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dirt the movie!



Bacteria has been used as well around the world to detoxify water and soil. There was some talk about using bacteria in the Gulf Oil Spill last spring.



With a beautiful highway
This used to be real estate
Now it's only fields and trees
Where, where is the town
Now, it's nothing but flowers
The highways and cars
Were sacrificed for agriculture
I thought that we'd start over
But I guess I was wrong

David Byrne - Talking Heads


Living with the soil
Fermented bat guano is always my first choice and THEN go with the molasses.

This process makes the buds taste like some very 'sweet sh*t' - really!
Former Budswell user here....didn't take much more than that. 1996-2001 :bis:5 years of those bottles was enough 4 me.


Active member
Wow Grapeman, could you please insult me some more. I happen to pride myself on being an idealistic hippie. I admire a ´red dot´culture that has farmed the same land organically for ooooh say 10,000 years.

The movie was not perfect but damn man. You can be a critic without all the bigotry.


Look - I can't listen to anyone who's a who's who at the UN. She seems to eating just fine while 90% of her countrymen are starving. Yet, she ain't feeding anyone. Sorry V - if a factual observation makes me a bigot to point out bullshit then so be it.

I was excited to listen and watch a movie about symbiotic relationships within the soil and all I got was a feel good movie that was empty on anything educational. Some guy making flooring out of cowshit. Another guy sitting in the olympic forest in WA but not telling me anything scientific, and yes, the farms shown were pathetic as was much of the information.

Now that doesn't mean I wasn't ready to learn something, but this movie was full of nothing. And maybe if someone criticizes that chubby woman, she'll share some of the extra food she's conning us all out of at the UN. She was an empty suit full of herself.

Phfft. I was expecting something knowledgeable. I got propaganda for children.
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senior member
Bacteria has been used as well around the world to detoxify water and soil. There was some talk about using bacteria in the Gulf Oil Spill last spring.


I live near an abandoned air force base that is now using that bacterial "high tech" super bug to clean up the underground seepage that is headed for a popular lake. Last I heard it is working, slow but working.

81? I was probably smoking pot on my lunch break at the nuke plant. What a tangled web we weave. I'm not working on maggie's farm no more, or am I? Scrappy


This is a great film, why anyone would expect it to be for experts i dont know, very few people are experts in soil, so a film that even makes people think about soil husbandry must be a good thing.

Personally i loved it, i loved the Indian "red dot woman" and the African humming bird woman, i thought all the people in this film came across as sincere, motivated, well meaning people.

The only bit that worried me was the instance of prison labour in the gardens. That's because in Europe people tend to be a bit diffident about farming prisoners the way we might farm animals, but in the end even they looked happy and somewhat enlightened.

Most heavily farmed soil near me (Scotland) is wasted, lots of burns are poisoned with agricultural run off. Most farmers i know will laugh in your face if you bring up a subject like organics, or permaculture.

The whole thing about farmers getting into debt for tractors, pesticides and fertilisers, and then losing their farms as a result was very disturbing, and its not just farmers in India, but also American farmers who this is happening to.

I think this film is very worthwhile and definitely a positive step forward in educating people to what are some of the main issues to do with productivity and land use.


if only the film were not so tedious!

Im sad you see it that way.

I think this film is really aimed at the generality of people who have been spoon fed the "If we dont use fertilisers and GM seeds, the poor of the world will starve to death" propaganda being peddled by the likes of Monsanto.

If it was aimed at people who have a somewhat enhanced view of soil biology, it probably wouldn't appeal to ignorant people like me (ok, it might).

Only a very few people are really Dirt "experts" and sadly, nobody will make films for you, maybe all you nay sayers could make a techie Dirt film. :)


Game Bred
the movie is great really.
my only problem is..
when you start a movie and the very first sentence is false,it's hard to take the rest seriously.


Another cool movie for all those organic fanatics to check out is "In This Tea" its all about organic tea cultivation and the connoisseurs that seek out fine quality organic tea.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
holy crap how does he deal with that fog of death the neighbors use, and how fucking close they are.

i got some rice sprouting right now to plant soon.