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Discribe What's A Real Breedder IUO...


Active member
Well IMVHO, a real breeder is the one that creat a ibl from diferent landrace plants...Such as Dj Short or Sam :dunno:
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Well-known member
Any pollen chucker can cross two strains and end up with a decent hybrid (me included!).

A breeder is someone who starts out with a particular goal in mind, and has the ability to select the appropriate parents and subsequently select the proper progeny to achieve that goal. IMO.
WelderDan said it well and almost wrapped it up with one sentence but I think there are a lot of things that make a breeder legitimate as opposed to pollen chuckers and clone cubers who either stumble upon something nice by chance or take something pre-existing and try to make a seed line copy. IMO legitimate breeders should have as good a knowledge and eye for male plants as they do females as males are often the plants that carry the desired trait/traits the breeder is looking for. Real breeders usually release a new strain/strains every once in a while as they continually test their work and quite often a plant that would please a pollen chucker is ditched completely by a real breeder for what some may consider only a minor fault in its makeup. It may also take a large population of plants to find the few plants the breeder deems worthy of passing on their genetics into the next generation of plants. I often think of the amazing difference there would be between our cannabis and that which could have been bred if prohibition had not taken place. I'm sure the genepool would be much healthier and our hybrids would be much faster growing and stable due to the thousands of plants each breeder would be able to work with for the creation of each strain.


a "breeder" makes money selling beans. anyone else, does it as a hobby.


Well-known member
very true these days

very true these days

a "breeder" makes money selling beans. anyone else, does it as a hobby.

Ya I don't see much difference between breeders and pollen chuckers these days (for the most part). It seems if you have access to elite cuts you could be a top notch breeder getting 100-200 a pack so long as your good at building buzz for your product.


Even in Arcadia I exist
a "breeder" makes money selling beans. anyone else, does it as a hobby.

I disagree, as being a "real" breeder implies breeding is your career, or at least something you take seriously rather than something you do just to profit from. Meaning you must have drive, passion, knowledge, and talent; anyone can make money selling beans without being any of those things.

A real breeder is a person who practices the vocation of mating carefully selected specimens of the same breed to reproduce specific, consistently replicable qualities and characteristics.


donut engineer
I'm in analysis mode. Here are a list of breeders that most people seem to agree are legends in the breeding community, and characteristics of them as breeders.

Sam the Skunkman
- Knowledgeable about the specifics of breeding practices. We know this because of his posts here and elsewhere.
- Involved in the growing community (off and on)
- Consistently produces outstanding original work
- Nice guy

- Knowledgeable about the specifics of breeding practices and plant selection. We know this because of his close involvement with the breeding community (GHS, MRN) and his articles/posts on other sites
- Involved in the growing community
- Consistently produces outstanding original work
- Nice guy

DJ Short
- Knowledgeable about the specifics of breeding practices and plant selection. We know this because of his academic-quality published articles and (occasional) post.
- Consistently produces outstanding original work
- Nice guy

- Knowledgeable about plant selection and the actual growing of plants. Breeding I haven't seen so much proof of his knowledge, outside of his excellent work
- Involved in the community
- Consistently produces outstanding work, though not necessarily 'original'
- Nice guy

Yeah, I left some people out, but I think this is a fairly complete list of whom most would consider top breeders. I notice whenever people bring up Rez there are always strong opinions of his abilities (positive and negative). Everyone agrees he's got great gear, but I hear more talk about his attitude toward the green community than his abilities/knowledge as a breeder. It's clear that personal character means something, here.

A 'good' breeder is characterized by more than their abilities, but also their interest in sharing what they know with others. That's what I think separates the known legends from everyone else, even if those everyone elses produce fantastic genetics.

That was long.

EDIT: Forgot Chimera and Tom Hill. God damn, how did I forget these titans? Re: scarred4life and Mountain_Monkey


Anyone can pollen chuck. Not everyone has the patience to be able to create new hybrids from landrace P1 stock. It takes a lot of work, time and space to be able to create a new hybrid from landrace genetics. I personally don't think getting a hold of "elite" genetics and crossing them makes you a breeder. I just think that person is a lucky hobbyist. :joint:


yeah, a real breeder must do more than cross chosen cuttings to a stable male line. For example, cannacopia aren't real breeders in my opinion although they may have great gear for the price and definitely have a legit place in the seed market.

I can't believe Tom Hill's name hasn't been mentioned. Was reading a thread a while back and this mystery poster who got respect from all the big names insisted that Tom Hill is pretty much the only commercially available breeder whose goals extend beyond getting you to buy a pack and whose projects involve even the minimal plant #s needed to maintain the long-term health of the gene pool. From this perspective and with the current environment with regard to plant #s in the iousa, it would take a lifetime of work, as it seems to have taken Tom, to release 2/3 truebreeding strains and 2/3 exceptional hybrids to commercial market. This means that the majority of respectable, knowledgeable breeders at any one time may not have seeds available to the general growing public.
I think at a minimum I'd add Chimera to funk's list (no disrespect mate, just brainstorming) as he has a great knowledge concerning the in depth genetic side of breeding and a strain stable to rival almost anyone else. Simon from serious and Mike and the crew from mandala also deserve a strong mention. All the pioneers, Neville etc. deserve massive respect for taking landraces and producing the plants we see today which are for the most part, nothing close to pure landrace cannabis in looks, aroma and high. Simply taming landrace genes to allow them to be grown successfully indoors is a huge feat in itself, especially considering the amount of SE Asian strains these early guys used.


