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dna~ Sour Diesel







this plant is some goood sh**** ... heavy buds with a tangerine , sour , citrus smell that i like :biggrin:


Nice buds but that doesn't look anything like sour diesel.

Gotta love it when they just name some random cross after a well known clone only.


looks nice ...................... is the sour coming through or is it more fruity ? ..............


Nice buds but that doesn't look anything like sour diesel.

Gotta love it when they just name some random cross after a well known clone only.

I agree... But the grower needs to get the plant to fully express itself. When a bud doesn't full express itll look like every other 'b' grade bud around which is not the breeders fault


^^^ same thing happened to me ,, bud dont look like any i've seen from rez , jj or any other sour pictured at icmag...

then i looked online a bit at reviews/budshots from dispensaries and they do seem to " match " ..

however ,, the test for me ,, is smoking it :joint:


sour does come through :greenstars:

try it for yourselves before saying the breeders blah blah blah ... it does has a intense citrus/fuel smell i enjoy very much .. and the plant has expressed all she has to offer ~

i've tried their headband also ,, gnraly stuff... so far, all i have are good experiences with them seeds ,, my 2 cents :tiphat:


Very nice bro looks dank as hell.. cant expect every seed to be an exact replica but nice to know you got what you're looking for.
One thing my buddy always says about the taste is its coats your mouth with skunk but I've never tried it so idk


^^ i've tried some skunks, and i cant say i've found the taste everyone describes on skunks ,, or a similar funk to this diesel .... i bet its out there... but i have not seen it :blowbubbles:





something good though from the skunks ive seen is they are strong plants and some have a very powerful high :ying:

thanks for stopping by & sharing some good vibes , time to light another one :bongsmi:


Nice buds but that doesn't look anything like sour diesel.

Gotta love it when they just name some random cross after a well known clone only.

Im not sure what you would base such a statement on Iron Lion. Its my opinion that the DNA offering is indeed the real deal as is the offering by Cali Connect and Reserva p. What is it that makes you think these offerings dont come directly from the original clone? They do in my view.

Ive seen several examples of the original clones being grown out and have grown some of them. Ive also seen recent offerrings by seed companies and have done considerable reasearch on the matter. In most of these cases, the offerings are the real deal. The Bubba Kush, Og, larry, trainwreck, Blue dream and many other strains currently being offered by companies are directly related to the original clone and are legitimate. I dont know how you could grow the original cut and then look at the offerings such as those by DNA and come to any other conclusion.

What evidence do you have to the contrary?

Youve grown out some pretty buds there ickybuds. Happy smoking!!!


Nice sours y'all !!

Nice sours y'all !!

Nice buds but that doesn't look anything like sour diesel.

Gotta love it when they just name some random cross after a well known clone only.

Maybe iron was lookin for swollen calyx with little green barbs or claws... By day 75-78 the orange hairs have mainly retreated inside the swell!! Enjoy what ya got homies.. I love smoking it all pretty much... In peace!!



Im not sure what you would base such a statement on Iron Lion. Its my opinion that the DNA offering is indeed the real deal as is the offering by Cali Connect and Reserva p. What is it that makes you think these offerings dont come directly from the original clone? They do in my view.

What evidence do you have to the contrary?

I emailed them years ago when these came out and they told me their "sour diesel" was "original sour diesel clone x sour cream, which was then BX'd back to the Sour D.

Sour Cream = Sour Diesel x G13 Haze.

So this is a Sour D/ G13Haze CROSS and that bull shit they put in their seed description is just that, bullshit. These were regular seeds when they first came out so the male had to come from somewhere. If these were an S1 like everything else they make they would yield results much closer to the real thing.

Dont try to school me son, I've been looking at and studying Sour for years, I know it when I see it and that aint it.

Fluffy Clouds

yeah i agree with Iron Lion, that bud doesnt look like sourD..

and real deal? with DNA? who can know what those guys are selling? they sell cinderella99, they call it cantaloupe haze, and provides misleading pedigree.. lol :D who would believe them?

use common sense.. people

irobot sd

I HAVE grown the DNA and the CLONE side by side. Keep in mind I only grew out 1 pack of female seeds. All 6 cracked and up to veg I too believed that these were in fact sour diesel. I see where both parties are coming from. Could even say I've been in the "shoes" of both opinions. Here's how it really is though.. The DNA is NOT sour diesel. Iron is right this is a cross with g/13 haze. Not sure WHYYY they did this. Sours' original lineage is debatable. There is not really a 100% source on this IMO. In an effort to capture this the breeders should have S1 the clone with the clone. Adding g13/haze for their "similar" qualities only throws that much more variation in this ever confusing strain. So when I popped all 6 seeds and by the time harvest came I had 6 completely different pheno's. Really every plant was sooo different. Smells Anywhere from haze/sour to kush/haze to sour/cream - g13 - haze..
Don't get me wrong they were all good and they did LOOK like sour diesel. At the end of the day it lacked all DIESEL / CHEM integrity.
One pheno does come pretty close to the end result of the Clone but still a bit on the stale side of smell and it was only about a 1 1/2' stout bush with NO STRETCH!
So take no offense to this post. Fool yourself if you like but if you've smoked or grown the clone only nothing can compare.
Here is a photo of some DNA Sour Diesel I just smoked a jammer before this rant :joint:


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
and here in lies the damage...
icky buds flowers are nice, and so he will likely be proud of them and go around sharing them and smoking them with people.

