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dispensaries are selling oz's for CHEAP


Active member
Seen some sungrow ozs in a few clubs that were decent...but 1 club picked up my out and are sellin it at indoor prices smh lol...


Should be $0/oz

you will never be successful

nothing is free you hippie, you should go try and live for free once, and be grateful that you don't have to for your whole life.

You should try and do an outdoor crop for yourself, hell nature will do it for ya

mack 10

Well-known member
I just paid 90 for an oz. here in CA.

Edit: Delivered.

Many places in California have an oz for sale around $69 more or less. And killer ounces for $150. an ounce. Pounds can be found for $300=450. and whatever you'd like to pay. That was before the election. Odd, how election seems to coincide with Harvest season. jpt

still got high prices in the uk, 300-400 $ a pound is crazy. ,
good for the buyer, not so sure about the grower?


still got high prices in the uk, 300-400 $ a pound is crazy. ,
good for the buyer, not so sure about the grower?

At 400 an elbow, it can't be too good. You still make a little bit of money at $70 an Oz @ 400 a Lb, but them's brick-weed prices. I see "Econo Kush" and shit like that going for like $5 a gram..bet you have to burn double or triple the amount you would with good smoke. I guess it all just depends on what you consider good enough? For instance, what I got for $90 was actually a split of allegedly GDP and the other half Purps. Well, let me tell you, there is a huge difference in $200 an Oz Purps vs what I got. This is super dense shite, but seems immature and certainly doesn't taste or smell anywhere near as good as Purps that I have paid anywhere from 200 an Oz to $35 at the 8th level. Not even close. Does it get me stoned? Sure, but flavor and aroma are a big part of the ritual for me, so my cup is half full. The GDP? Same deal, I like it better, but it smells immature. Again both are uber dense, like outdoor. This seems like insurance weed (harvested early to insure they will get at least some return) they're dumping now knowing their good stash will command a much better price the closer they get to summer (and the return of mostly indoor pricing levels).


Active member
You want more than 150 a oz for "medicine" with spidermites? Not worth your wild to make money? If you can't make money off 2400 a pound you should only be made at yourself....

Compassionate care my ass.


Not everyone is in the med scene... there are many commercial growers who supply recreational smokers... and they get as much cash as they can for their crop (whatever the market will bear) and I say more power to them.

growing weed in a hostile environment (illegal) should come with some monetary rewards.. small solace it is when they take your freedom but solace nonetheless..
compassionate care??? wtf is that? and why is that being laid at my feet? did growing mj automatically sign me up to be someone else's lifeline.
I got my own large family to support... Ive got terminally ill family members.. I got my own people to look after.
ill help someone as much as I can (if they are deserving) but to guilt trip people for getting market price is laaammmme imho!
if you want to give "compassionate care" go ahead. Ill applaud your efforts but im into caring for my people... that is hard enough.
and btw, ive spent a good deal of time in norcal.. and the majority of your "med" patients are a fuckin joke.. average guys who wanna get high without the headaches of the law... why the fuck should those people be givin a price break on anything?
Now if u have terminal cancer and cant work, ill toss you some nugs... but for joe "med card" snowboarder... pay the fuck up.


Not everyone is in the med scene... there are many commercial growers who supply recreational smokers... and they get as much cash as they can for their crop (whatever the market will bear) and I say more power to them.

growing weed in a hostile environment (illegal) should come with some monetary rewards.. small solace it is when they take your freedom but solace nonetheless..
compassionate care??? wtf is that? and why is that being laid at my feet? did growing mj automatically sign me up to be someone else's lifeline.
I got my own large family to support... Ive got terminally ill family members.. I got my own people to look after.
ill help someone as much as I can (if they are deserving) but to guilt trip people for getting market price is laaammmme imho!
if you want to give "compassionate care" go ahead. Ill applaud your efforts but im into caring for my people... that is hard enough.
and btw, ive spent a good deal of time in norcal.. and the majority of your "med" patients are a fuckin joke.. average guys who wanna get high without the headaches of the law... why the fuck should those people be givin a price break on anything?
Now if u have terminal cancer and cant work, ill toss you some nugs... but for joe "med card" snowboarder... pay the fuck up.
Outstanding post, I couldn't agree more.
Especially in regards to the people working in the hostile states taking care of rec users.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Going past 200oz is losing money. Im sure there are people that will do it though.

my theory is we will see the majority of the mexican shwag market move over to the U.S.. Econo Kush is a fancy name for decent shwag. It is no surprise that it is available for 400 a pound because that is what is fair for that crap. In Texas I used to get endless pounds of nice panama red and Oaxaca Gold for 300-400 a p that was as good as canadian beaster from bc that cost 4000 a p at the time. the only difference was my stuff was sativa and had a few seed (which I grew out into dank and sold as top notch indoor because it was). I Still only charged 500 a pound. took over a whole towns market in under a year.

