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Difference between hemp and pot


i live next to a hemp farm and they usually cut it down well b4 it flowers ive taklen the odd plant and tried to feed it in different ways to get a lil bit of thc increase but to no avail it is one long stem with few big leaves, i belive they use it for fibers, its tall with a fat old stem like celery, my mates once built a hover and got a blowtourch made a resin collector by burning the hemp, then after a couple of kilo they smoked the resin lol lots a rare headaches that day.


Good book, did not read it but I've read what its about so I am not totally clueless but I bet it's a great read. I should read it though.

The subject of hemp and it's history has been bothering me for a good while.

I found a great site that explains a lot.
Hemp is so important, just as much maybe even more then cannabis. I hate how it's always overlooked.

It really bothers me that for 70 long years the USA could have been producing and bettering the hemp plant and it's amazing uses but instead chose to ban it for absurd reasons once researched why.
Of course it had to do with Harry J. Anslinger having to do with the 4th reich after WW2. I know he was born in the usa but he was implanted with a 4th reich goals at a young age. His goal implanted in him was to manipulate the Gov't at the time and secretly destroy the country from within.

So he convinced the naive gov't that drugs are bad and he made the DEA. If you look at the original badge of the DEA it is an iron cross hiding behind an american shield. That's not a maltese cross, that's a nazi iron cross symbol. For him he did not want to help people, he got off on seeing people go to jail just like a nazi trooper does seeing a jewish man go to a prison camp. They could not do it to the Jewish people anymore so they found a way to do it to people within America. Convincing the top Companies at the time was not so hard when they realized how much a threat it was to there products to they went with it having no idea of the implications. Everyone was so naive so they believed it to the point people are brainwashed to this day.

Because of this where it all started, big oil and petrol took over and has been ever since. The Fed gov't even Deny programs for alternate energy resources that are a threat to big oil for a long time they did.

We would not even have that big plastic cesspool in the atlantic if bottles were being made out of hemp 50 years ago.
Everything is affected to this day because of a bad policy made 70 years ago and then continued by Nixon down the road. It really baffles me how anything Nixon did has stuck. Anything he did should of been removed. But of course he did this to the American people as a last ditch effort to screw the country and it worked.
What I am suggesting America do is legalize hemp right now!

Yea like Obama is gonna get on Tv and do this, declare hemp legal again. I know I would if I were president.
It at the moment will have to be done like cannabis is one state at a time but that is to slow a process when you have to grow it on such a large scale to begin with.

Also when you have people like this doing this still it makes no sense.
Illinois House Kills Industrial Hemp Bill

Scientist and engineers need to gather and make it happen. Make the technology easy and accessible.
Then perfect the hemp engine even more and have the gov't pay to have every local garage retrofit the current engine with a hemp one after all it can be done.

If you combine solar on cars,electricity,and hemp bio full you have a 3 way hybrid that does not need gasoline to run and burns clean.
Is the damage already done to the planet to much and is it to late? No

Will it be too late if humans continue down the same path? Yes
It could be another 200 years before they discover a new energy source until then the world should be pulling together to find safer ways existing until then.

Digging deep into the earth like that is not good for the planet. There are so many other ways but humans seem to have chosen the destructive one.

Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg. This may help cut back on fossil fuels but then of course there is still the nuclear issue.
But I really have no idea what could possibly replace nuclear energy at the moment?


Enormous Member
Of course it had to do with Harry J. Anslinger

Without that racist POS, there's no way it would have ever been made illegal.

It could be another 200 years before they discover a new energy source

I was listening to NPR science friday, and they've come up with an artifical leaf that can split water into O2 and Hydrogen using only silicon, water, and sunlight.


In theory you may be right, the best fibers are from un-flowered males, but I know of no commercial hemp producer using just un-flowered males or un-flowered females for fiber. Do you?
The .2% THC limit is EU law. It is not for the fibers they have no real THC, it is for the flowered plant.

Wiki says otherwise:

"Ideally, according to Britain's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the herb should be harvested before it flowers. This early cropping is done because fibre quality declines if flowering is allowed and, incidentally, this cropping also pre-empts the herb's maturity as a potential source of drug material. However, in these strains of industrial hemp the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content would have been very low, regardless."

I've never seen that .2 percent statistic stated about hemp flowers, just about hemp in general. The distinction is never made in the wiki article about whether or not "hemp" and the .2% statistic refer to the fiber or the flower. Neither is the distinction made in Jack Herer's The Emperor.


Hemp's THC levels are controlled by genetics, not the environment.
Environment can prevent expression of full potential, but it does not help maintain THC levels, only humans can do that.


