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Dimebagg's Ultimate Reboot - 150w perpetual 1gallon DWC


Inspirational set up, it's a shame to see them looking so unhealthy. What are your average humidity/temps?

Not sure about the humidity levels, temps are high 80s with the lights on, mid 70s with lights off.

Again, I want to emphasize that no one was tending to their needs for almost a month. They were just getting topped off with MaxiGrow. So the real show should begin now :watchplant:

Also, a few days ago I found that one of my air line connectors was cracked, and it happened to be the same line that was connected to the PPP. Most of the air was leaking out of the crack. So yea, Im pretty sure thats what happened. It could have been cracked for weeks and I didnt notice. The roots did reek, Im pretty sure thats where the problem originated.

Pics to be uploaded soon!


Active member
Bummer, root rot from lack of O2 you think? Did it smell like shit? Roots brown? You'll come back with something epic soon, I've got faith:)


Oct 11-

Things are going well in the cab. Heres a pic from today. I want to try a few different methods of training, so things should be getting crowded soon. In the back is a Satori clone, 3ish weeks into flower, tied down alot. Branches on this girl are crazy long, but I've managed to keep her fairly contained. In the front, from left to right- Power Kush fem (12/12 from seedling), Bubbleicious, and another Satori (I pinched its stem, thats why its leaning over)


Heres a little better pic of the Satori, you can see some of the tying down I had to do


Theres a chance I'll separate the PK/Bub into different pots, I think the PK will go a few weeks longer than the Bub. We'll see though. In other news, I trashed a few moms that just hadnt been maintained well enough while I was gone. I have 3 remaining, but have 6 new seedlings already sprouted.

And lastly, heres what I'm finally doing tonight.

looks good. ur scrubber looks like what i had in my head to put together for my box.
1x 4"-6" duct reducer/ 1x 4"-4" duct connector/ 1x4" and 1x6" duct endcap.
1. wrapping screen around the 4" endcap and 1 end of the 4" connector and secure it in place at both ends.
2. put the unused end of the 4" connector into the 6" side of the reducer and seal it in place.
3. take the 6" end cap and wrap the screen around and "Secure only the Screen"(use 2 endcaps if u think its going to be too hard to do 1 end at a time) u will want the 6" endcap removable to change out the carbon.
4. place an end of the 6" screen u just made into the 6" side of the reducer and seal it in place. (can use the extra 6" endcap and cut a 4" hole in the middle and cut the excess off the rim so it fits snugly around the 4" connector and in the 6" side of the reducer) make sure its sealed so the carbon does not get threw and into ur fan.
5. add carbon to the space between the 4" screen and the 6" screen and place the 6" end cap on making sure its not going to fall off.
6. wrap it with a filter,hang it up and connect it to ur fan.

either way u got a kick ass setup there. very helpful with all the info and the results speak for itself.


I forgot to show this pic the other week. Heres a shot of the harvest from the sick PPP I pulled early. Scale was zeroed out, so 2.1oz total dry weight. Not the prettiest or fattest buds, but we'll get tuned in soon.




I thought Id show you guys another pic now that the Satori had a day to start reaching for the light again. You can see the LSTing a little better now. Oh, and yea, the other Satori is on a crutch haha




Got a few new things going on, so I'd thought I'd do another update. I got my carbon scrubber done, so I finished up the back of the cab. Not sure if I've shown a pic, but heres what it looks like from the back


And for a challenge in another thread, here's something I tried before and wasnt able to finish. Solo cup DWC




And the rest of the cab. The big Satori is starting to stink, I got that carbon filter on just in time. The other Satori on the front right I'm trying to get to grow in one large cola. If successful, I'll be able to run 2 Satoris at a time in a single pot. Bubbleicious is the front left. And Power Kush from seed is the one Im trying in the Solo cup.




Just a pic of the Satori. I guess we're around 4 weeks into 12/12. And wow, if I hadnt got this scrubber done, Id be eff'ed. The odor is getting stronger every day. Right now its a dense, sweet, and fruity smell, with a hint of pine/musk. Buds are forming all over, and I'm really happy with my training this time. The stretch seems to be over with, and I've trimmed alot of fan leaves off due to all the crowding from the LSTing.

