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DJ Short Blueberry...very disappointed


Well-known member
Regardless of the reason, what happened to you is not normal at all. Most dj fans will hate this suggestion, but right now on seedbay there are packs of blueberry f2 and a few other lines from dj's gear for like $25 a pack. Cheap enough for a 2nd shot to maybe change your opinion. Fractal also has packs of f2's from old dj bb stock on sbay for $50, if you wanted older stock. They're a few years old though.


Well-known member
I've stressed the hell out of many plants when I was a new grower 10 years ago. But I never had males going sterile from it. I've never heard of that happening either, until this thread. Even with tons of stress my females would just sprout a few late flower nanners, and males a couple pistils, and that was it. Going hermie seems to be a survival trait that gets induced by stress...but sterility is definitely not a survival trait, it's a genetic malfunction (even if induced by the environment).
Also, I've never experienced anything like this from any blueberry hybrids, or any strains for that matter.
I mean I didn't just have one random sterile male, I had 2 out of 8. That's 25% of my males going sterile. Maybe even more since I didn't let the herm males mature to find out.
The sterility of males is not induced by environment. Its well known fact that there are sterile males in this gene pool. It is an ancestral trait of the original P1 parents, the same as mutants and crinkle leaf patterns. These genes are old, unique, take it as it is or leave it.
Going hermie may partly be a survival trait, but remember that some equatorial sativas were full hermaphroditic, it was their way of reproduction.

I used 7.5 ml pbp grow every other watering during veg and 7.5 ml bloom 2 out of 3 waterings during flower. Had very slight clawing in veg in just a few phenos but no burning, but don't remember the clawing during flower, except this one pheno that seemed to do it even if switched to plain water feedings. If that kind of feeding schedule is really enough to cause sterility and massive hermies in these genetics, and if the genetics are really that sensitive, then novice growers deserve to read this thread as a warning to try easier strains.
Thanks for your response! Now I have some numbers to go by when feeding my next batch. It's practical info like that which will really help anyone reading this thread.

I have never had clawing in veg, even with hot soils, the leafs were just very dark green and they would claw later when switched to flower. If you had clawing in veg, they must have been heavily overdosed by Nitrogen. There is no way the leafs would straiten up in flower, so you must have had the clawing in flower as well, indicating N overdose. Yet you continued adding nutrients 2 times of out 3 watering. You cannot read the bottle and put any plant to that regime, you must read the plant and its response!
I am surprised that i need to point this out to someone who had successfully grown 150+strains...

Massive hermies ? As someone who actually know the genetics i really lost trust in your words now. I usually experiment with new soil and boosters and some of my DjShorts plants often claw heavily in flower. I am talking about F13, Blueberry and Flo. OTM and Cocoa Kush dont claw on me for some reason.
When they claw, several things will be different. They may stretch a little more due to N excess. They will yield less and they may throw few bananas (my F13, Flo, Cocoa wont anyway), but i have never seen massive hermaphrodites and the bananas didnt produce seeds.

Man i suggest you bring some pics or stop talking about things you dont understand. Its obvious that you are not deep enough in the matter to be "educating" novice growers.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
That seed pack is old bud. Dj doesn't supply wholesalers. Check out states n dispensaries he visits to find fresh authentic gear. I was just hanging out with him. He did a seed germ test of 100 of his personal old stock seeds, n got above 90%. I think he said they were 10 years old. They have been fridged the entire time though. His stuff in med states is much more fresh. It's been a while but I got 95% on 50 dj bb seeds.

I've got plenty of keepers n used lots of pollen from them. Here's a cross I did that has the most bb flavor I've tasted out of a plant since I was introduced to bb in 95.




Well-known member
I haven't ran any current stock, but I've run his BB twice, and Blue Moonshine once. 100% germ, no herms. Made crosses, F2's, F2's of crosses. Only issue ever is nute sensitivity with BB. But I knew that going in and fed lightly, so it wasn't an issue. The Blue Moonshine was a freakin Beast that took anything.

