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The cbxdb the large tall one knocks me on my ass ill take pics tomorrow the pre 99 djsbb is week 2 just got the first smell of
The pre99 like grape blue berry very fruity flora bb smell but very early and things change it's going to be great this plant got arms for day if I didn't lollipop them a bit there would of Ben like 75 arms on here after a couple times running her I get this pre 99 down pat

But wait till tomorrow I can't wait to take. Pics of the clones I took of the cbxdb #1 the tall sour bubble Dom one there donkey dick . those cbxdb can eat I went easy last time fuck me all up and I toped them so I got like 6 huge 5 armed bitchs with it connection all the way down like 21/2 -3 feet there going to be base ball
Bats and each plant got 3-5 huge arms I'm like this cbxdb more everyday


Active member
Wow am I happy to someone putting in work to bring back that funk mouth watering blueberry smell from back in the days oh boy I am also a fellow new yorker and remember smoking the blueberry from way back when truly amazing smoke everything about it. Now I have grown tons of supposedly blueberry from breeders and nothing has come close to that old y2k and before blueberry that was around. Great work cooper and I hope you guys were safe at moutain jam heard all the porkers were harassing the hell out of people I use to live right down the road from there years ago in pallenville never really went to the jam because I always knew it was a cop haven and its only been getting worse. Well anyways I hope you get those genetics locked down I will surely buy some beans from you or whoever shit I'll cut off both legs just to get that original old school blueberry back in my life. Great work to everyone involved in the work that you are putting in especially to you cooper for trying to bring that gem to the masses. Keep it green bro!!


Active member
wht up homies is been a while i still working on the pre 99 the cbxdb x pre99 is made but my real winner is the pre99 bb x gorila grape x north berry ther north berry is nl#5x blue berry so i just got one of theses going much thicker stem and looks like it goin to be a winner is any one want to do some testing hit me up


ICMag Donor
Cooper - any talk of testing needs to be confirmed through Clarence first. It's really hard for me to endorse or speak on this cross in regards of what to expect, given you've not really documented any of the work / male selection process.

You should post up pics of the male you decided to use from my Carolina Blue x Digi Bx1. If it didn't have heavy double serrations then you probably bred away from the heavier blueberry terpene profile that come mostly from the Digital BERRY (not blue). The Carolina Blue, was more of a sweet, mixed berry pixie stick smell / flavor - where as the Digi is straight up blueberry muffins.

For the sake of everyone else involved, as it seems like you are planning to distribute (sell??) those seeds, I hope you took the time to find a proper parent to pair with O's blueberry cut.

Again, more documentation and such to go along with using my work is always appreciated. Otherwise, it's just kind of up in the air as to what people should expect from the pairing of a randomly selected male... I know I told you long ago if you kept in touch with me on those selections I was more than glad to help give pointers as to which side of the genetics were being expressed in the various plants...it's a real shame that didn't happen.

Anyway - I'd love to see pics of some sort or more information / details about the male in your project - and wish you the best on how it turns out! Either way - Good job on working within the blue lines - I know it isn't the easiest task. It took me 3 years to find the right Digi Bx1 male.



Active member
I am a blueberry fan to the fullest! I miss the blueberry of old. I held the sativa leaning pheno that flowered as quick as a indica of Dj's for many years and lost it when a friend of mine decided he wanted to start moving that white devil shit around which I was totally unaware of which cost me my pre99 blueberry cut that reeked of blueberry and had the greatest high along with it and yielded really good. I have grown several Dutch company's version of blueberry only to be disappointed and tossing them after first run none had that all around smell and taste and high I was looking for shit let alone even really taste like blueberry. I would give me right arm for the real deal cut of blueberry from way back when just kidding wouldn't really give my arm up for it but love that strain all time number and my other cut that I lost the same time was the old school bubblegum from the 90's those were the two main cuts I grew along with sensi star but all were lost because of greed. Peace mike


Active member
Well great work on that dank frank on that cross you made. Sure it's outstanding I am also a blueberry nut as I stated I have run many crosses of the "blueberry" and so called dutch versions of "blueberry" as stated in my previous post. Let's see some plant pics Cooper I am sure you documented the grow so this way dank frank can see the progress. Plus I wouldn't mind seeing some bud porn. I know what it is like to make a strain/cross its always exciting to see the results so show frank some nug porn so he can see his creation. Peace mike


blueberry gorilla grape testers? you've got some really sick sounding strains in store mate, good luck with all of your future endeavors here on the sb sectional.