Current nutes are (per gallon)
1tsp Maxi Bloom
.5tsp Maxi Grow
5 drops Superthrive
5 drops Awesome Blossom
3 drops Cal Mag

I usually top off with a small amount of either of the Maxi nutes keep the pH buffered. I'll also add a drop or two of the other additives on every 2nd or 3rd top-off.

Also, temps are now much lower in the cab. High 60s at night, high 70s to low 80s with the lights on. This is about 5-10 degrees lower than the previous version of the cab (depending on season). Im hoping this helps get me some more fat, dense buds. We'll see soon enough. I think this Satori is going to be a winner. I will probably move the mother to the permanent 1gallon pot soon.




Heres some pics from yesterday. Satori in the back is looking great. The two in the double pot are also Satoris, and the single cola experiment is working so far. Im simply clipping off all the fan leaves once they get like 2" wide or so. You can barely see the Bubbleicious behind the solo cup, but shes not thriving as well as the Satoris. Thin, slightly wavy leaves, and she hasnt developed much girth either. Ive upped her N a little bit with the water change yesterday, but despite all that, its a girl! And lastly the Power Kush in the solo cup.


And heres a picture of the current state of the mother side. The only mothers that survived my vacation are in the back. 2 Satoris and a Bubbleicious. Up front, the two larger plant on the right are another Satori and a Power Kush. The left front is a Blue Satellite 2.2, and you cannot see the small, sickly looking SSSDHxG13 behind it, but I'm seein if she'll perk up here soon.


I just realized that I have no more PPP seeds. BUT, that poor looking yellowing clone is rooted, and came from a mother I never sexed. I think Im going to see if I can pot her up! Im also germinating another SSSDHxG13h, another Blue Satellite, and my very last Original skunkxhaze.


New member
Looking great man keep it up,
you should consider trying to Scrog that space out.
Probably less work than all that LST and i reckon you could pull 4oz outa that area.


Well-known member
wow dude they all r looking great. I so wish I could have both a veg anf flower cab like u do. cuz then Id harvest more bud in a year than if I didn't have the extra veg cab.

CB. :D


Looking great man keep it up,
you should consider trying to Scrog that space out.
Probably less work than all that LST and i reckon you could pull 4oz outa that area.

Ive considered many training options including Scrog. I agree I could pull in some huge harvests, but with the current setup I can harvest a new strain every 2-3 weeks. The LSTing isnt too much work, and Im currently working on ways to make my plants smaller so I can run 4 pots at once. Im confident I can pull well over 4ozs with the plants that are currently in the cab. I dont need much quantity wise, so Im shooting for variety and consistent harvests.


Senior Member
looking real nice my friend. ive done a 150w dwc but def didnt come out as good as yours did. gonna be running the system soon. but for sure got it on lock dimebagg. keep us posted.


wow dude they all r looking great. I so wish I could have both a veg anf flower cab like u do. cuz then Id harvest more bud in a year than if I didn't have the extra veg cab.

CB. :D

Thanks man. If you one day find yourself the right cabinet, its not much more work to set it up than to set up a single chamber cab. I love being able to keep such a variety of mothers on hand.


looking real nice my friend. ive done a 150w dwc but def didnt come out as good as yours did. gonna be running the system soon. but for sure got it on lock dimebagg. keep us posted.

Thanks man, this run is looking better than any of the previous runs, I cant wait to see these girls turn out. Let me know if you have any questions once you get your cab going.



Getting closer and closer to harvest, and this Satori has me drooling while we wait. Shes adding all sort of weight to the buds, and they're frosting up, along with the smaller sugar leaves around the buds. I'd say theres probably like 3 weeks left



Heres the other 2 Satori phenos. The popsicle looks like its on the right track!


Heres the Bubbleicious. This one I havent trained. I topped it, but thats it. Shes got a very unique growth structure, pretty much a single cola, just like Im wanting. But, Im having a hard time keeping her happy. Looks pretty droopy doesnt she? Does she look underfed? I cannot determine what her issue is.


and lastly the Power Kush. Shes looking good an healthy, and Im pretty sure I found pistils today, but I'll wait to confirm that.


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