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Discribe What's A Real Breedder IUO...


Active member
I invite ANYONE to PROVE a GOOD drug canna seed production company in this world exists. Actually, you will not be able to do it. There are NO seed production facilities doing the work on a proper scale.
SHOW ME ONE. ONE. Dont TELL me about one.. SHOW ME. PROVE IT. You will learn an important lesson in the process of researching it. Do it

Well its simple, check Mr Nice!! Go on their website and check the videos u might drop from ur chair when u see this.

And i guess that once ur genetics is set u will not necessary need big scales to found the right phenotype.


For me, I Read Multiple Books. I Read the Marijuana Breeders Bible. DJ Shorts book. All the Marijuana Cultivator Books. Lol. Its a non stop process. If its true love your always reading about Bud and growing it. And when It comes to breeding its that Love that makes the best genetics I think. even if its 2 years in the Making. The knowlede of things like THC, CBD, Indica, Sativa, AFGN's all amount to a certain taste and Plant archetecture.

Its more of a Love.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I'm in analysis mode. Here are a list of breeders that most people seem to agree are legends in the breeding community, and characteristics of them as breeders.

Sam the Skunkman
- Knowledgeable about the specifics of breeding practices. We know this because of his posts here and elsewhere.
- Involved in the growing community (off and on)
- Consistently produces outstanding original work
- Nice guy

- Knowledgeable about the specifics of breeding practices and plant selection. We know this because of his close involvement with the breeding community (GHS, MRN) and his articles/posts on other sites
- Involved in the growing community
- Consistently produces outstanding original work
- Nice guy

DJ Short
- Knowledgeable about the specifics of breeding practices and plant selection. We know this because of his academic-quality published articles and (occasional) post.
- Consistently produces outstanding original work
- Nice guy

- Knowledgeable about plant selection and the actual growing of plants. Breeding I haven't seen so much proof of his knowledge, outside of his excellent work
- Involved in the community
- Consistently produces outstanding work, though not necessarily 'original'
- Nice guy

Yeah, I left some people out, but I think this is a fairly complete list of whom most would consider top breeders. I notice whenever people bring up Rez there are always strong opinions of his abilities (positive and negative). Everyone agrees he's got great gear, but I hear more talk about his attitude toward the green community than his abilities/knowledge as a breeder. It's clear that personal character means something, here.

A 'good' breeder is characterized by more than their abilities, but also their interest in sharing what they know with others. That's what I think separates the known legends from everyone else, even if those everyone elses produce fantastic genetics.

That was long.

EDIT: Forgot Chimera and Tom Hill. God damn, how did I forget these titans? Re: scarred4life and Mountain_Monkey

I hate to suggest that such icons of the cannabis world could be wrong but they are.

A plant breeder is a person that envisions the enhancement of certain plant characteristics and then has the education, skill and experience to act in a manner that will elicit those characteristics. Period.

How active you are, who you know or how nice you are has no relevance at all to breeding, nor is it a reflection of ones skill in completing the necessary research and testing. Further, whether the breeder is working with original material or developed material is totally irrelevant. The researchers that developed "roundup ready" corn didnt' invent corn, but to suggest they arent breeders would be ludicrous. It was a team of genticist, Ph.d's and highly trained botanist.

The work of highly intellegent and gifted individuals can be exemplary. Often, people with these skills are introverted and isolated with and by their obsession. They can lack the socialization skills that allow them to mingle and tend towards reclusiveness . There are other individuals however, that although they may lack highly developed breeding skills their political talents allow them to convince others that they do posses great skill, gaining fans and allowing those fans to pronounce their genius

The first group gives us great innovation. The latter group of people make the world a fun place to live.


I hate to suggest that such icons of the cannabis world could be wrong but they are.

A plant breeder is a person that envisions the enhancement of certain plant characteristics and then has the education, skill and experience to act in a manner that will elicit those characteristics. Period.

How active you are, who you know or how nice you are has no relevance at all to breeding, nor is it a reflection of ones skill in completing the necessary research and testing. Further, whether the breeder is working with original material or developed material is totally irrelevant. The researchers that developed "roundup ready" corn didnt' invent corn, but to suggest they arent breeders would be ludicrous. It was a team of genticist, Ph.d's and highly trained botanist.

The work of highly intellegent and gifted individuals can be exemplary. Often, people with these skills are introverted and isolated with and by their obsession. They can lack the socialization skills that allow them to mingle and tend towards reclusiveness . There are other individuals however, that although they may lack highly developed breeding skills their political talents allow them to convince others that they do posses great skill, gaining fans and allowing those fans to pronounce their genius

The first group gives us great innovation. The latter group of people make the world a fun place to live.
Rezdog. :Bolt:

lost in a sea

the guys behind ace and canna b, would be my model breeders....very intelligent guys, working with rare genetics from all round the world, succesively improving and making interesting crosses with genetics that can only help widen the gene pool and improve it.

i like alot of others as well though....

the way i see it...........if someone has rare genetics, that the community desires then that person is actually doing a valuable duty to the community by releasing some progeny.........now this person may do jack shit and just do some F2's of the stock he has, but if they were rare then fair enough....pollen chucker or whatever no one cares, were all too greedy to care...

there are certain seed producers that only repeatedly produce thieved genetics, like dutch passion,white label or dina fem for example......but still they have their niche spot in the market conning the new and the ill informed, and if those in the know (we) wanna keep buying the good shit, most of the time anyway, we need a good percentage of the market buying GHS or DP or some feminized autoflowering coloured cheesy-diesel-wreck 5 packs.......