ICMag Donor
The CB x DB is documented pretty heavily - both parents are - I think the thread for those is nearly 50 pages long now - and I know there are people who grew them out that never posted in the main thread as well, so...those beans are every where. Every time I hear someone tell me about their take on it - I always get the exact same response - wow - that is undeniably blueberry. That is what I was going for. Locking in that special terpene profile in as few seeds as possible - and it was achieved with that cross. Took a lot of people coming together and years of back and forth chatter to make that cross as successful as it was - I can't really take credit for it fully - I was just the one who happened to put the final touch on it...

There are Digi Bx2 seeds made from the Digi Bx1 male used in the CB x DB - that I have yet to sort, but there has to be pure thai dom blueberry GOLD in those beans. I can't wait to get to a point in life where I can start sorting them properly.

I've smoked O's pre-99 Blueberry Sativa cut - and it is a great plant - but I'd have to say, I personally, think the Digi is a better representation of the blueberry terpene profile and it does retain the thai influenced high - that anti-anxiety, stress relief, go spin in a field of flowers and ponder the meaning of life type of effect that I just simply LOVE. It gets the mind right for sure. Carolina Blue possessed a very similar effect with the anti-anxiety and stress relief, but her best attribute was she could become VERY trippy and literally made the floor feel as if it was moving under your feet when smoked heavily, as she had no ceiling to her - you just kept climbing. The two paired together resulted in plants that would get you just remarkably high - with no limit to how GREAT you could feel. With the right pheno, the more you smoke of CB x DB, the more 3rd eye the effect becomes and just really puts you in touch with your being and the world around you in the most positive of ways - it can really help with depression and get you out of mental slumps like no other. BUT - that is what blueberry SHOULD be...what it was KNOWN for over the years.

Digi dates all the way back to the mid 80's - origins back around '84-'86 and had been held by one person since '89 - and that was the source of my encounter with her. It is the oldest blueberry that I know of - and her taste and high is just unreal. I fell in love with her instantly...pure blueberry muffins - to the point the smoke in the air smells like grandma just opened the oven and just finished baking a batch. THAT specific. People would come over and KNOW that is what I had been smoking.

I really think the pairing to O's Blueberry was a GREAT idea - IF - implemented properly and carefully. I'm really excited to see what Cooper did with the line and to see how well he was able to capture what we all love about blueberry in the general sense. He is one of the first I know of to attempt to breed further with the CB x DB - and that makes me a bit nervous - I'd hate for them to fall below the expectations of anyone, simply because I put my name on one part of the cross he made...lol... But I do know the potential is certainly there for some great plants to surface - all the genetic material is present and locked into the lines.

Really looking forward to seeing what your work and efforts bring forth, Cooper - I hope it just further compounds all that is great about these plants individually - and canna magic happens - and us blueberry fanatics have another source for that ever so sought after taste and effect! :respect:

Sorry to blab on - I tend to get carried away when I speak of the blues...hehehe.



ICMag Donor
So really, Cooper, has paired:

Blueberry Sativa x {[Blue Sat. 2.2 x Grape Krush] x [Digi x (Digi x Sour Bubble Bx2)]}

SO many iterations of the blue family in there it is simply ridiculous...I'd hate to break the Blue Sat 2.2 down - I know it is Blueberry Sativa x Sweet Tooth, not sure what generation of sweet tooth - but given ST is Grapefruit x Blueberry...lol...and that the Blueberry Sativa goes all the way back to Temple Flo...

There heritage compounded in the line is simply EPIC. Pairing it back to a great known example of Blueberry Sativa, such as O's pre-99 cutting - really makes PERFECT sense. I'm pretty sure there will be many happy smokers made from the work Cooper has put into the project...fingers crossed!!! :joint:



Active member
Well sounds like frank and his people put in a lot of work to make the cb x db. It's just nice to know that people are actually trying to bring that blueberry back from the dead and I can respect that frank. But I know what you are talking about with Dj's old blueberry to me when I held the cut I did with a nice cure u almost got a sense that why yes the blueberry was more pronounced in the smell u could kinda almost smell a grapefruity undertone to it but the terpine profile of old was a reeker for sure. Seems like a lot of those lines have been lost because all the Dutch ones I have smelled was and is nothing like the old. Plus I heard Dj's isn't the same anymore either and I don't feel like making the almost 150.00 leap to find out. I have heard that a lot of Canadians still hold the blue of old but that shit is under lock and key. Well props to you and your friends frank for the work you guys put into trying to get that amazing smell back to the masses shit I know that anyone who has tried blueberry from the old days can appreciate the hell out of it I would take the blueberry over any GSC out even the clone only version. Frank did you or the people involved in the project make the bx2? Hopefully and hopefully it was backcrossed to retain that amazing flavor that you guys shot for in the first place. Seeing that lineup that's involved there is a lot of the blue family in there do any of those plants herm at all frank? Well props to you and who made it all happen would love to find those original beans or the bx2 on the bay. Peace mike


Active member
O shit if tester go out they have done the e right way sorry frank
But are staying in a very tight group till I get the ok from the guys the made this like frank no worries frank nothing will be put out till I'm 1000 % sure we got it right I got Tom of pic for u frank just was staying off the grid for a while.

