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Do people know what cannabis cultivation smells like

a good friend of mine ran a 400 and a 600 in the closet of his apartment with dwc. a few weeks into budding his roomate began to wonder about the 'funny smell' that seemed to be coming from the kitchen...he never did figure it out. i dont recomend doing this to someone, but i'll admit i found it hilarious
yeah, that's what I was trying to hit on, I mean, it's all fun and games here sometimes, and that's great, but honestly we cannot afford to get complacent.

I cannot wait for the day we can grow outdoors, and not futz with all this indoor BS, because in a way, it is BS for the small time personal grower.

What we can do indoors over an entire year pales in comparison to what we could do during a summer at a pea patch in the local neighborhood.

Let alone the cost of growing indoors, electricity, hassle factor (messy huh?), upkeep, smell, bugs, ugh the list goes on and on.

Whereas outdoors, we can not only eliminate all of these issues, but also increase our yields GREATLY, roots have nearly unlimited room to grow, plants can reach absurd sizes, and yields are much higher.

Hell, we could even use all of our left over plant fibers to make hemp. Not only that, but cannabis is bar none, the BEST plant to prevent erosion and mudslides. Ravenous thick root growth secures loose soil, and keeps it from washing away, maybe even for a good while after the plant itself is gone.

But until it's legal to plant these guys like tomatoes, we're growing inside apartments, rented houses, and so forth.

Which means security has to come first, because if LEO comes knocking, your yields just dropped through the floor, and that's really the least of your concerns.

Let alone, folks know marijuana is illegal. You never know when a neighbor might notice the smell, and just ponder it every once and a while, until one day you've got a few friends over, having a few beers, making a bit of noise, playing a bit of music, and next thing you know, it's not a noise complaint, but a report of a suspected grow operation.

Remember, to the common folk, you're doing something exotic, and the illicit nature simply attracts even more attention.

Whereas nobody would think twice about you jaywalking, the odor of a grow is more than enough to seriously peak someones attention and interest.

For example, when I was a kid, about 11 or 12, we had these neighbors, they fought a bit, and their kids showed signs of abuse (looking back on it). However what really peaked my interest, was one day I saw a guy leaving the house that I didn't recognize, and he stuffed a plastic baggy into his pocket.

I have no idea what it was, but of all things I'd seen, it was that I told to my folks.

I'm just trying to say, even growing for personal use is a high profile deal. In fact, I'd say that most average folks don't even realize how many grow operations are truly personal, and only that. Growing is shown in the media as "for profit", with major operations running thousands upon thousands of watts, and often linked to criminal organizations.

So when your neighbor or guest smells something, sadly enough, the last thing on their mind is often "oh, that's just our friendly neighbor growing a tad so that he/she can eliminate himself from the illicit drug black market food chain".

IE, growing for personal use is actually socially responsible, given the alternative.

However don't underestimate the close-mindedness of the average person.

Point blank, odor control is cheap, affordable, and essential.

Don't forget that we are in a high profile hobby/activity, and we need to do our best as a grower to lower our profile, especially when it is easy and effective to do so, such as it is with odor control.

I mean, you wouldn't drag a bunch of bags of soil, coco, reflectors, etc in front of your neighbors, would you? I hope not.


JayRoach420 said:
i had some friends over a long time ago before I had any sort of odor control, and one of their younger daughters went by the grow room and goes "ew a skunk must be dead in there" ha. Shit, time to go out and eat!!!

LMAO, that is hilarious!


What do you all think of those Renuzit Odor Neutralizers they have at walmart for like a buck? I mean as a compliment to a carbon scrubber and what not. Do they work at all?
FreezerBoy said:
Cover the house in tomato juice. Or is it peanut butter ...
That is friggin funny... hehehehe

I agree with everyone though.. please keep yourself safe and do not have visitors until you take care of the scent. Nothing worse than having to worry at all. Peace :joint:
TraneRek said:
What do you all think of those Renuzit Odor Neutralizers they have at walmart for like a buck? I mean as a compliment to a carbon scrubber and what not. Do they work at all?

I dunno, I've thought about it, for a while before I had my carbon filter hooked up, I was using two air fresheners, the plug in ones.

However, I think if you want something really solid to compliment a carbon filter, I'd go with a vaportek.

It's not your dollar guy at wallyworld though.


Then again, a solid carbon filter doesn't need a compliment.

Another idea, compliment a carbon filter with another one...

Like I picked up a small CAN 33 (I think that's what the model is), it isn't super big.

It has the footprint of about a 5 gallon pot, and a bit taller.

However it does fit the growroom/growcab really well, and with a space my size (6.5 ft by 2.5 ft, 50 watts CMH per sq ft) the real estate is SUPER valuable, and in short supply.

So if it turns out that this thing doesn't cut it when I'm flowering, I may just buy a larger one, and hook up the cheapest inline fan I can get.

Just make a new loop, and throw it in my bedroom. That's going to cover anything I don't remove with the first filter.

Also I've noticed the best defense is negative air pressure. If you pump your exhaust outside, the smell might be so minor that nobody can notice.

However all that exhaust over time builds up in your room, and all of a sudden it smells, plus your temps are higher.

For me, another solution might be to just run ducting from my vortex 8" about 8 feet to the window. I've actually planned on doing this for temp reasons alone, and have the ducting now to do it.

I do need to think of a good way of "hiding"/"covering up" the ducting, so it doesn't look like what it is. Still working up an idea on that one, trying to think of something cheap, simple, and easy.

If I really wanted to be anal, I could always throw an exhaust filter on the exhaust.

An odorsok seems to be an excellent product for this. Works like crap when wet however, ie high humidity.

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