Once the production swag market is re-established in America then you will see the price of indoor go back up a little and stabilize. I think this is because people will realize that they are just getting shwag at a certain point, and refuse to pay over 50 bucks an ounce. then as prices drop, so will the effort of the growers not getting top dollar. they will replace quantity with quality until they are just pure cash croppers.

Then many growers will drop out and get other jobs. Many of them working for bigger growers.

Meanwhile the guys making quality will also be banding together as the legal markets form. We will form a guild like the Sommeliers guild for wine to ensure quality of process, genetics, potency, and safety are at the utmost highest levels to be considered AAA.


Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
in a perfect world there would be so much cannabis highly available that it was free for everyone, like water

Really....You think water is free for everyone? That's good to know. I'll stop paying my water bill right now, and we'll see how much longer the local utility company continues to provide it. In the majority of the world water is a huge luxury. It's only in most of our countries that we take for granted that we can turn on a faucet and have "clean" water. In most places they take what they can get(no matter how contaminated). It's definitely not free, and clean water definitely costs more.

If you have any herb that's $0/LB....let me know.
you are mostly right HZ but on the guilds sorry bud you are inaccurate, the guild system is best left back in the 1500s where it belongs. the internet has made guilds completely obsolete.

the state of cannabis breeding right now in general is absolutely abysmal, and the "know how" when it comes to marketing and selling cannabis on a commercial, legal scale is completely lacking. basically there is no one person, let alone group of people who can conclusively say what is or isn't good cannabis, from a legal commercial standpoint, or how said cannabis should be rated. the arguments would go on for months. it's all going to be based on market perceptions. and right now, the market is wide open for anyone to step in with top of the line gear, and top of the line production system etc, to take over everything and define it in their own image. how cannabis is rated and measured and compared will ultimately come down to how the successful companies define, rate, and measure it.

cannabis companies will come up with their own rating systems which best fit the customers need in their estimation, and their brand image. thc percentage etc has been all the rage in the medical market but in the recreational world that information is less than useless in describing much of anything about the cannabis and how it actually smokes, other than a rough, general idea of its potency. the marijuana market is absolutely rife with misinformation and straight up lies, thanks to prohibition, so the "cannabis consumer" by and large absolutely does not have a clue what's good and what's not, and it's going to take 5-10 years of an open and legal market to get these questions and systems fully sorted out. basically the experts you are talking about getting together and defining these things don't exist yet, and can't exist yet, and wont exist until they have been hardened by many years of intense battle in the marketplace against lesser producers, and of exposure to the legal marketplace and what those buyers want.

everything about how things are currently done and how the plant is currently thought about are going to be changed considerably by legalization. unless dj short, tom hill, and those other small time breeders you listed come to the table and jump in this legal market, and gain respect and market share by succeeding in it, or join forces with others who succeed in it, they are not going to be the ones defining it and being the ones to decide how everything is laid out and how bud quality and potency is rated and determined. it all comes down to what people like and are willing to pay for. that is the ultimate determining factor on who wins this. until now no strain or producer of said strain has been tested on a truly wide and open playing field. i'm totally looking forward to testing out a wide variety of strains on a large number of people and getting feedback on what people truly like and don't like, and what they would smoke every day if they had it consistently available. i bet the results will surprise me.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^there is plenty of people that can say what is good cannabis. In order to be good cannabis you have to do certain things. If you dont it does not matter what genetics you have. the weed will be crap. People with a trained eye and pallet like me can tell you if a bud is quality or not very easily. There are hundreds just on this web site, and anybody can train their selves to do it.

see your judging the quality based on a process, not based the opinion of a plant trait. for an example, in wine some people like Pinot Noir, but not all Pinot Noir is produced well, which is revealed in the final product. It's not judging based on things like; this bud is better because it tastes like grapes or whatever. It's like this bud is better because it was flushed better, or something along those lines.

as far as judging the genetics goes that is all subjective to your tastes, but so is wine. That is the first thing a good somm will teach you.

see a guild is nothing more than a group of people that know what they are doing calling out bull shiters. basically consumer protectors that are professional haters. we dont let scrubs sell off their bull shit as dankness.


you will never be successful

nothing is free you hippie, you should go try and live for free once, and be grateful that you don't have to for your whole life.

You should try and do an outdoor crop for yourself, hell nature will do it for ya

wait what?

i'll never be successful at what? life? growing?


What is going on here. Did you get upset or something?

I am simply saying that a plant that was on this earth before we were, should stay true to what it is, a free plant.

sorry if that upsets you.


