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Did You Throw Out Your Census Form?


St. Elsewhere
two words - alex jones

Nice try-

Two words - Ron Paul


It also demonstrates how the Federal Bureaucracy consistently encourages citizens to think of themselves in terms of groups rather than as individual Americans. The not so subtle implication is that each group whether ethnic, religious, social, or geographic, should speak up and demand its fair share of the Federal Budget.


the 4th amendment - search and seizure

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

In order to help defend what's left of the constitution, I tossed mine.

I have an expectation of privacy in my home.

The government wastes billions of our dollars on things that the majority of americans would not approve of. These things are never voted on.

If you honestly think that filling out a piece of paper is going to somehow change the fact/way that the government manipulates us and throws away all our tax dollars on stupid shit (war on drugs,war on terror) ..rather than what's important to us (education, heathcare) .....you are fucking delusional.


Active member
They Took Our Jerbs.... i swear some of these guys walk around in a bubble of dumb shit. just always there everywhere you look.. wake up your ways of thinking are obsolete and out with the trash just like the last guy Bush.. Cry all you want. tell us how scared you are ..I love hearing it.. thats how i know we are doing the right thing.....


gets some
They Took Our Jerbs.... i swear some of these guys walk around in a bubble of dumb shit. just always there everywhere you look.. wake up your ways of thinking are obsolete and out with the trash just like the last guy Bush.. Cry all you want. tell us how scared you are ..I love hearing it.. thats how i know we are doing the right thing.....

I don't even know who or what you're talking about.


Active member
Dont throw out your census. Be a good American.

Tell them how many are in your household; no more, no less.

For any/all other questions, I would just write N/A..

Send it back.

Its in the constitution, and it helps allocate the number of representatives per state. I'm pretty sure you are required by the constitution to do it too, but only that one question.


I guess I'll chuck mine into the trash too just to make sure the elementary school thats so badly needed here doesn't have a chance..bunch of wingnuts


Please don't dude me.I dont call anyone dude I have a little cooth haha dudarillo


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I guess I'll chuck mine into the trash too just to make sure the elementary school thats so badly needed here doesn't have a chance..bunch of wingnuts


the government is in charge of building local elementary schools as well? Is they anything your precious government DOESN'T do FOR you? btw, who pays for YOUR elementary school again?

Also, I agree that the census USED to be something that was great FOR the people, just as our constitution USED to be great for us as well. Once they start ADDING new programs and new taxes and needing to know the count of their people for other reasons is where something that started good ended up where it is at its current state.

Just like the reason why they started a 2 party system to allow for other views to be introduced. Both of our main parties are one in the same, they do not offer anything different in the long run and that system USED to be a great benefit FOR the people. Now there are 3rd parties and there are PLENTY just in hopes of dealing with the ADDITION of another party WHICH shouldn't really have happened since us being a republic supposed to be following the constitition.

It should be like the bible, nothing should be added or taken away from it. We have gone FAR from our constititional rights and while there are plenty of great uses for things like this census MOST of its uses are not going to be FOR us in any part.

Have you been watching the health care voting going on? 38 states trying to stop it BUT their reps happily voting YES... We the people are not in charge anymore.
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The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
the 4th amendment - search and seizure

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

In order to help defend what's left of the constitution, I tossed mine.

I have an expectation of privacy in my home.

The government wastes billions of our dollars on things that the majority of americans would not approve of. These things are never voted on.

If you honestly think that filling out a piece of paper is going to somehow change the fact/way that the government manipulates us and throws away all our tax dollars on stupid shit (war on drugs,war on terror) ..rather than what's important to us (education, heathcare) .....you are fucking delusional.

DON'T USE common sense in here, I don't think they are ready for it. Let them have their government to run their lives.
DON'T USE common sense in here, I don't think they are ready for it. Let them have their government to run their lives.

Do you realize how much bull shit you are full of?

If you didn't need the government to do things for you, you wouldn't be a prop215 patient, you would just be growing because you want to grow. But instead, you crawled to the government on your hands and knees and asked them if it was ok for you to grow.



The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Do you realize how much bull shit you are full of?

If you didn't need the government to do things for you, you wouldn't be a prop215 patient, you would just be growing because you want to grow. But instead, you crawled to the government on your hands and knees and asked them if it was ok for you to grow.



you are hilarious

please explain what me having a med card has to do with the government doing anything for me. can't wait for this lol.

also I forgot when I asked the government if I could grow, now that I think about it... wait yup MY DOCTOR was the only person I have spoken with. Can you say the same thing about YOUR health care?

you are hilarious

please explain what me having a med card has to do with the government doing anything for me. can't wait for this lol.

also I forgot when I asked the government if I could grow, now that I think about it... wait yup MY DOCTOR was the only person I have spoken with. Can you say the same thing about YOUR health care?

