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dispensaries are selling oz's for CHEAP

and that means they pay much less. i am having to sell my legally grown, with a green card, stuff for only $150 an ounce. this is fucking bullshit. i can barely pay my fucking light bill on that! what about you guys? last year i had friends who were asking $180 for outdoor grown crap weed. they couldn't give it away then. there must be so many people growing it now. it totally is not even worth my while to make money. maybe that is the point of the green card, to just grow for yourself, but that is about all it is worth when it is so cheap. i actually would be better off just buying it for $200/oz and save myself the pain in the ass from the spider mites et al. btw, they were selling for $200/z before the law got passed. can't wait to see how low it goes after the new laws take effect. $10 baggies full like the 70's again, except primo bud instead of mexi crap. i'm hatin life!


when it goes "legal" and they tax the hell out of it the prices will go up at the washington state controlled stores. all other stores will be shut down. sounds good?

but i did some math the other day and figured out it cost me 120$ for each pound i grew outdoor this year. the biggest expense being the trimming of it. looks like ill be in the game for some time still.

good luck fella......


Active member
2400/lb and you can't make money? Time to take a look at your growing methods. you need to figure you production cost per gram, and find ways to reduce it. Indoor production casts for me are <$1.00/ gram, this includes power, nutes, equipment depreciation, grow space construction based on a 4 year cycle, and labor @ $35/hr.

Adapt or die. Now is the time to get ahead and get cost under control.


hmmm..... good point.

if i paid myself 30$ per hour:

20 minutes to ammend the hole at the start of each year

5 minutes to plant

1 minute to put up metal fencing (support for plant in future)

10 minutes to wrap plant with horti-nova netting (around august)

5 minutes to chop plant and hang

10 minutes clean up netting, root ball etc

so realistically maybe an hour more per plant. now this year i averaged over 5 lbs per plant.

take into account that all my soil, drip irrigation, t posts etc have been paid for from previous years. start up costs are the killer in my opinion. so maybe id add an extra 10$ to the cost of each pound. i can sustain this except eventually i will grow old and not be able to do as much work and will have to hire in some help. i was able to keep up with 60 plants this year, no out side help except to trim. remember this is outdoor, indoor would cost much more.......


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
You want more than 150 a oz for "medicine" with spidermites? Not worth your wild to make money? If you can't make money off 2400 a pound you should only be made at yourself....

Compassionate care my ass.



Active member
Many places in California have an oz for sale around $69 more or less. And killer ounces for $150. an ounce. Pounds can be found for $300=450. and whatever you'd like to pay. That was before the election. Odd, how election seems to coincide with Harvest season. jpt


3rd-Eye Jedi
part of this is laughable because every year the outdoor floods the market and good outdoor puts pressure on those selling commercial indoor

the same HUGE percentage of people growing sup par pot still exists and the dash for cash and lower profits isn't going to change that dynamic one bit

doesn't matter where the b grade comes from as long as you have a grade
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3rd-Eye Jedi
Should be $0/oz

it should be $0/oz for the labor if you grow it yourself

the cost of everything else you need to grow it is only free if you steal it or know how to grow in a completely natural environment with no additional materials

curious to know, what do you do for a living and do you do it for free?

you shouldn't have to hock gold for weed but it shouldn't be part of the welfare system either

funny how pot heads get riled at each other when its someone else who is putting the pressure on (government law)


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
maybe it's time to throw out the HPS and get some LEDs ;)

cooling and lighting expenses will go way down, although there is an initial up front cost...


it should be $0/oz for the labor if you grow it yourself

the cost of everything else you need to grow it is only free if you steal it or know how to grow in a completely natural environment with no additional materials

curious to know, what do you do for a living and do you do it for free?

you shouldn't have to hock gold for weed but it shouldn't be part of the welfare system either

funny how pot heads get riled at each other when its someone else who is putting the pressure on (government law)

i should've elaborated.

i think it should be a free plant, genetics, seeds, clones, etc.

if you want to sell it thats up to you.

in a perfect world there would be so much cannabis highly available that it was free for everyone, like water.

:) btw it costs me about $300/year or less to supply myself.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
There is a way around all this for you guys. just treat it like a regular business. just have the best quality at a competitive price for everyone. dont drastically mark up from p price, dont charge differently for different strains. Dont fuck the east coast while giving the west a good deal. When everything balances out then you will already be balanced and have happy loyal customers. you saw the future and kept things steady and didnt make them deal with a bunch of b.s.

do you guys see what I'm getting at.

Want to survive. make your self a real business model and base it off the price of 200 dollars per pound. Figure out how much you need to grow when it is at that cost and grow that much. you will win. lol

Fred el Gato

There is a way around all this for you guys. just treat it like a regular business. just have the best quality at a competitive price for everyone. dont drastically mark up from p price, dont charge differently for different strains. Dont fuck the east coast while giving the west a good deal. When everything balances out then you will already be balanced and have happy loyal customers. you saw the future and kept things steady and didnt make them deal with a bunch of b.s.

do you guys see what I'm getting at.

Want to survive. make your self a real business model and base it off the price of 200 dollars per pound. Figure out how much you need to grow when it is at that cost and grow that much. you will win. lol


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This is why I only have 1 person I do business with. They get top shelf cannabis for a good price. I feel safe they are safe no games..