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Disposal of Clippings

Man at Arms

Active member
What does everyone do with their clippings in terms of getting rid of it? I’m in a non friendly state and just don’t want to throw it in the trash. I had thought about throwing it into the fire pit but that the smell may set off the neighbors as well. Thanks!


Well-known member
dump in a trash can add some water.
it will turn black and rot. then dump.
i have worm bins. so i use my leaf as
part of there bedding. i burn my stems.
hot fire for dry stems. they burn fast
and do not put off a lot of smoke.

Man at Arms

Active member

Thought about it but i live in suburbia. Neighbors house is next door

What size load are we talking about? Blender and down the toilet?

Small load. I grow personal. I’m currently cleaning up with bottoms of my plants to get air flow

dump in a trash can add some water.
it will turn black and rot. then dump.
i have worm bins. so i use my leaf as
part of there bedding. i burn my stems.
hot fire for dry stems. they burn fast
and do not put off a lot of smoke.

Good call on the stems. I can throw those into the fire pit one night.


I harvest a few at a times a year and I could easily be your neighbor. I collect all trim and stems from a harvest in black plastic 13 gallon trash bag. Cut all stems down to a few inches. I keep a spray bottle of water and bleach. Strong. Then I put it in another trash bag. Spray again. Then I put it in the car and on my way to work or where ever drive by places with dumpsters and no cameras. Behind a liquor store, convenience store, carpet store,, whatever. So long as no one is looking or more importantly, cameras. Get creative. I have put it in the trash cans of a fast food place I intentionally stop at and order a burger in the drive thru and park in the lot near a dumpster or big trash can. Eat my burger get out and throw the trash in the can. No one is really looking for this. I never do the same place twice. If you do it same day or next day they will still smell SLIGHTLY depending on how tight you tie the knots. Left them in my car at work to dispose of after work and I can get a slight whiff but nothing you would smell from the bag in the dumpster or trash can. Small bags of trim for fan leaves I do the same but in a smaller bag and if you spray the leaves with bleach water and let them sit in the bag for a couple days they stop smelling. I even use small sandwich ziplock bags and spray them with bleach water and couple days later double bag with bleach water in wallyworld plastic bags when Im just doing some lollypop of lower stuff before and right after flip. Stuff them in a fast food bag and toss it anywhere like the fast food joint. I have even dropped them off at my place of employment while walking in like other folks who may have grabbed a drive thru biscut on my way to work. At that point they dont smell at all.

How many times do you actually look at someone throwing trash away unless its your store they are throwing trash in the dumpster? They would have to break open the bags within a couple days for it to be at all smell able and if the trash guys do who cares? Dont be careless but dont get wound up in the spokes over it.


Active member
Vacuum bags (for clothing) then in black trash bag and in underground or other “safe” dumpsters


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Compost bin! Get yourself one off those.
Compost the remains and use the compost in your garden.


What size load are we talking about? Blender and down the toilet?
I do the garbage disposal for small amounts I mean we put left over veggies and such down them all the time. If needed bleach follows. I rely on bleach to clean up the smell often in cases of disposing of plant matter.

Id prefer to compost it but its not an option in the burbs even if it was legal to grow because I dont want to draw attention to my home.
If I grew a dozen plants at a time Id find another way but I dont.


ICMag Donor
Use it to make butter or tincture!

Or......Dry it out, wrap in cheese cloth, add alcohol, wait a month, shaking in jar every few days.....makes for a nice canna-rita if you use tequila!


I live next to a river and all my clippings go into that at night. I only use organic products on my plants so I have no moral issues with doing so.

By the time morning comes everything is carried down stream miles away.


Well-known member
Premium user
After each harvest I have about a full grocery bag full of useless leaves.

I put the paper bag full of leaves into a plastic trash bag. Then, I dump my days garbage in it.... coffee grounds, egg shells, toast crust, potato peels, banana peels, etc.

Maybe toss in a couple of loads of dog shit from my Golden Retriever.

Then, I tie it up and simply put it in my weekly trash.

If the cops want me bad enough to go through that mess for evidence, I'll go peacefully. LMAO

I never liked putting the bag in other people's trash bins. Fucking cameras are everywhere and you don't always see them.


St. Phatty

Active member
Feed it to birds. If you don't have pet birds, just go to a public place with pigeons early in the morning.

Then the pigeons can share the trimmings with the homeless people.

Small price to pay for Happiness ! :woohoo:

Just don't get caught.

If you live in a Hard-Narc state like South Dakota, maybe mix them with cement.


Seed Whore
I got rid of a large bag last night by walking up the street and finding a spot under some trees where
nobody walks or lives and dropped them there. It doesn't take long for the leaves to compact under
natural conditions and nobody will be able to tell what they are after a few weeks.


Well-known member
I dump them back at my outdoor grow spot while I'm pulling my chicken wire cages and taking my stakes back.


Seed Whore
^^^ It's best not to compost what you're growing at the same location.

It invites plant specific pests to grow in numbers.


Active member
Leaves are really easy to get rid of, dry them out till they simply turn to dust and crush them all up near to a powder, then flush them down toilet.

As for the stems, dry them out too so there bone dry then cut them up small about an inch and use a fire bin in the garden to burn them or your fire in your house if you have one.

At the end of the crop though, i dry all the leaves crush them a little and use for either RSO oil, bubble hash or kief. Then dispose everything in the outside fire bin, bit by bit. Also all the stems.

If you're going to burn them make sure 100% that they are bone dry, they don't last as long in the fire then.

If you're really concerned about the smell on the fire, add some to a bag and add white spirit inside the bag then throw on the fire and that will mask everything. Use EXTREME caution when using flammables!


Seed Whore
Wear a disguise and drop them on the Courts steps on Sunday night so they find them Monday morning. :laughing: