, work work hard, hard, work and then after you get done, you still might get popped by some RedNick police!!



Living with the soil
I think it can be easy and hard depending on what you are doing. I've grown in and out over 20 years. I've had great outdoor years that were just sitting back and watching them grow,and I've had outdoor years where things were tough all over.(no pun intended) I've had indoor grows that nearly put me on the street and I've had indoor grows that made me move up the food chain. It really depends on what the F*CK is happening @the time of the grow. Weather,funds,oppression,pests,labor,there's so much invovled as much as there isn't sometimes. That's my 2 cent's worth.


Active member
Growing weed is not that fucking hard.

You throw a seed in some dirt and the shit grows. Sure, you probably have to spend a little time reading and doing some research if it's the first time out, and the more you do it, the more experience you will gain, but the same can be said for almost anything.