New member
Ya I don't see much difference between breeders and pollen chuckers these days (for the most part). It seems if you have access to elite cuts you could be a top notch breeder getting 100-200 a pack so long as your good at building buzz for your product.

Maybe for a bit. Word of mouth is a funny thing.

oh, and seconded serious seeds. those people are legit :)

and I am one cynical motherfucker ;P


St. Elsewhere
A real breeder doesn't necessarily have to originate a strain from Landraces, but rather one could be considered a breeder when they have stabilized their first strain, true-breeding for one or more traits.

lost in a sea

i think the first criteria to be a top breeder like the ones mentioned above in this thread, is to have grown cannabis for many, many years......

no matter what it is somebody is hoping to breed, they need to have already seen at least a good percentage of a species pheno types, otherwise actually fixing a trait or stabilizing a line to a high standard, is far more difficult.....if you wanna be good at what you do, you cant beat experience...

also imo, the best genetics are crafted by people that have an aim to their work, and they want to bring certain genetics into another line for a purpose, to improve certain aspects of it.....and then many think about fixing those traits through selection..

to me a pollen chucker is just someone that just crosses anything with anything else, because they have an elite(s) and basically want some money.....

personally in the last 10 years, i have seen only about 15-20 individuals that i would consider worthy and unique enough to breed with (out of 1000's)....and i would like to think that the person breeding my seeds was as picky, if not more, when he, they, selected the parents..

if someone does a breeding project involving selecting through successive generations in order to accomplish a desired end.... then imo they can call themselves a breeder...even if the project is a failure...

but breeders are surposed to improve something (or at least try).......simply producing seeds doesnt qualify someone...


Even in Arcadia I exist
I said it before (in this thread) and I'll say it again. A real breeder isn't necessarily even someone you get your beans from, or someone you've read about. The literal defintion of a real breeder, from the dictionary, is as follows (and i'd say it sums it up PERFECTLY):

A real breeder is a person who practices the vocation of mating carefully selected specimens of the same breed to reproduce specific, consistently replicable qualities and characteristics.

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
A real breeder like a real artist, understands the variables with which they are working. When they make a move or change in the structure of the sequence, the touch which they exhibit is precise and controlled. There is a reason and they understand what is necessary to achieve the desired effect.

There is an expression which they are attempting to manifest.

I was going to say. You might be a breeder if you keep even 1 male plant. Since I'm the only one that I know that does. That's what I like about here. Some people talk about keepers, and they're talking about a male. That's whats up. Like a stud horse.\

Mind you this is someone who has never made a single seed, intentionally( the odd nanner or hermi). I have meditated on it a great deal though. I think it will reignite my passion for growing.


Active member
There is great answer in this thread, thanks fellas.

I guess now we do get a better picture of what is a breeder and what is a pollen chucker.
Pollen chucker sounds pejorative althought i don't think u should be ashamed of being one. :dunno:

There is a very few true breeders in this game and a lot of pollen chuckers called breedders. I grow a lot of pollen chuckers cross and iam very happy with it :biggrin:

Respect the true breeders them and Big up the pollen chuckers :smokeit:


There is great answer in this thread, thanks fellas.

I guess now we do get a better picture of what is a breedder and what is a pollen chucker.
Pollen chucker sounds pejorative althought i don't think u should be ashamed of being one. :dunno:

There is a very few true breedders in this game and a lot of pollen chuckers called breedders. I grow a lot of pollen chuckers cross and iam very happy with it :biggrin:

Respect the true breedders them and Big up the pollen chuckers :smokeit:

Youre welcome man and thanks for the rep. I agree I don't think pollen chucking is a bad thing. I think its great that people are crossing their favorite strains in search of something that is somewhat theirs. I wish I had the space and money to invest into a little pollen chucking program with my strains. Respekt to all who try. :joint:


I invite ANYONE to PROVE a GOOD drug canna seed production company in this world exists. Actually, you will not be able to do it. There are NO seed production facilities doing the work on a proper scale.
SHOW ME ONE. ONE. Dont TELL me about one.. SHOW ME. PROVE IT. You will learn an important lesson in the process of researching it. Do it


Even in Arcadia I exist
I invite ANYONE to PROVE a GOOD drug canna seed production company in this world exists. Actually, you will not be able to do it. There are NO seed production facilities doing the work on a proper scale.
SHOW ME ONE. ONE. Dont TELL me about one.. SHOW ME. PROVE IT. You will learn an important lesson in the process of researching it. Do it

You tell us to prove it, but add that it can't be proven? I'd prefer if you prove that conclusion . . . SHOW US, don't TELL US.

Seed production companies and breeders aren't necessarily the same thing and I'm not sure what you mean by "proper scale", but I know of a good many breeders who sell top quality "drug canna" genetics . . . others on this site do as well.

I'd love to take you up on your offer and prove one exists, but how would I show you? Are you flying here, or meeting me there? What is your criteria for "good seed production company"?

Anyways . . . I think this thread gives a great description of what a real breeder is/what qualities they should and do possess.