(sorry about picking on GHS,again. even i think they get too much shit thesedays, there are worse examples of seed producers out there, its just there are few worse examples of glitzy lizard marketing men though)


Active member
this is all perspective, i consider half the people your talking about as shit.
you people essentialy listed all seed vedors. except maybe TGA? haha....

a "real breeder"...hmmm
someone real, who breeds ? nothing more.

half these "real breeders" have sold me jackass seeds.
id even consider swerve a "real breeder" although i wouldnt piss on him if he were on fire.


The answer will vary with the forum imo.

I consider real breeders who do not rely on internet hype to sell thier seeds. They should be able to sell themselves imo.

I do grow some stuff from pollen chuckers, TGA, Rez, BOG, Cali Conection, wally duck, ect. They all get ran through my line up, and for the most part I am always happy with thier offerings.
a real breeder is some one who can create a solid stable strain with minimal variances in seed batches,hermi free top quality STRAINS,not just crosses.
a real breeder wont sell you some shit ass seed that isnt what its labeled to be and they wont release dodgy genetics in to the growing community


I am not interested in growing crosses of so-called "elite" genetics. These phenotypes are recessive and their progeny will often produce weak plants and turd-polishing ethics in the larger cannabis community. Elite cuttings themselves I will gladly grow, but any seed I pay ten dollars for I expect to come from a breeder who has first hand experience with thousands of that seeds' brothers, sisters and cousins, not just many hours spent pondering the dankness of the mother and sniffing around for a stinky father.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
The answer will vary with the forum imo.

I consider real breeders who do not rely on internet hype to sell thier seeds. They should be able to sell themselves imo.

I do grow some stuff from pollen chuckers, TGA, Rez, BOG, Cali Conection, wally duck, ect. They all get ran through my line up, and for the most part I am always happy with thier offerings.


If the like of BOG and Rez are just pollen chuckers in your opinion, WHO are real breeders? Not trying to be offensive, just curious what you can get that makes BOG look like a hack. Must be good!



If the like of BOG and Rez are just pollen chuckers in your opinion, WHO are real breeders? Not trying to be offensive, just curious what you can get that makes BOG look like a hack. Must be good!

I didn't mean it as to take a shot at the guy, I have grown life saver and enjoyed it.

DJ short, Chimera, Sam the skunkman, shanti.

BOG mastered the art of freebees and internet hype. It works, and sells seeds. Rez does it, Swerve, Og ******, subcool, ect. They all have thier "own" forums were thier fan base gathers. SOmeone just wondering along come across the mass amounts of threads and thinks "these are must haves".

DJ's gear sells without internet hype, the others I listed do as well. To me that says something.


Active member
a real breeder bans a lot of motherfucking trolls and asshats from icmag...i guess...right??


Active member
lost in a sea: I agree with some of ur arguments but not the GHS part :biggrin: Actualy to me a good breeder can also be a good business
man (with or without internet hype). A good breeder can be as good as can be in his work and yet be a asshole in real life.

When the first fem' seeds came out i hated them, then came the colored seeds i hated too and now i hate the autoflowering but im trying my first fem' beans. Colored is only good for the mix pack IMO its a good comercial move don't? :dunno:

DIGITALHIPPY: Why won't U tell us those that are true breeders to u and that U respect?
I like swerve seeds, they grow well and are very good stuff but I don't think swerve is a real breeder...

zing: I grow mostly pollen chuckers strains since a while and i like it! They are among my fav with some ibl.

: well try it bro it might change ur mind about pollen chuckers and elite clones. It's hard to judge if u haven't tried IMO...

whodair: What's the point of ur post? :dunno:
haha depends if by troll or ass hat you mean some one who posts theyre problems with seed purchased from these "Real breeders". it seems anyone who doesnt lick the ballz and ass of said real breeders is labeled a troll round here.
Paradise seeds have not been mentioned,i think they are good breeders because they are very reliable healthy plant, don't think I have ever seen a bad word said about them,for me they have always been realy great, have some original strains (ie nebula, star, ice cream) (white berry know it a cross of other ppl's work but is exellent and so on, seeds have always germinated for me and the quality, price and speed for me has always been exellent.)

BTY why is that there is always people slaging off certain breeders on one thread and then on another, ie best weed you've grown the same names get mentioned ie serious seeds


Convicted for turning dreams into reality


SeriousSeeds, Shantibaba, OldTimer and the guys from UGORG, Tom Hill,Ace Seeds, Dinafem, Cannabiogen, KCBrains these are some of the breeders that i respect.
In other hand i respect most of all the ones that go unnoticed and keep growing and breeding for the love of it:smokeit:

One question, is a company specialized in feminized seeds, like Dinafem, a true breeder?
How do they gather the male genetics?Or there are none?:dunno:
Sorry for the daft question, but i´m no breeder:prettyplease: