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Distinguished and Nurtured Kind


Active member
Hey, I just have another quick question.?.

I just mixed some soil up with a few amendments @dded in as well. I guess its a rather large amount of soil to what I usually mix up at one time. It was six cubic foot of soil. I had a large cardboard box and I lined it with some plastic I had laying around and mixed it all inside that box.
Well what I’m curious about is that it’s been a few days now and today when I walked down the basement steps I could smell it in the air.

I went and checked the soil and no joke, it had to feel like it was 120 degrees down in the soil.

I’ve never had soil get HOT like this. I always check.

I used pretty much all the same ingredients I always use. Only difference was the amount of soil and the amount/weight of the amendments mixed in. Also that I added in some “Down to Earth” bio live which has some plant and marine based meal’s and it also has microbes in it and beneficial bacteria.

Should I wait for it to cool off before planting in it ? ? ?
Like should I keep sticking my hand down into the soil to check the temperature.?.
and once the temperature cools down I can plant in it?

I really didn’t want to have to wait too long to use it.

But I don’t want to burn my plants either...!!!... They’re hungry though...!!!...
it is what it is, if I gotta wait I’ll wait... I’d rather be safe than sorry...

I think the smell in the air is the cricket frass I mixed in...!!!...
that was the only ingredient that had any type of smell...!!!...

Thanx, and sorry for the stupid question.!. :tiphat:...


Active member
Chemdog is a good dude, we chatted it up back at Nugs n jugs 08. Most didn't know he was chemdog at the party, things were different back then. We had him ripped, then O had him judge lol


Hey, I just have another quick question.?.

I just mixed some soil up with a few amendments @dded in as well. I guess its a rather large amount of soil to what I usually mix up at one time. It was six cubic foot of soil. I had a large cardboard box and I lined it with some plastic I had laying around and mixed it all inside that box.
Well what I’m curious about is that it’s been a few days now and today when I walked down the basement steps I could smell it in the air.

I went and checked the soil and no joke, it had to feel like it was 120 degrees down in the soil.

I’ve never had soil get HOT like this. I always check.

I used pretty much all the same ingredients I always use. Only difference was the amount of soil and the amount/weight of the amendments mixed in. Also that I added in some “Down to Earth” bio live which has some plant and marine based meal’s and it also has microbes in it and beneficial bacteria.

Should I wait for it to cool off before planting in it ? ? ?
Like should I keep sticking my hand down into the soil to check the temperature.?.
and once the temperature cools down I can plant in it?

I really didn’t want to have to wait too long to use it.

But I don’t want to burn my plants either...!!!... They’re hungry though...!!!...
it is what it is, if I gotta wait I’ll wait... I’d rather be safe than sorry...

I think the smell in the air is the cricket frass I mixed in...!!!...
that was the only ingredient that had any type of smell...!!!...

Thanx, and sorry for the stupid question.!. :tiphat:...

Nick, I would wait till it stopped cooking to plant in. Definitely wouldn't put seeds in.

I have heard before that a compost pile must be of a certain mass and size to actually start to heat up and cook. I guess you reached that critical mass!

The microbes that you added probably spend up the process as well.

All of those commercial compost starters in a bag are usually heavy on the microbes and N to get things cooking.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Glad I could help put some faces to names my man even us lol we chat soon bud
And it’s no problem once so ever you made the trip the rest was well fast but memorable
Get to poppin’ Plus I got some newer gear for ya as well
Respect to this thread and the heads posting in it good shit here lady’s and gentleman


ICMag Donor
I've been distracted. I've not read my own thread yet. I'll get back to things here. All is well...better than good, in fact.

I've just been busy. Opportunities arise that really require 110% which means I have nothing left to give. I've wanted to log in numerous times, but have been running myself ragged. I get home and fall asleep where ever I stop. Couch. Desk. Toilet. Doesn't matter.

I've NOT flipped the Karma testers quite yet. I've got them all sexed at this point, and I'm just not sure how to proceed, because I've been distracted.

They ARE ready to flip. The HGLED is doing a rather sufficient job. The Mars Hydro light gives an odd glow, more blue than the HGLED, whose glow is more rose...regardless, I'm enjoying LED as a whole.

I'll say this.

It's NOT a nutrient issue that people are having. It's a root space issue. LED is driving root growth in a way I've not seen before. My roots are dumb healthy in a situation in which they really shouldn't be. I'll explain more...

But..for now, suffice to say, LED..not HGLED and not Mars Hydro - but LED - seems to trigger something that makes roots explode. This causes root bound plants and all the relevant issues associated with it, even with plants far smaller, than you'd normally expect to be that root heavy.

The end result is this asymptomatic LED conundrum that has everyone saying plants feed differently under LED.

I'm not convinced yet in that regard. I am however, 1000% sure, under LED - cannabis plants need additional root space than what is considered the norm. That's not really a "good" thing for soil growers.

Fortunately, I'm in a soil bed...

I expand a bit more on this soon. I'm exhausted and just felt really guilty I hadn't checked in or posted any pictures.

Much love IC and F.A.M.

This Boston trip has me reeling still. It kicked me into HIGH gear...pun, yes, no? I had a vision I thought was some what unique. I spoke with someone at the Freedom Rally, that had the same vision, but was actively engaging in that pursuit, on an international level.

It left me scratching my head, wondering what I'm doing with my life...numerous times. Not just that interaction - but the whole event - the whole occasion.

My world view has not been altered, but it has been adjusted. That kick in the pants, has required my attention.

The time was yesterday - and I see that now.



ICMag Donor
@GMT - I've been pondering this for weeks. I'm firm enough in the notion at this point, I'm willing to post it. I've read studies that suggest LED spectrum - when fine tuned, could increase root growth, and I honestly think that is the case. You have much smaller plants with MUCH bigger roots systems. They aren't deficient as much as they are wanting to explode and being limited. It's like the plants are being driven and unable to perform, so therefore showing penalty. But, it's not deficiency, it's lack of ability to progress.

I honestly, don't really suggest 24/7 under these fine tuned spectrum. The plants can and do hit a point in which they just seem to be exhausted. The same way a person starts to drag feet and complain...the plants seem to do the same. They protest not having a rest period. I've never seen such behavior before - except under these LEDs.

Keep in mind, I'm not running white/red enhanced LEDs. Also remember, all white LEDs are blue diodes with a film to correct color - ie - NOT as efficient as a colored diode.

It's an odd thing, but that is factually the truth.

@nickman - if your soil ISN'T heating up like that, then you didn't provide enough material to feed the bacteria/fungi to create heat. HEAT - is the result of biological activity. What happens when a human runs on a tread mill? Well, we want the soil to WORK. To get active. Research themophile. These bacteria are the opposite extreme of an aneroboe...they are your rapid composters. This is what you WANT at this stage of soil building. If you cover a soil you just mixed and it doesn't produce condensation - you're doing it wrong.

I've ALWAYS suggested a 2wk period of time for a newly mixed soil to rest. It may still feel warm, but it should be fully plant-able at that point.

@Cannared - you are correct in saying there is a volume metric in play when it comes to a successful end result - with COMPOST - even then, that only applies to open world situations - not controlled environments.

Honestly, if you were to apply a standard to things, the organic amended soil paradigm, is really just trying to go from inert media blends to custom built terra preta...in a few crop cycles - not in centuries. In it's premise, it's VERY ambitious. Unheard of, outside of the cannabis industry. BUT, that is because we have always understood we are putting a substance into our lungs.

It's a valid pursuit - but unless you have perspective and and end goal aside from just growing some fire flowers - you'll fail to realize, the only way to get the best flowers is to live and let nature.

Fully amended, water only, organic soil. Remove "self" from the equation and let the root exudates and the bacteria and the fungi and the worms decide - what needs to be what.

Last edited:


Active member
Yeah, the soil cooled down after about a week...