I think any strain will produce thc in accordance with the environment its been in. For example the spanish took hemp with them all over to use for rope etc. Those same hemp strains a few years later were noticed by the natives to have extraordinary drug properties. Whereas you could take a drug strain from the tropics and naturalize it in the midwest and it would be low thc in a few years. Environment makes all the difference in determining if a strain will maintain high thc on its own, without human help.


Active member
Hemp's THC levels are controlled by genetics, not the environment.
Environment can prevent expression of full potential, but it does not help maintain THC levels, only humans can do that.


For example aren't all tropical strains fairly potent? Conversely are there any landraces growing above the 38 parallel that would be considered high thc strains? I'm thinking if you took low thc feral hemp seed and planted it on a tropical island within a very short time that strain would have evolved to high thc levels. Does that seem about right?

Madrus Rose

post 69
Without that racist POS, there's no way it would have ever been made illegal.

I was listening to NPR science friday, and they've come up with an artifical leaf that can split water into O2 and Hydrogen using only silicon, water, and sunlight.

We could at least do 20 more pages on that ass__le , huh?

Anslinger was an extremely ambitious man, and he recognized the Bureau of Narcotics as an amazing career opportunity 1930 — ...

Anslinger immediately drew upon the themes of racism and violence to draw national attention to the problem he wanted to create. He also promoted and frequently read from “Gore Files” — wild reefer-madness-style exploitation tales of ax murderers on marijuana and sex and… Negroes. Here are some quotes that have been widely attributed to Anslinger and his Gore Files:
“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.”

“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”

“Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.”

“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”

“Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”

“You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.”

“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”
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CannaBunkerMan: That leaf is incredible. How come not many know about it. Why is it not already being used all over the earth?
I recently read something about hornet bee's and how they convert solar into electricity using a process in there abdomen.

I also saw an article of some disk that makes cars get much better to the gallon and other things. I think it came out in 2009. I wonder if that could even be applied to the hemp engine?

As for Sam's topic I really have no idea but I bet it's a combo of both taking place. Genetics and environment.

Madrus: Anslinger is a disgrace to the country and so is everyone alive today who is against hemp and cannabis as of now.

Imagine if Anslinger never came to power then and hemp was never made illegal. What would the world be like today I wonder? Would they even still need to drill for oil?
Would there be any wars for oil?

Good info from everyone else who has posted I read it all.


ICMag Donor
Hemp.. or Indian Hemp.. is the 'term' that colonialists used for Cannabis sativa to differentiate between the rope varieties they were growing on plantations,, and the dope varieties people were getting high on in the hedges.

Since then, 'hemp' varieties have been worked towards their fibre content ,, while the 'pot' varieties have been worked towards the dopamine reaction they give :joint:

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I know hemp. I fight the shit to keep it from seeding my smoke. Because its grown for oil, and bird seed, when its harvested depends on what its grown for.

It takes huge amounts of water, much more than drug producing species. If you plant kali mist in standing water, it will die. Hemp just sucks up the standing water... farmers let it grow wild in low lying areas to soak up standing water.

Its potency really depends on its origins. You couldnt get high on the hemp growing around here even if you make hash from it because we've tried. Ive smoked some from mossouri that you could get a buzz on(barely). Weve also tried to cross it so i can tell you, dont waste your time. The hemp genetics seem dominant. Cross hemp with nevilles haze and you get hemp! Everytime!
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Active member
The industrial hemp we know nowdays was bred just for the purpose of fibre production and the low thc content was necessary to shatter the argument "You could make drugs out of it..."
I know in germany hemp farmers have to buy new hemp seed every year from some governmental institutions and are NOT allowed to use their own seed they get out of their crop because after a few generations the hemp plants will go back to their natural thc content which is between 3-5%.
Btw industrial hemp plants are, as far as i know, hermies just because of the logistics (males die before the females do)


You are wrong,
I have many tropical varieties that are very low in THC, many with less then 1% THC.
As for Landraces from above the 38th parallel, what about the traditional Hashish producing areas like Kashgar and Yarkand where the best hash in the world was made in history. According the Indian Hemp Commission Report, maybe you have read this?
They are north of the 38th parallel.....
And no if you take low THC feral hemp to grow in the tropics it does not just become high in THC, man has to breed and select to make it high THC and with out the hand of man the THC levels will fall down to approximately 1% in just a few years, specially if there are lots of different feral varieties around.
Again I tell you THC levels are controlled by genes not latitude, I can grow the best Cannabis north of the 38th parallel as long as I have a greenhouse or an early variety.
I can give you tropical seeds that are very low in THC to grow in the tropics and no matter what you do you can't make them high THC without crossing them to high THC varieties, you need the genes not the hot weather.

For example aren't all tropical strains fairly potent? Conversely are there any landraces growing above the 38 parallel that would be considered high thc strains? I'm thinking if you took low thc feral hemp seed and planted it on a tropical island within a very short time that strain would have evolved to high thc levels. Does that seem about right?


