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Do people REALLY think growing marijuana is easy?


Funny@ five harvest per year and that is stretching it , we will say in 12 by12 bedroom in which depending on how many plants you got in there .Small or large, max 100 plants. you would have to be averaging over 20000 profit on each crop . Sounds kind of like an exaggeration to me. A bedroom can not fit enough plants that is to produce over 6 or 7 pounds with an average ounce cost of 400 an ounce . Come on dude ! Do the math there is no way a 12 by 12 bedroom if that unless you live in a mansion and the size of your bedroom is 24by24 that that could b done !
Why cant you just put them in the ground and let them grow? I dont know what the fuss is about with organics, fertilizers and all that, I just poop in a bucket pop a seed in and up with the dankest shit you ever smelled!!!!!!


ICMag Donor
Some people can't use a screwdriver,same goes with anything in life.All from a persons perspective.But its easy for the most part.But going big with consistent quality ,now that takes skill.Im still convinced the secret to perfection is air conditioning.........


6 harvests per year (8 week strain), 4 1k lights (split level, 2 lights on top 2 on bottom), 2 elbows per, 3k per elbow, 144k a year. If you totally suck you could pull 75 out of it.

But why get technical? OK maybe you'd need both bedrooms in a 2 bedroom place to do it.

Show me an easier gig.

Ganja D

6 harvests per year (8 week strain), 4 1k lights (split level, 2 lights on top 2 on bottom), 2 elbows per, 3k per elbow, 144k a year.

But why get technical? OK maybe you'd need both bedrooms in a 2 bedroom place to do it.

Show me an easier gig.

It doesn't just work that way. If you think it's that easy why don't you do it. I don't see any info on your profile page that suggests you do.
Theres a lot of careful planning, hard work, maintenance, multi tasking, security measure, etc that goes into it. And that's just the growing part. Earning 6 figure doesn't just fall on a persons lap. It takes net working, decision making, financial planning, salesmanship, etc I could go on. You clearly don't know what your talking about. Sorry Dude.


It doesn't just work that way. If you think it's that easy why don't you do it. I don't see any info on your profile page that suggests you do.
Theres a lot of careful planning, hard work, maintenance, multi tasking, security measure, etc that goes into it. And that's just the growing part. Earning 6 figure doesn't just fall on a persons lap. It takes net working, decision making, financial planning, salesmanship, etc I could go on. You clearly don't know what your talking about. Sorry Dude.
LOL. Yeah, it's a real Wharton School of Finance type gig. It's so hard, I'm waiting on you to come up with an easier gig that pays as well so I can go do that instead. Ball's in your court.

Someone going to tell me what's easier? Or are they going to keep harping about how hard growing is? When something's hard, that means something else is easier. Name it.

Ganja D

What's your profession? If not growing, it must have been too hard for you or you would be doing it right?
Also $ not include, any job without a risk of incarceration is easier. Again, respectfully, you don't know what your talking about.


6 harvests per year (8 week strain), 4 1k lights (split level, 2 lights on top 2 on bottom), 2 elbows per, 3k per elbow, 144k a year. If you totally suck you could pull 75 out of it.

But why get technical? OK maybe you'd need both bedrooms in a 2 bedroom place to do it.

Show me an easier gig.

I kind of agree but think that it is somewhat dependent on where you live. Probably not that easy in CA. but maybe other places. I live in a med state and good pot here sells faster than it can be grown. Sells instantly almost. Not great 1 or 2 hit pot either, just good pot. There is a learning curve involved in becoming a succesful grower but all the info is right here.
The hardest thing to learn about growing marijuana?? Learning to keep your mouth shut !!


Freedom Fighter
Growing weed is easy...the same way that Math is easy....once you learn it--
There is a lot to learn...but it is learnable-- Compared to construction work...growing is easy...until you run into problems--
Problems don't make it impossible...but it does raise the difficulty--
Now if you want to make REAL $$...and start a large grow...400+...then it is hard--
It is hard work maintaining it, it is hard work getting the $$ to fund it...and when things go wrong...they go REALLY wrong--
But yeah...growing a couple plants that don't have to be the best of the best, in your backyard....Easy--:smokeit:


6 harvests per year (8 week strain), 4 1k lights (split level, 2 lights on top 2 on bottom), 2 elbows per, 3k per elbow, 144k a year. If you totally suck you could pull 75 out of it.