I've run a bunch of Seedsman stuff. Happy with most of it, but I had poor germ rates with their Haze and Mama Thai.

Sorry you had issues with DJ's gear. I have nothing but good things to say about it.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
No worries about the sticker pack having bad germ. 9/10 3 days in.

Will update if warranted. Planning on using both M and F including crosses with a couple other strains then setting those genes loose outdoors.

4 Dragons

Active member
Just my two cents...
While I love a good Blueberry I would not say they were stable by any stretch of the imagination. Blueberry is known for it's mutants and that is why Blueberry from other people like Joey Weed or GoldTree is so highly coveted. They have taken the time to go through D's gear, find keepers and work them to remove the junk. I am not putting down DO at all, some phenol of some of his gear is excellent but I don't agree with a lot of what he says about the Sativas from back in the day. From what I have read it seems that I am older and I know for a fact that I had far better connections than DO or anyone else on these boards for that matter. Still, certain phenol of Blueberry are very much worth finding! I had one that smelled like a batch of blueberry muffins fresh out of the oven, fantastic! The high was very euphoric and quite enjoyable. Either that or something like it should be in everyones garden. It would be great if you could just buy a pack and they all turn out like that but unfortunately that is pretty far from reality. It sucks when you drop down some heavy coin and you don't even get one keeper. Soma was like this too; some great keepers but far too many weren't plus terrible germ rates and way too much money. All that being said I would still love to have a few packs of Blue Velvet and Moonshine Rocket Fuel! I guess what I'm saying is buyer beware and happy hunting...


ICMag Donor
Four dragons- "From what I have read it seems that I am older and I know for a fact that I had far better connections than DO or anyone else on these boards for that matter."


Active member
ICMag Donor
That seed pack is old bud. Dj doesn't supply wholesalers. Check out states n dispensaries he visits to find fresh authentic gear. I was just hanging out with him. He did a seed germ test of 100 of his personal old stock seeds, n got above 90%. I think he said they were 10 years old. They have been fridged the entire time though. His stuff in med states is much more fresh. It's been a while but I got 95% on 50 dj bb seeds.

I've got plenty of keepers n used lots of pollen from them. Here's a cross I did that has the most bb flavor I've tasted out of a plant since I was introduced to bb in 95.

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Beautiful. I have grown out a few DP blueberry and they seem to be airy sativa leaning buds. Yours has what I am looking for, more solid buds. What is in the Blueberry cross in the picture?


I know this might be a little off topic, but if you are having germ issues or mutant problems with DJ short's BB then I would suggest trying either the old stock on sbay or even check out blue alien from Pacific NW Roots. It is an old stock '99 dj short blueberry sativa leaner crossed to an alien kush I believe. Just a thought, if you hate Pacific NW Roots then I'm sorry I wasted your time.

4 Dragons

Active member
Four dragons- "From what I have read it seems that I am older and I know for a fact that I had far better connections than DO or anyone else on these boards for that matter."
Key word being " had" better. Technically speaking they were my late and much older brothers connections but I still had full access through him. This was back in the 60's and the early to mid 70's. Not anymore and that is fine by me...
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Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Beautiful. I have grown out a few DP blueberry and they seem to be airy sativa leaning buds. Yours has what I am looking for, more solid buds. What is in the Blueberry cross in the picture?

Dj's current bb is very indica leaning in structure. Dense buds, with phenos that can reach gpw.