You are wrong,
I have many tropical varieties that are very low in THC, many with less then 1% THC.
As for Landraces from above the 38th parallel, what about the traditional Hashish producing areas like Kashgar and Yarkand where the best hash in the world was made in history. According the Indian Hemp Commission Report, maybe you have read this?
They are north of the 38th parallel.....
And no if you take low THC feral hemp to grow in the tropics it does not just become high in THC, man has to breed and select to make it high THC and with out the hand of man the THC levels will fall down to approximately 1% in just a few years, specially if there are lots of different feral varieties around.
Again I tell you THC levels are controlled by genes not latitude, I can grow the best Cannabis north of the 38th parallel as long as I have a greenhouse or an early variety.
I can give you tropical seeds that are very low in THC to grow in the tropics and no matter what you do you can't make them high THC without crossing them to high THC varieties, you need the genes not the hot weather.
Im sure if any one knows,this is the guy,he's been doing it since the 60's.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
.... I can grow the best Cannabis north of the 38th parallel as long as I have a greenhouse or an early variety.

I agree with every word youve said SS, but im having some trouble with this one.
Yes, you can grow quality (the best?) cannabis above 38, but my experience has been that it may be a bit more difficult to achieve the same level of potentcy or as good of quality bud as it had been grown at a lower lat.
There are 3 of us growing from the same mom -one grower at 30n, im at 37 and another one at 44n. We are related and get together several times a year and weve compared our buds. The buds produced outdoors at 30n are solid and dense with visually more trichs than the spongy, leafy buds grown outdoors at 44.

I think youre right that the capacity for potency is genetic, but it seems to me that other factors can impact the ability to achieve that capacity and the cloudy weak northern sun may be one of them.

Since im at 37, i wish is was wrong about that. Am i?


This must have been grown outdoors, in a greenhouse growing the finest quality at or above the 38th parallel is no problem at all.
Amsterdam is above 52, I have no problem at all...
It can be done outdoors, but you need very early maturing varieties or maybe auto-flowering varieties, or a darkening system to flower earlier then nature.

.... I can grow the best Cannabis north of the 38th parallel as long as I have a greenhouse or an early variety.

I agree with every word youve said SS, but im having some trouble with this one.
Yes, you can grow quality (the best?) cannabis above 38, but my experience has been that it may be a bit more difficult to achieve the same level of potentcy or as good of quality bud as it had been grown at a lower lat.
There are 3 of us growing from the same mom -one grower at 30n, im at 37 and another one at 44n. We are related and get together several times a year and weve compared our buds. The buds produced outdoors at 30n are solid and dense with visually more trichs than the spongy, leafy buds grown outdoors at 44.

I think youre right that the capacity for potency is genetic, but it seems to me that other factors can impact the ability to achieve that capacity and the cloudy weak northern sun may be one of them.

Since im at 37, i wish is was wrong about that. Am i?


Active member
Touching on the subject at hand...hemp is pot, and visa-versa.
I have seen and smoked hemp that looked like fire. 8" buds that have trics...but absolutely NO buzz to speak of. Great to give yourself headaches if that is what you like.

I too am at ~37N and I had to construct a makeshift greenhouse over one of my plants a few years back because the frost was trying to take her before finish. OthaiHaze x Skunk1
Had she been with me last season, it would have finished without any protection.


The buds produced outdoors at 30n are solid and dense with visually more trichs than the spongy, leafy buds grown outdoors at 44.

I think youre right that the capacity for potency is genetic, but it seems to me that other factors can impact the ability to achieve that capacity and the cloudy weak northern sun may be one of them.

I agree, but would like to add - I think the potentially strongest varieties in the world are long flowering...And need strong sunlight to get to the right place,
a greenhouse raises temps but lowers light (some uv's).

Iv grown outstand8ing bud at 55N, but mostly the resin just never peaks, not like it would under 35N, where the sun makes the resin stiff and super sticky...

Landrace sativa's in particular will not go in 100% unless they are grown in a hot climate (eg look at some of the Spanish and Oz grows on here)
I dont think the same product would be achieved at 55n even with a greenhouse...

D.S. Toker. MD - did you notice the buds at 44n were not as sticky?
Or any difference in the consistency of the resin?


Sam_Skunkman I can give you tropical seeds that are very low in THC to grow in the tropics and no matter what you do you can't make them high THC without crossing them to high THC varieties said:
Hi, so I am confused first you say mans breeding controls thc levels and now you say man must outcross to high thc varieties to improve potency. So does this mean you think inbreeding cannot be used to improve potency? If so where do the high potency varieties come from? just hybred crosses? Where do the gene's come from if you can not breed them into existence? Sorry to bother if it is just some simple thing that I am missing.