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Do cows eat cannabis?


Well-known member
As far as toxicity of cannabis I have been there a few times with ingesting it. I am not saying I was going to die but my body said you have ingested poison and it’s coming back up. It had nothing to with alcohol or anything else I simply did not measure dosage correctly and lost my cookies. I really enjoy the feeling of ingesting MJ and have measured the dosage incorrectly a few times and all with the same reaction my body ejects it.

The reason I bring this up is because I believe (just an opinion) that MJ to be very safe and almost impossible to die from because before you could reach that point your body would have a reaction to expel the poison. In all cases MJ is in its raw form and not condensed (maybe hash would be more likely to kill you) and it is so hard to OD on it because the amount needed to get to that point. Like saying eat this hay bale and you will die.


Cows and Herb: Around here people grow large crops of MJ in cornfields grown as animal feed. I was asking around at a big country wedding what the farmers thought of this. Surprisingly most of them saw this as quite funny. The only real problem is the mixing of marijuana and corn during the harvest process. The MJ finds it way into the dry corn feed and the cows get wasted: they apparently drool giant spits and wander around like idiots and sometimes get hurt.

Toxicity of MJ: us humans are apparently well equipped to process cannabinoïds, but dogs and horses are not. I've had a dog eat some extra strong marijuana cake and go into a 2 day coma-like state with scary irregular heartbeats and convulsive twitching. I thought the poor boy was going to die (silly eating machine stole the whole stash!). Internet to the rescue: dogs don't eliminate cannabinoids very well so the effects are strong and long lasting. Apparently there are no recorded deaths of dogs directly due to marijuana toxicity (although they might die of exposure dehydration if not supervised while wasted!!). I do remember being surprised that the only case of animal death due to ingesting marijuana that i found was a horse (!).

Ingested cannabis can also lead to coma-like symptoms in children. I read an interesting article suggesting that emergency room physicians should test for cannabinoids when faced with apparently unexplained coma-like symptoms in children.


Active member
It is practically impossible to OD on THC. The reason is that it(thc) is transmitted through the blood by serum lipids. Once these reach the point of saturation they cease to be an effective means of transport and limit the amount that can be transferred. If one were to reach this point of lipids saturation I would suspect that loss of consciousness would be a factor in limiting further ingestion.

The Merck index has the LD50 of thc as 1270mg/kg for oral ingestion; thats 1270mg of pure THC. That would be the equivalent of eating about one pound of weed per 30 LBS of body weight. If you've ever seen five pounds of weed you would know that it is a physical impossibility(assuming you weigh 150), at least all at once. Note: Its only 1.25LBS of weed if you're eating ultra dank 20% thc by weight. LOL

I have personally eaten raw cannabis on several occasions and from my experience it does give an extreme buzz; more body oriented and sleepy. It takes about an hour or so to start taking effect, a little faster if taken with alcohol. And when I ate a little too much it did make my stomach just a little upset, but never anything of any consequence.

I have read reports of people eating large quantities of raw hash(150 grams), and experiencing "trips" lasting as long as 3 days and including such symptoms as synesthesia. But I have never read of someone dieing from any type of OD on Cannabis or related products in any form of medical literature or in the pharmacopeia. Also THC does not need to be decarboxylated to be biologically active.

Silverback I am not doubting that you have read the reports that you say you have, but I would like to know where they can be found. If you could post a link or reference some of the source material I would appreciate it, as I have a severe thirst for information and empirical evidence when it comes to anything cannabis. By the way, I REALLY enjoy reading your grow threads.

One of the reasons dogs react so severely to large doses of THC is because apart from their smaller size they have far fewer anandamide receptors. Therefore a little goes a long way.

Oh yeah and cows will eat just about any type of plant if they are hungry enough, cannabis included.

