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Dirtiest Bongs of the World Unite! How do ya clean plastic?


New member
I figured I should try and clear something up about acrylic. The reason alcohol is bad on acry is because of the heat the part(s) went through prior to applying alcohol. Whether it was 1/2 hour ago or many years. The heat cycle changes the acrylic although you cant see it until alcohol or some other solvent is used and it starts crazing. So with all the shapes and stuff they do with acrylic, its a good bet that theyve gone through some heat cycles. So thats why. We used to use alcohol to clean the edges of acrylic sheets before flame polishing. So alcohol then heat is OK but not the other way around.


New member
try rubbing alcohol and salt, but pressure wash that crap out the bong before using or your chest will burn like a BIA. I just got a a few new bongs from online and i also ordered some salt and picked up some rubbing alcohol for the future. i always clean my glass bongs after using them for 3 or 4 days. its good to stay a head of the build up!