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Do cows eat cannabis?



Ive read the pest control thread in the sticky section but it never mentioned anything about cows eating cannabis. Im almost positive that they would not munch on a 5 ft plant but what about when the plant is still young? Would they be as much as a threat as other pests, especially deer?
yes deer love seedlings, throw some chunks of Irish spring around your outdoor site to stop them from comming near. keeps the soil clean too :)


This farm boy can tell you that cows have the same menu as goats. If it fits in your mouth, swallow it. Cannabis, cloth, paintbrushes, bark from trees, whatever is available. However, cannabis isnt cattle or any other bovine's prefererd meal and its vulnerability to being eaten can be dependent upon the availability of those more preferred foods. If the clover is high and the alfalpha thick your plants are fine. If natures cubbord is bare, freshly watered cannabis is a delicacy.

Let me quantify that further. THC is poison in its raw form and if eaten raw in any significant amount it will kill. Its scent provides that info to animals. It's only when thc is heated to a temp beyond 200 degrees does it become transformed into the chemical we all know and love. Once cannabis starts producing thc which is a couple of months into the veg stage, very few animals will attempt to eat it. Until it reaches that point, lots of stuff will eat it.

Extreme conditions can evoke unusuall behavior in bovine populations. Drought or feeding stresses over extended periods will lead the bovine to eat anything and everything in sight.
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el gordo

Active member
some years back, a family of cows eat my whole crop when the plants was staring to flower, and another year a group of sheeps/goats ate something like 20 guerrilla plants two weeks from harvest. and i didn't found any cow/goat lying near the plats so be careful with this vegetarians!
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Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Sivlerback I must confess that your saying it here is the first I have ever heard of THC from unsmoked dry weed being poisonous.

Are you saying that buds are poisonous to eat raw even if they are dried and cured ? I have eaten dry bud in small quantities in the past, just to see if I could catch a buzz that way without firing up any, but I plan to stop ever doing that IF you are certain of your facts on this.

You got me worried dude, so please elaborate on this if you don't mind.


Active member
Actually, I do not believe that is true that raw cannabis is poisonous. The THC is still in the form of THC acid in the live plant, but I have never heard of it being poisonous before.

But yeah, cows will eat weed.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Mfarmer I remember having a major racing-heart panic-attack once when I ate a joint's worth of some moderately potent weed, so I never ate more than the occasional budlet at a time thereafter. From what you say, though, I may have just gotten off lucky with my bud-munching tests so far.

To play it safe I think I'll stick to smoking erb from now on. No point risking my innards by gambling with un-tested paths to The Buzz.


Hey all. I apologize for the alarm.

Ill tell you why I said that. When in graduate school years ago, I had a class in which 2/3 of the course grade was based on a paper. Minimum 30 pages. We were being taught how to research a subject. I chose cannabis.

I spent 12 weeks in the medical library, the ag library, the psychology library and the law library and I believe I read every single scientific study of cannabis ever conducted. I came away from that undertaking with the understanding that cannabis, especially flowering female cannabis will cause stomach/digestive system problems that will lead to death if ingested in any significant amounts. I cant qualify "significant" . Its been some years since I did the research and I cant remember a lot, plus, at that time, much of the research was very biased in its design and methodology.

I believe medicine farmer is right - a poop vomiting death.
But I could be wrong, somebody look into it and tell us what you find.


Active member
i looked into the fact theat there are 0 recorded deaths from cannabis.

i wonder how they came up with the results that weed killed em. when weed has never killed anyone.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Well, chocolate can kill dogs, but not humans(in reasonable amounts). A ruminant(a animal with 4 stomachs, like a bovine) has a vastly different metabolism than a human, or even many other grazing animals like Horses.
As a rancher that grazes several types of animals, I have had to learn which noxious weeds are toxic to what, some will kill a horse, but not a cow or sheep. With how many weeds are toxic to different grazing animals, I could see Cannabis being toxic to some animals without being toxic to humans.


Well-known member
Well if they don’t eat they will trample it down. Eating it is not your only worry unless you are growing where there is a very small heard forget about it they will stomp every thing into the ground flowering or not.

Cattle (herd) and weed don’t mix. Take a look at any pasture if a farmer wants a tree in his pasture for shade for the herd he has to put an iron shield around it so they don’t trample it. I have seen farmers put large shields around would be trees so they don’t kill them.


hamstring nailed it. They eat everything

Make sure you understand the complete definition of poison. A quick trip to the dictionary may provide some clarification of my statement that cannabis is poison. I was correct.

Phate, buddy you need to look harder. I read dozens of reports of animals dying. One report was for an entire herd in kanpur india. Reports exist from venezuala, mexico and africa as I read them until i got tired of reading them. Bovine research facilities have studied the subject and the info is available.There are numerous studies on the ingestion of cannabis in everything from mice to humans. In fact, cultural anthropologist have hypothesised that the discovery of cannabinoid existence may have been first identified through husbandry, and the recognition of the plants effects when ingested by domestic animals. Israel has studied cannabis with earnest for 40 years and there are litterally hundreds of studies and hundreds of reports on this topic

Anyone claiming that there have been no reports of human deaths are just plain incorrect. There are numerous reports of humans dying from cannibas ingestion from several differnt countries. I will suggest that when these reports are reviewed, the reader quickly understands the problematic constuction of the research paradigms that led to these flawed medical conclusions. Although i read many such reports, none were conducted with any similance of the scientific process and anectdotal evidence is presented as fact .

There was a point in US history in which the government worked very hard to demean cannabis and those evil black people that used it. The US war against cannabis started because of racism. Blacks comming from the carribean brought it with them to louisiana, US officials wanted to make sure everyone new to be afraid of these black, oversexed dope fiends... and the story began. There are those of us that feel that aspect has not really changed. When one reviews police arrest and prosecutions for cannabis possession in the US, its very clear that the poor an minorities make up 92% of convictions.

This desire to defame cannabis led to many reports of insane behavior. I read one report of cannabis users becomming psychotic and cooking their infant in the oven thinking it was a chicken.

There are litterally thousands of studies and reports on every concievable aspect of cannabis. Some valid, many not. They have been conducted in dozens of nations and universities over 100 years. A days spent in the medical liabrary at your states teaching and research hospital and university will be enlightening.

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Mourning the loss of my dog......
Wow, so its a myth that Cannabis is non-toxic? I guess thats believable, even water can kill you if you drink to much.
i think you have to consume something like 1/4 of your bodyweight in one sitting to suffer thc poisoning.....everything is toxic in high enough quatitities, its just not always realistic or possible to consume, or use that amount, i sure couldnt eat 45 lbs of buds.....i'd sure like to try though

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