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Do people know what cannabis cultivation smells like


THC•20 said:
Maybe I'm just immune to the grow and the flowering room but I've had a lot of people come over and they've never said anything. I mean the house already smells like ganja from me smoking lol. But even when it doesn't reek of burning weed..it doesn't smell like a grow is going on. I'm just lucky. Or maybe I just haven't ran into a strain that stinks up the whole block yet lol.

Your most likely immune to the smell. Thats how I got with my room but when someone comes over that isn't use to smelling it they notice. My dad came over to my house once and was like holly shit, whats that smell. He even smokes and notice the smell instantly. I thought i had it under control but to someone lives that doesn't smell it everyday it stands out. Not worth that being your reason to get caught. Spend the couple bucks and fix the problem.


Active member
they will know. dont be a fool. get odor protection! u dont need anyone even thinking there might be a grow going on.


Damn I need a vaportek. I shouldn't have flowered these diesel strains without odor control lol. But I can't kill 'em now :-/. Just hope no snitches or cops come near my house.

Tony Danza

You live around the smell, If It's smells strong to you inside your house it smells strong to other people OUTSIDE your house. Like 3-4 four houses away, guaranteed.

scrub it.
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Thats for all the feedback, I think I'll invest in a carbon scrubber this weekend. Currently I'm not able to vent outdoors at the moment (rental house), not to mention its 100 deg outside. Right now I'm exhausting in to an unused bedroom. I've walked around the perimeter of my house after being gone for a while and could not detect any smell, so I should be good on that front.

also, I liked the tip about cooking, awesome idea.
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Besides a carbon scrubber, there is something you can do to destroy the smell. It is a quick fix and no less healthy than a swimming pool. Mix a teaspoon of bleach into a half gallon of hot faucet water and add 1/4 cup of vinegar. The result is chlorine gas which will destroy the odor. Be sure to add the hot water first: very important. The low concentration makes for a slow controlled reaction. Just tell people you cleaned the bathroom with bleach. Once you pour the mix down the drain, the chlorine will linger in your house for a little while. You get a couple hours of odor control at best.

The exhaust from my scrubber just has a sweet floral smell, no skunk or weed smell.


ruger 500
it onlytakes 15 min . for your ofactory sences to over ride a smell ,like really bad smells ,ie decaying bodies or such ,its weard but true


Easybakeindica:: in the academy they do not teach you what it smells like.. Only after in a special narcotics class. Then you get to see them up close (in the classroom). And if your wondering I never became a cop.. had a child and gave up my pistol for a baby bottle;) and couldnt be happier. peace all..



I will say burnt food will help if its its a emergency. heh. Before i had proper odor control I would burn some popcorn, and then burn bacon ha.

The guests just thought i was a really bad cook.
I mean, this is all well and good as simple stoner talk shooting the shit, but honestly, WHAT THE F_CK!!

Cooking to cover up the smell of a grow? Burnt popcorn, food with heavy garlic?

So let me guess, you're going to pop off a bag every few hours? More likely you'll pop one off, and forget to ever do it again.

One thing that folks need to know, it's a well known fact that after a short period of time, our taste/smell buds get used to whatever were smelling, and we're not going to notice it.

IE, you live in your grow area, the ONLY time you're going to notice whether or not an outsider can smell pot, is after you've been out of the house for a bit, and come back in.

I'm not looking to be an asshole, but again, we're talking about something that isn't quite as casual with LEO at your door, or worse, in front of a judge, compared to shooting the shit online at friendly old ICMAG.

Invest in some odor control. PERIOD.

No cooking food with garlic twice a day, no burning bags of popcorn (besides, odds are good you'll end up just as likely that a neighbor calls 911 if they smell "burning smoke" all the time), just cheap, good old fashioned carbon.

I mean, damn, I'm all cool with being relaxed, but don't get complacent.

So spend a tiny bit of coin on some odor control, and buy yourself some peace of mind.

And I'll say this about your original question:

Folks might not always know exactly what budding pot smells like.

However, it's a very strong and distinct smell, and most folks will go "damn, that's an interesting smell, what does it REMIND ME OF..."

oh yeah, that dank ass crap I used to smoke.

Smell has the strongest "instant association" memory of all of our senses.

The whole point is to not give someone the opportunity to go "damn, that's quite a unique odor, but I just can't quite place it", which BTW is your best case scenario.

Frankly, if you're serious about staying on top of staying out of jail, get some odor control.

If you'd love to pretend that marijuana is an innocent plant that comes from the earth, that's great, move to a country that feels that way, and who's laws reflect that.

Until then, welcome to the USA, and stay the fuck out of the system, because if given the opportunity, it will fuck you.

Not looking to rain on anyones parade, but honestly, this thread needs a reality check, and I'd rather take a chance on pissing people off, than seeing folks take odor control lightly.

It's one thing if you've got a med permit, and you're growing in cali, and even then, there's always dumb punk kids.
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1love1earth said:
I mean, this is all well and good as simple stoner talk shooting the shit, but honestly, WHAT THE F_CK!!