Sorry for the rant but it was some really good bubble!!!!!
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Kinda off topic but goats/deer etc are browsers and prefer to eat at eye level or higher. Where as cows are grazers and prefer to eat below eye level. Just wanted to note that irrelevant fact. Lol

silverback said:
This farm boy can tell you that cows have the same menu as goats.


all praises are due to the Most High
scaramanga, good post. :)

planted around ten plants next to a cow pasture, and one day the cows were released from that pasture into the field where the plants were at, about 2 months old plants, all gone, stem and everything...

live and learn


They will eat it when it is small and tender.Once it reaches about waist high they wont eat it,it gets bitter.I had a patch in a cow field once and they like to come and stand in it!They never ate it but eventually stomped it out.Oh yeah,forget Irish spring soap. It is a waste of time. If you truly have a varmint or other animal problem you better get serious if you want to harvest.....Verdi99


great thread. i'm gonna take a seat and see if anyone produces legit proof of a human OD from THC. not doubting it, as i've eaten a nug or two and it kinda messes with yer insides sometimes. just wanna see an article or two...


Active member
I have grown in the area of cattle and would not do it again unless the plants can be protected. If they don.t eat them, they will shit and piss on them. If the ground under the plants is moist and the area around is dry the cattle will dust bath and you will wonder if you ever had plants there to begin with.


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Cool thread.. some good info in here. Now I know why silverback is just so knowledgable, he was studying the plant in school lol. just joshin I know you got many years of experience, and a farming background.


old thread, but any type of animal, if given the chance any animal with teeth will munch on your plants. Humans aren't the only ones who love to get baked.

"Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best."

Cage your plants, or at least build a damn fence around your garden with some 18 gauge black wire. You can buy 167 feet for around 2-3 dollars, buy 10 and you'll get 1670 feet of coverage. Enough to go around your 50x50x50x50 garden 8 times. (9 if you don't count the ties)
Buy some hardware cloth/chicken wire, and do the first foot or two of your garden, then use wire the rest. OR save yourself and wrap the whole thing in chicken wire. It'll cost about 150$ and break your back. But worth it in the long run, you can rest while trimming!


If I were a cow, I would definitely eat it. Only because I wouldn't know how to smoke it.
Are you kidding me? You have been TROLLED dudes. That guy is fucking with you. THC is never a poison nor does he believe it is.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
gosh, ive heard these arguements before. Its a matter of techical semantics

Have you ever seen a bottle of morphine? It has a skull and crossbones with "poison" in big black letters. The same warning comes on methotrexate, cholchicine and thousands of other drugs and chemicals. Tetrahydracannabinol(sic) is on the list of active poisons.

Paracelsus, the father of toxicology once wrote: "Everything is poison, there is poison in everything. Only the dose makes a thing not a poison."

thc is consumed in relatively small amounts but if it were purified, and an injection perfomed that contained the extracted thc of several lbs of potent cannabis, what would be the effect on the patient? Poisoned and toxic? Perhaps even death.

Its my favorite chemical at low doses, who knows what happens at high doses?
why do people continue to supply a docket of misinformation? Are you that high on yourself that you have to make up the truth to make yourself look important? DO SOME FLIPPING RESEARCH!!!!!! I am so tired of ignorant people spreading the daisies that is ignorance and ignorance breeds stupidity and stupidity is the mother of all evils. "According to which US Government authority you want to believe, the lethal dose of marijuana is either about one-third your body weight (in pure drug form), or about 1,500 pounds, consumed all at once" http://www.druglibrary.org/Schaffer/library/mj_overdose.htm .http://cannabisnews.com/news/21/thread21039.shtml "Moscow -- Russia's long winter will just fly by for a herd of Russian cows which, a newspaper reported on Tuesday, will be fed confiscated marijuana over the cold months.Drug workers said they adopted the unusual form of animal husbandry after they were forced to destroy the sunflowers and maize crops that the 40 tonnes of marijuana had been planted among, Novye Izvestia daily reported."
cows will eat cannabis and that won't die from it and if you do further research you will find
their milk contains thc when they do :p mmmm yummy pot milk.


I only read a few words in that previous post but it sounded angry so I thought maybe I said something wrong. :shucks: I've been getting mod-censored a lot lately. :angrymod:

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