All while telling them it is Sour D, and those that have never experienced Sour D before will now get the wrong impression of what the strain is and they will think they have experienced Sour diesel when they actually haven't... and that is the problem with seed companies selling clone only lines that haven't been IBL'd like REZ's. they do irreversible damage to the impression of the under informed public at large by tarnishing the "name".

"lemon fuel smell and taste" super typical strain description/marketing for OG and Diesels

to me Sour Diesel is more a mixture of "Chemy", piney, crisp clean... (more than lemon or citrus)... sour milk type of sour, and skunk funk smells and tastes... that does coat your entire mouth and has an aftertaste that LASTS


I HAVE grown the DNA and the CLONE side by side. Keep in mind I only grew out 1 pack of female seeds. All 6 cracked and up to veg I too believed that these were in fact sour diesel. I see where both parties are coming from. Could even say I've been in the "shoes" of both opinions. Here's how it really is though.. The DNA is NOT sour diesel. Iron is right this is a cross with g/13 haze. Not sure WHYYY they did this. Sours' original lineage is debatable. There is not really a 100% source on this IMO. In an effort to capture this the breeders should have S1 the clone with the clone. Adding g13/haze for their "similar" qualities only throws that much more variation in this ever confusing strain. So when I popped all 6 seeds and by the time harvest came I had 6 completely different pheno's. Really every plant was sooo different. Smells Anywhere from haze/sour to kush/haze to sour/cream - g13 - haze..
Don't get me wrong they were all good and they did LOOK like sour diesel. At the end of the day it lacked all DIESEL / CHEM integrity.
One pheno does come pretty close to the end result of the Clone but still a bit on the stale side of smell and it was only about a 1 1/2' stout bush with NO STRETCH!
So take no offense to this post. Fool yourself if you like but if you've smoked or grown the clone only nothing can compare.
Here is a photo of some DNA Sour Diesel I just smoked a jammer before this rant


^^^ nice looking buds ! ..

g/13 haze x sour diesel : is their description for sour cream .

sour diesel : they list it as -> (’91 Chemdawg x Mass Super Skunk/NL) x DNL

seems to me they loosed a lot of credibility with the c99 story.

still ... keep in mind not all of us live in clone country u.s.a .. wish i had a place to get the clones of the "" real deal "" , and some buds while i'm at it ... but i dont ,, and amsterdam has been good to me :biggrin:

coat your entire mouth and has an aftertaste that LASTS

flavor , taste and aftertaste are very enjoyable ,, just imo not similar to skunk like someone said before , so why should i not say its sour diesel? ,, when thats what it said in the pack ..


sour diesel : they list it as -> (’91 Chemdawg x Mass Super Skunk/NL) x DNL

That's the kicker, ^ that is the genetics of the REAL clone.

But their seed version is really what I listed Sour Diesel x G13 haze.

What you think you are getting and what you actually get are 2 very different products.

This is deceptive advertising that prays on uninformed customers.

You have nice buds, keep up the good work :good:


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
sorry... I am passionate about cannabis genetics!

sorry... I am passionate about cannabis genetics!

the "Chem" family is basically a Phenotype of some of the original "skunks" from back in the day... so yes the REAL Sour Diesel and in bred seed lines from it do contain skunk traits

heavy buds with a tangerine , sour , citrus smell that i like :biggrin:
SD buds are not very heavy... and there is no tangerine citrus smell to SD

still ... keep in mind not all of us live in clone country u.s.a .. wish i had a place to get the clones of the "" real deal "" , and some buds while i'm at it ... but i dont ,, and amsterdam has been good to me :biggrin:
thats kind of the point... if you were in a place where the clone only was prominent 1. you probably would get the clone instead of the seeds 2. most people would already be familiar with Sour D and would not be able to be fooled by a DNA knockoff

I'm not trying to bash... you did a good job growing it, but to be real that is not Sour D just because they printed it on the label.

you would be better off making up some name to call your bud... otherwise you will only be perpetuating the hype by spreading "your sour D" buds around that... by your description are not up to Sour D standards and will give those people that dont live in the USA but hear all about Sour Diesel a false maybe lack luster impression of what it REALLY is

flavor , taste and aftertaste are very enjoyable ,, just imo not similar to skunk like someone said before ,
being enjoyable... and being Sour Diesel... are two completely different things all together!

so why should i not say its sour diesel? ,, when thats what it said in the pack .. View Image

well, I can shit in a shoe box... do you want to put it on your feet?:biggrin:

irobot sd


Hopefully this drives the nail home.
So here's 3 different "sour diesel" phenos all from the same pack of DNA sour diesel.
Kept the best 3 from the 1st run and gave them a shot as clones to go into flower. See if results were different than the original seed grow.
As you can see each nugget is quite unique. Good, Yes. What to call it?? NOT SURE. Growing it again? No, sir.
Let these pictures speak for themselves have a few more in my 2012 album