Cooking to cover up the smell of a grow? Burnt popcorn, food with heavy garlic?

So let me guess, you're going to pop off a bag every few hours? More likely you'll pop one off, and forget to ever do it again.

One thing that folks need to know, it's a well known fact that after a short period of time, our taste/smell buds get used to whatever were smelling, and we're not going to notice it.

IE, you live in your grow area, the ONLY time you're going to notice whether or not an outsider can smell pot, is after you've been out of the house for a bit, and come back in.

I'm not looking to be an asshole, but again, we're talking about something that isn't quite as casual with LEO at your door, or worse, in front of a judge, compared to shooting the shit online at friendly old ICMAG.

Invest in some odor control. PERIOD.

No cooking food with garlic twice a day, no burning bags of popcorn (besides, odds are good you'll end up just as likely that a neighbor calls 911 if they smell "burning smoke" all the time), just cheap, good old fashioned carbon.

I mean, damn, I'm all cool with being relaxed, but don't get complacent.

So spend a tiny bit of coin on some odor control, and buy yourself some peace of mind.

And I'll say this about your original question:

Folks might not always know exactly what budding pot smells like.

However, it's a very strong and distinct smell, and most folks will go "damn, that's an interesting smell, what does it REMIND ME OF..."

oh yeah, that dank ass crap I used to smoke.

Smell has the strongest "instant association" memory of all of our senses.

The whole point is to not give someone the opportunity to go "damn, that's quite a unique odor, but I just can't quite place it", which BTW is your best case scenario.

Frankly, if you're serious about staying on top of staying out of jail, get some odor control.

If you'd love to pretend that marijuana is an innocent plant that comes from the earth, that's great, move to a country that feels that way, and who's laws reflect that.

Until then, welcome to the USA, and stay the fuck out of the system, because if given the opportunity, it will fuck you.

Not looking to rain on anyones parade, but honestly, this thread needs a reality check, and I'd rather take a chance on pissing people off, than seeing folks take odor control lightly.

It's one thing if you've got a med permit, and you're growing in cali, and even then, there's always dumb punk kids.

Couldn't have said it better man, no need to lack in this department. This is the main key to growing and being safe. To remain below the radar its just a must have.


Active member
i would never even think about another grow without my vaportek, vaportronic and numerous glade plug in fresheners....oh yeah dont forget the daily room misting of febreeze also...:) (yes i'm paranoid). also only way wifey agrees to grow in house without bitching is if she cannot smell it...


BonsaiBud said:
The exhaust from my scrubber just has a sweet floral smell, no skunk or weed smell.

If there is any smell other than a fresh oderless one then your carbon filter has a leak and is not working 100%. I myself purchased the Goblin carbon filter from HTG, and it was not blocking 100% of the smell, it was like 10% was getting through or there was a leak. But then I purchased a Can 66 carbon filter, and now there is 0 smell at all, nothing but fresh air comes out. That is what a correct carbon filter should do.


It all depends on where you live, who and how far are your neighbors and how big is your grow. Genrally, if your grow is a flowering square meter and you smoke pot in your house/apartement with no worries then let alone anyone smell your grow, you dont need no carbon filter. May be for your own comfort if it leaks into your rooms too much and that bothers you or your family, but noone is going to smell your weed on the outside. That's my experience and I flower on roughly 1m2 indoors for about 15 years during which changed 5 locations. I've never grown original cheese or whatever other legends there are but I've done different skunks, ww, ice, nevilles haze, bubblegum, white rhino, c99, blueberry, some mixed packs, etc and never had a problem of overwelming smell. All I need is sufficient air exhaust to my central vent pipe. Sometimes, at one place, when I had visitors and smell leaked into the living room I just used those indian burning scents whatever they called, those will mask anything easily.


Registered Med User
Man... I thought my grow was damn near scentless... then my OG homie came over, soon as he walked in the door he said 'Man, u gotta do somein about that smell man, soon as I open the door I smell ya weed.' When u live around ya stuff your sense of smell for it goes away and u cant tell. Everyone who comes through my spot knows I grow, most of um grow too, but I wouldnt have someone I dont trust knowing bout my grow come through.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
that smell is truly not to be fucked with my friend!!!

first of all , you should not let anyone near your place until you have dealt with that problem!!! if youve got a cab then just get a scrubber comparable to teh size of the room and you should be OK. and i would let that run for about a week.

then i would clean myu spot top tp bottom with deodorizing in mind. do that once a week for a month, after that is all said and done then you would have beaten the odor problem once and for all.

my boy is growin out some SSH beans i gave him and they are tall as hell and stinky as shit!!! you could smell the room as soon as you open the door. that was the first thing i told him to do!!!


Active member
Beleive me you can tell the fragrance of fresh Mj i would pick up a scrubber to be safe in the mean while you can use pinesol around the house to clean and it will mask the odor