Really....You think water is free for everyone? That's good to know. I'll stop paying my water bill right now, and we'll see how much longer the local utility company continues to provide it. In the majority of the world water is a huge luxury. It's only in most of our countries that we take for granted that we can turn on a faucet and have "clean" water. In most places they take what they can get(no matter how contaminated). It's definitely not free, and clean water definitely costs more.

If you have any herb that's $0/LB....let me know.

Ok so I didn't make a good case in point, no need to throw me under the bus for my opinion.

I am saying it is a free plant, it was on earth naturally, and you all want to go charge $500/oz and make a killing on it.

That's just my opinion, I am not on the medical scene, I grow for myself and only myself.

Sorry if you're offended that I think it should be a free plant for everyone. :whee:

If I had a way to grow enough to give tons away, I would, that's just me. I see you all have other intentions, and that's fine, too.


expecting anything for $0 that takes a bit of $$ to make is extremely wrong

so you are entitled to others hard work cause it is a plant?

I can not understand how anyone thinks anything is free anymore, besides hugs

not trying to be a dick, but seriously saying herb should be free is laughable, even shit brick costs $$


Sorcerer's Apprentice
If I had a way to grow enough to give tons away, I would, that's just me. I see you all have other intentions, and that's fine, too.

You do have a way to give away tons for free. Here's how you implement it:

Step #1 - Spend 5 years getting your master's in hospital administration. You'll get a job upon completion that pays at least $60,000 a year.

Step #2 - Use that money to buy up some land. It'd be smarter to do so in a state like Washington or Colorado, but I recommend a med state at minimum.

Step #3 - Use that land to grow as much herb as you possibly can, and use the money from your occupation to pay for the ferts, pest prevention, maintenance, etc.

Step #4 - Harvest your crop.

Step #5 - Give it away.

So... let me know when your first harvest comes in and I'll show up and take the free plant that grows for free.

I think I understand and sympathize with the emotions behind your statement... but i doubt many people here will be willing to invest time and money in order to provide these free plants for free.

Last I checked, other vegetables were also plants that grew here naturally on earth before humans started to cultivate them. So all that stuff should be free, too, right? Money doesn't grow on trees, but apples do. Apples should be free!

Did you know that apples in the wild are about 90% unsuitable for eating? They are bitter or ridiculously tart and only suitable for making hard cider. (Research Johnny Appleseed's REAL business model.) But every once in a while, someone finds an apple tree with the characteristics they are looking for (lush, abundant fruit, sweet tasting, pest resistant) and then they clone the hell out of that one tree.

Every "red delicious" apple (or whatever you prefer) comes from a clone of the original "red delicious" tree. If you planted the seeds, you would not grow a red delicious. You'd grow a natural tree that was more likely than not going to produce inedible fruit.
Last edited:


expecting anything for $0 that takes a bit of $$ to make is extremely wrong

so you are entitled to others hard work cause it is a plant?

I can not understand how anyone thinks anything is free anymore, besides hugs

not trying to be a dick, but seriously saying herb should be free is laughable, even shit brick costs $$

I think I am failing to explain myself. Sorry guys.


I don't expect anyone to wipe my ass. I grow my own weed. And yes I gave away an ounce the other day. :) Plain and simple I "WISH" it was free for all people.

Maybe that will clear it up.

I'm not ignoring the laborious task of growing and harvesting and trimming and curing and all of that. Obviously that takes someones time, skill, money, etc.

Mine is more of a dream that there weren't so many arrests, arguments, fights, ego-battles, and hate over a plant that was given to this earth by.. someone or something.

Forgive me for dreaming! :)


You do have a way to give away tons for free. Here's how you implement it:

Step #1 - Spend 5 years getting your master's in hospital administration. You'll get a job upon completion that pays at least $60,000 a year.

Step #2 - Use that money to buy up some land. It'd be smarter to do so in a state like Washington or Colorado, but I recommend a med state at minimum.

Step #3 - Use that land to grow as much herb as you possibly can, and use the money from your occupation to pay for the ferts, pest prevention, maintenance, etc.

Step #4 - Harvest your crop.

Step #5 - Give it away.

So... let me know when your first harvest comes in and I'll show up and take the free plant that grows for free.

I think I understand and sympathize with the emotions behind your statement... but i doubt many people here will be willing to invest time and money in order to provide these free plants for free.

Last I checked, other vegetables were also plants that grew here naturally on earth before humans started to cultivate them. So all that stuff should be free, too, right? Money doesn't grow on trees, but apples do. Apples should be free!

Not going to get into a big argument.

Just saying if I had more space i'd give more free weed away. :)

I understand many people use this as a primary income source, but I don't. I just like to grow for myself and help people out when I can.

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