So you went to a government licensed doctor asking for a government licensed card which sole existence is to request that the government not arrest you.

You asked the government for permission to grow. You specifically looked at them with puppy dog eyes and said "excuse me sir, will you please not arrest me if I grow?," as they slowly inserted their shaft into your anxiously awaiting lips.

Sorry Holden, if you really didn't need the government to do things, you wouldn't have bothered asking your doctor. If you truly believed what you said, you'd just grow and not care what the government thought.


Active member
Yes today there is a ton of corruption.


I am all about freedom and small government.

So what if we tell them how many are in our house.

The government IS supposed to ASSIST us with living as a SOCIETY.

As a SOCIETY we need transportation infrastructure, we need communication infrastructure, we need education (not government ran, but the government can help).

If we are going to be able to do anything as a society, we need to know how many there are.

If you want to be a good American and support the constitution, you should answer how many are in your household and that is it.

I dont hate government. It is a necessity in any successful society. I just hate how our big our government has become and how much power it has gained. The government should work for us, and is supposed to, but it doesn't.

So, government (in general) does not equal bad.

the government is in charge of building local elementary schools as well? Is they anything your precious government DOESN'T do FOR you? btw, who pays for YOUR elementary school again?

Also, I agree that the census USED to be something that was great FOR the people, just as our constitution USED to be great for us as well. Once they start ADDING new programs and new taxes and needing to know the count of their people for other reasons is where something that started good ended up where it is at its current state.

Just like the reason why they started a 2 party system to allow for other views to be introduced. Both of our main parties are one in the same, they do not offer anything different in the long run and that system USED to be a great benefit FOR the people. Now there are 3rd parties and there are PLENTY just in hopes of dealing with the ADDITION of another party WHICH shouldn't really have happened since us being a republic supposed to be following the constitition.

It should be like the bible, nothing should be added or taken away from it. We have gone FAR from our constititional rights and while there are plenty of great uses for things like this census MOST of its uses are not going to be FOR us in any part.

Have you been watching the health care voting going on? 38 states trying to stop it BUT their reps happily voting YES... We the people are not in charge anymore.
This isn't relevant though....
What you say has everything to do with policy.
The state of our govt or political system has nothing to do with the integrity of data to help guide policy & general understanding of demographics..

What you advocate [ skewing data ] makes it harder for whatever good policy you think should be implemented...
How does this make sense?

What specifically <are> you advocating anyways?
It seems to irk you to reveal what you think is personal data but you really aren't giving a solid reason as to why your viewpoint is justifiable..
I guess you just want a govt that doesnt need to take that info to begin with so you don't see it as ever being useful. I didnt realize that til now, lol.


now thats just not smart at all.......:wave:
A lot of you guys aren't old enough to remember what this country was like before the Hispanic invasion. If you live in Florida, California, Arizona, New Mexico, or anywhere near our southern border, and you are old enough to remember, you would know without any doubt that our country was much better off without them. These areas have been ruined by unchecked "immigration", which is really an all out invasion, in reality an act of war. These people aren't pioneers, they are leeches. Immigrants who came to this country in the 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s were pioneers. They were coming to a vast unsettled country. They came from all countries and spoke all languages, but came together to form the "melting pot", they all learned English, and they built this country from nothing to the number 1 country in the world. They fought and won 2 world wars, while millions of them died. But the people coming now are not pioneers. They are coming to a country that is already established, already built, already #1. They come here to work the system, to have their babies, to bleed our social services, to use our emergency rooms, and many of them don't even have the respect to learn our language. They actually are trying (and succeeding in some cases) to make Spanish an official language of this country. This country was founded with English as our language, and our laws are based on English law. Yet, in California, because of their vast numbers, public servants are actually required to speak Spanish. What an outrage! Imagine going to another country and demanding that they speak our language. Imagine going to Mexico and demanding social services! LOL! They will laugh at you when they are done looking at you like you are crazy. In fact, Americans cannot immigrate to Mexico without putting up a large amount of cash. This illegal invasion of our country would not be tolerated anywhere else in the world. But our Hispanic politicians do everything possible to allow more and more Hispanics to get in. After all, that is how they are empowered. They care nothing about America or the people they are invading. They have no respect for our language or culture. They care only about Hispanics. There are dozens of groups promoting Hispanics in this country, many of them quite militant. Try forming a group promoting white people, and it is called a rascist hate group.
Throughout history, empires go out with a wimper, not a bang. When enough foriegners move into a country, it soon becomes their country. And, that is what's happening here. Our country is becoming their country, and we are going to do nothing about it?
IMO, this is war, and should be treated as such. These people need to come here because they ruined their countries by overpopulating them. Now we are going to allow them to ruin our country?
I say no. Build a wall around the whole southern border if necessary. Put Americans back to work building it, and keep those bastards out.