I might be more picky then u when it comes to my bb nothing ever just right allways can do better if they ever do go for sale ill be sure there the best bb seeds in the game


Active member


O shit if tester go out they have done the e right way sorry frank
But are staying in a very tight group till I get the ok from the guys the made this like frank no worries frank nothing will be put out till I'm 1000 % sure we got it right I got Tom of pic for u frank just was staying off the grid for a while.

I might be more picky then u when it comes to my bb nothing ever just right allways can do better if they ever do go for sale ill be sure there the best bb seeds in the game
Well I can't wait for that to happen that would be awesome glad some people feel the way I feel about that blueberry lady and that great taste she has and the high. Peace mikeEdited: also cooper what happened to your garlic cookies you were making? Was interested in that project you were doing as well peace.


ICMag Donor
Mike - the Digi Bx2 was made by the same person that's been holding the Digi since '89 and utilized my male Digi Bx1 selection - so it was a group effort that has allowed the lines to remain progressive...always is. After all, same person made the Digi Bx1 from which I selected the male out of - so, it had to pass the bar so to speak.



Active member
Nice great info dank frank well it's always nice to have a group effort to work towards a goal this way you have much more of a selection to choose from with everyone running them. Well if they are ever listed for sale at the bay I would love to pick up a pack to search through I am a blueberry nut also and I think those bx2's sound delicious in my book would be great to source a pack or two is the digi being offered by any breeders frank or did most phase it out? Or did your boy make it and lock it down between your circle of friends? Either great job to all of you I am sure it's amazing because I can see how passionate you are about those seeds that you helped make. Peace mike


ICMag Donor
Hey cooper1: plants look nice and healthy - I know a lot of folks who LOVE that blueberry cut and it is a staple within our community - I "know" the 'ole lady who shared it with the community - she's a saint...certainly the cut has been herald as one of the best.

When I was referring to the double serrations, I was talking more specifically within the CB x DB - and then in regards to selecting males that are more Digi dominant, as the serrations are one of the traits of the Digi - as well.

To say specifically - that all double serrations indicate a more blueberry terpene profile, would be mistaken - and that isn't what I meant - even though as I re-read, I see exactly why it would be construed that way - oops! ;)

For comparative purposes - here is the Digi Bx1 male:


I have learned though - that from a traditional stand point - that double serrations on any plant is typically a great indication of high potency.

But yeah, I certainly see the serrations on O's cut - I know it to be an excellent example of what I would consider a more modern / worked selection of blueberry. The Carolina Blue was found in '09 I think - and given the Grape Krush in her - she is an even MORE modern / worked selection. The Digi coming from the mid '80's is why I tend to refer to her as a classic blueberry or a less refined representation of the gene pool.

Mike - the Digi is very much thai influenced - and yes, when she is pushed too hard in feeding or taken too long in flower - she does indeed display some of that thai type finickiness - so yes, she will throw some stress / late nanners. But, when just allowed to grow without being pushed too hard and not over-flowered (Digi clone is done in 53-55 days, 60 absolute MAX), she never shows any sort of issues - which again, is why I say she is a bit less refined - but that is to be expected from a plant that is 13-15 years older than even O's cut.

I sent Cooper a SLEW of pictures in PM - from different grows of CB x DB by different people - and showed him the difference between a blueberry muffin pheno just allowed to grow vs the same plant being pushed hard for a higher yield - and well, once pushed and taken to that full 9 wk range - there appeared a big fat yellow "nanner" - I have no problem showing such things to others - it is what it is.

I've always considered the blue lines to be a bit more for the seasoned grower anyway - they have always been known for mutants and odd ball behaviors - you have to know what you are doing to get them to really shine...just takes time and knowing the plants you are working with. Doesn't make the genetics defunct...well, unless you are a commercial grower and then such is just intolerable, and I can understand why you wouldn't want to risk such in a massive room you can't really move around in freely - but I grow for me; I grow headies - not 'mersh.

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