This cross is death star x Whitaker blues
Death star (sensi star x sour d)
Whitaker blues (quimby x bb f4)

Here's a thread I started.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Just my two cents...
While I love a good Blueberry I would not say they were stable by any stretch of the imagination. Blueberry is known for it's mutants and that is why Blueberry from other people like Joey Weed or GoldTree is so highly coveted. They have taken the time to go through D's gear, find keepers and work them to remove the junk. I am not putting down DO at all, some phenol of some of his gear is excellent but I don't agree with a lot of what he says about the Sativas from back in the day. From what I have read it seems that I am older and I know for a fact that I had far better connections than DO or anyone else on these boards for that matter. Still, certain phenol of Blueberry are very much worth finding! I had one that smelled like a batch of blueberry muffins fresh out of the oven, fantastic! The high was very euphoric and quite enjoyable. Either that or something like it should be in everyones garden. It would be great if you could just buy a pack and they all turn out like that but unfortunately that is pretty far from reality. It sucks when you drop down some heavy coin and you don't even get one keeper. Soma was like this too; some great keepers but far too many weren't plus terrible germ rates and way too much money. All that being said I would still love to have a few packs of Blue Velvet and Moonshine Rocket Fuel! I guess what I'm saying is buyer beware and happy hunting...

Stability is referring to how often certain characteristics show themselves in the off spring. Germinate a pack of dj's bb n see how many have hollow stems, blue/purple hues, and the euphoric effect. For me, it was close to 100%, out of 5 packs. That's what we r talking about when referring to stability. These were the breeders goals, and they were attained n locked into the current generation.

I understand a lot of people r looking for that muffin flavor, or blueberry syrup flavor. Dj's stock leans towards real blueberries. If u want the addition of flavor, u could simply work the line, outcross it, or find somebody else's work, where they already worked it to what u may be looking for. Most everybodies bb alternative has it's roots in dj's genetics.


Active member
I dont know if it's dj s blues or not as it was sourced locally, but this blue is dead on muffins. Some of the best Ive seen in a while blueberrywise.


Well-known member
Been through quite a few Blueberries, DJ's were among the worst smell/taste wise, just nothing there, like old weed you bought as a kid..

They are slow to start and only really veg decent after they get a good rooting, but after that take off pretty well. They did have good resin production and looked appealing for what was there however. I like DJ, he seems pretty stand up, but the blueberry smell/taste is why I bought it, accepting the fact that it was late finishing, slow to grow and a low yielding plant.

Mind you this is outdoor, others have better luck indoors as we can see.

Nay Hay

New member
The DJ Short Blueberry I got in Amsterdam around 2007 was awful, maybe the worst thing I've ever tried in 20+ years. Runts, all of them. Hermies, all. Not a few nanners, lots of male flowers throughout bud, too many to pick out. I stuck with it just to get a taste...there may have been a bit of blueberry aroma in one, but not a standout in any way good.
I've grown DJ's BB and was happy enough with it to make my own seeds and do my own F2 grows half a dozen times since the original pack.

Very uniform plants that were not especially vigorous, as expected. Didn't smell or taste much to me like blueberries, but other "Blueberry" strains didn't either. DJ's has a great smell and taste though, and the high is sublime.

There must be some reason I keep growing it.


I grew a couple blueberry crosses years ago, (bluecitydiesel, bluesage...), never found the blueberry smell, until one day, I found a superb blueberry muffin plant from a cross I made with Blue City Diesel X (Senora Ampero X Pennywise) I could not believe it, there it was, the blueberry smell does indeed exist in cannabis!

She is still my number one to this day, the only thing about her which can be a great thing for some people is that she is high CBD, more CBD than THC. I wish I could have the exact same smell and taste in a high THC cultivar.

I believe blue city diesel was a cross Jordan of the Island made using a cut from DJ or from his own blueberry line starting with DJ's stock.

Point being, I think to find unique blueberry gem is to grow some of those older crosses that were made using old stock from DJ, cross them with whatever male you like and start sifting through that population.

That way, if you do find a blueberry plant, it will have vigor, wont be a mutant.


Well-known member
I just finished a pack, i was very pleased. Got a couple good blueberry smellin ones. All had great frost. Yeild was as expected, medium to low in general.

I took clones to put outside this summer, made hella seeds, and will cross the best few female clones. Honestly, i thought it turned out best case scenario. They are not pest resistant, and a little finicky.