I’m transplanting tonight/tomorrow morning so it’ll be about two weeks that allowed the soil to cook...
I always get condensation inside the totes I keep my extra soil in...!!!...

I really do think that it had a lot to do with the larger volume of amendments I added plus the Down to Earth Bio Live which has all the beneficial bacteria and Microbes...!!!...

heady blunts

prescription blunts
very interesting abt root growth under led.

don’t wallow in that “the time was yesterday” feeling for too long. there are certainly waves of opportunity happening that can leave one feeing passed by but take a step back because this industry is truly in its infancy.

what’s your end goal? you’ve always stood for uncompromising quality above all else and that plus your authentic passion that has been apparent for at least the decade i’ve known you is a recipe for lasting success imho.

sure in this fascist corporate oligarchy there will inevitably be a disgusting race for market takeover by large multinationals with deep pockets. but look at the losses the big four are reporting every quarter. eventually they will consume themselves and drive the commercial market into a bland, unhealthy, and non therapeutic industrial machine.

meanwhile the ppl that grew the dank in the face of imprisonment will weather the storms.

my plan is to stay small and agile and build locally. there’s already an established interest in and support for locally produced, locally owned, pastured, humane, regenerative agriculture in my area.

when i consider the atrociously low quality of what is available at the rec dispensaries + the insane price points i start feeling more confident about producing a limited quantity of unrelenting quality.

then you only need to follow the model of successfully marketed small farms—your compelling story and undeniable high quality.

blah blah blah. too much coffee this morning :coffee:


Active member
really interesting stuff for sure. i may swap my QBs with Bmac's 630 CMH for a run so we can both try out another type of lighting. i will definitely pay attention to how my roots seem to be growing compared to now under the LEDs.

i will be watching for your conclusions on this whole subject for sure. i have been learning and changing things every run so it's tough to gauge, but you changed nothing but the lights so it's more apples to apples.

cheers d.f


Active member
I wonder if C02 would have any effect on ratio of root mass to vegetation. If Carbon is only limiting factor to growth would the plant try to get it from a more extensive root system?
I haven’t checked root balls but I do notice an increase in plant health in general under LED lights and certainly I would say greater transpiration based on amount of water needed.. oddly I have not had much nute burn associated with the increased transpiration which (I think?) tells me that they’re eating more too.... hm... are they looking for water to “fuel the fire”? I find myself interested in what Hydro guys have to say about root mass in relation to vegetation with regard to lights? Seems like they ought have valuable input on this topic.

I like your thinking on feed stock affecting plant flavour... N is N but blood and bone carry things like Fe Ca sugars and all manner of other goodies that plants love... I’ve settled on Fish Hydrolysate as my go to in that regard but I keep blood and bone around and throw some on every couple cycles. I really enjoy having dried Dandelion and Yarrow around as N Fe and Ca sources as well.. I’m really kind of hoping to stick to Rock dusts (I can get a LOT of variety round here) and Fish or locally harvested green inputs or manures. I think I’m going to use up my Bat Guano and then try ONLY the local inputs for a year or two and just see...
I also think I’m not far from a water only soil and in fact last cycle I didn’t need to feed anything. It’s a pretty cool feeling actually.. to start to scratch that level of understanding your plants and their environment is very fulfilling.
Interesting your comment on indoor marijuana soils being an attempt at “synthetic” Terra Preta... that was my exact approach to crafting a productive soil that could be re-used forever!

Got Reno planned this next week or so and then I’ll get a side by side going with HGL V MARS... still not sure if I’m entering GPW competition.. I took cuts a day or so ago I’m just not sure I want to commit to staying on top of posting often enough... my Life is changing again right now and I don’t think I’ll be prioritizing GPW in a month or two... shit.... some days I think I’m just going to burn it all and start over!
Keep up the awesome .frank. I really enjoy dropping in to see what’s being discussed here and your flowers always look dope!


Active member
Hey... speaking of flowers. Hope you don’t mind but it’s been a couple pages so here’s one! Lol
ZamxGuatemala F4. Z13bx line (more Thai/Zamal influenced)

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