But why get technical? OK maybe you'd need both bedrooms in a 2 bedroom place to do it.

Show me an easier gig.

What about when the power goes out? Neighbor smells funny stuff?? Spider mites?? It aint easy and life can throw all sorts of oddball crap at ya. :smokeit: I am glad we have such a plant we can all enjoy!


plant pimp
Growing weed is only hard at times because there are so many diff strains. Each strain having it`s own individual need...for instance most plants will accept a PH of 6,but I know some will not. Fucking Incredible from VISC is one of those such plants. In soil she likes a higher ph...6.8-7.0. Any lower and ya run into problems. Same with nutes among other things. As with anything,if you don`t pay 100% attention you can really fuck up and lose money. I have only been growing since August 2k8 and I have easily invested way over $5000. Especially when you add in the cost of genetics...fucking shit! I bought my equipment and thought "whew,costly part is over" How fucking wrong I was!!!

In short,pay attention,read,STFU about your shit and did I mention.....READ!!!!! Also obtain supreme genetics and call it a day! Growing is as hard as YOU MAKE IT! We all have green thumbs.................just gotta put it to use! To be honest,the hardest thing I have done so far is spend the money to buy the needed stuff. Keep It GreeN and Safe!


Active member
Some people can't use a screwdriver,same goes with anything in life.All from a persons perspective.But its easy for the most part.But going big with consistent quality ,now that takes skill.Im still convinced the secret to perfection is air conditioning.........

I think you hit the nail there:)

Surely if growing was totally legalized prices would drop A LOT - period.

1. You could borrow money in a normal bank for investing in property / machinery.
2. Some people already HAVE money /property etc. and can get started right away with skilled consultants if they don't know anything about growing themselves.
2. Skillful people could carry out massive operations with employees - they would just have to tell them what to do and when to do it (Harvesting and trimming is the most labor-intensive part anyway)

In the end it would become so cheap that only trained gardeners / skilled farmers would be able to make a buck - and some years they would lose money - just like farmers of every other plant today.

Growing your own would be the same as growing tomatoes in your yard - most people would not save a lot of money doing it (unless there is a large tax on MJ of course) but would still do it for variety / out of interest etc.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
"Marijuana IS one of the easiest plants to grow, though" I'm quite certain that, from an agricultural point of view, it is the WORLDS easiest species of plant to grow. Cannabis is certainly the most widely adapted to the broadest range of climates of any commercial plant. For old 'ghetto tech' growers like myself, the recent parade of high tech equipment to 'dail in' environments seems a bit pointless and misleading. Besides, all growers that I've mentored gradually give up various products and pieces of equipment as they develop skills. So much equipment is being sold, used once, and it just lies there after that because the grower gained some chops and doesn't need it any more. Someone could do a great business selling used growroom equipment right about now.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Spot on!
I agree entirely with you.
But it´s good business to sell new equipment while we hide and devalue the skills;)


A foot without a sock...
As soon as you think you've got it licked, the Canna-Gods will throw you a fast-ball, low and away....


*Best Bob Eucker voice*

"Juuuust a bit outside"



Overkill is under-rated.
It's been mentioned before in here, but I agree:

Growing large quantities of high-quality indoor weed is NOT easy, or cheap, especially for beginners.

I have automated the crap out of my grow so I check on it every few days in flower, but this is not where you start, it's where you end up.


Well-known member
I'm sorry, but growing weed is about one of the easiest things do. If it's hard you're doing something wrong.
this is kind of true.

It's been mentioned before in here, but I agree:

Growing large quantities of high-quality indoor weed is NOT easy, or cheap, especially for beginners.

I have automated the crap out of my grow so I check on it every few days in flower, but this is not where you start, it's where you end up.
this is spot on.
unless they bought a great growing book and have a bunch of money that is just laying around and have a good growing space eather indoors or outdoors.
