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Did you get the Covid Vaccine

Did you take the Covid Vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 22 42.3%
  • no

    Votes: 30 57.7%

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moose eater

Well-known member
I agree about the next one...covid was a learning experience for people and agencies. Dunno how they are going to stop it. To get a critter across the pond, it's a nightmare of vet checks and state vets, and paperwork, usually quarantines. Meanwhile, people zooming all over the globe. By the time, they 'discover' something, it's too late.
Early on, folks were truly in a panic, and the Pharmaceutical corps went with that they had. I'm admittedly not a fan of Big Pharma and have an older Physicians' Desk Reference over my desk as I type, to bolster my distrust..

But when there's a bear outside the door and all you have is a .22, well.... place your shot very carefully. But place your shot.

moose eater

Well-known member
We are an opinionated group. Funny how we all have a different set of wants, fears and desires.
I'm not convinced that at the root, they're all that different. Just different focal points in the view of the similar fears and concerns.

I know we're all going to die. The question is timing and circumstance. And how to best utilize an inevitably or potentially dismal circumstance.

Going out while dreaming peacefully and sleeping pleasantly, passing away in long over-due sleep? I'm totally cool with that. If I could reserve that outcome in advance, I'd buy the ticket today.

But the COVID deaths I'm familiar with? Hell no! Nothing in that attracts me in the least.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Early on, folks were truly in a panic, and the Pharmaceutical corps went with that they had. I'm admittedly not a fan of Big Pharma and have an older Physicians' Desk Reference over my desk as I type, to bolster my distrust..

But when there's a bear outside the door and all you have is a .22, well.... place your shot very carefully. But place your shot.
My Doctor one prescribed an anti depressant drug called Zuprexia to me. Going through a rough time at work and daughter issues.

Long story short....I gained 35 lbs from 125 to 160 and it took away all my competitive drive. Efficiency at work became ..... oh well. Didn't take long to realize I had to get off of it.

Doctor simply said to cut back on the dosage a little bit at a time........Results.....moody, lack of sleep and isolation. Took 2 years to get off the addiction........

Moral......be careful of the long term side effects.....I had covid and survived and I am not gonna grow a 3rd eye.

Old Piney

Well-known member
Yes I got the jab. I wouldn't have but my wife was freeking out worrying .She worried about getting it but also about not getting it .After some thought I figured in the long run she would have less anxiety knowing she got it so that's what we did. I had a trip planned to Maui with my brothers as fate would have it because Hawaiian regulations if I hadn't got right then I couldn't have gone

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
When I want medical information, I read from well-established medical journals, not folks with an axe to grind and making money through misinformation. Especially when there's a greater risk of death.

When I check out, I'd prefer it to be on MY terms, not drowning on pink paste and being opiated in order to overcome being panicked for lack of a breath of oxygen.
As a RRT (registered respiratory therapist), truer words could not be spoken in this thread, that was mic drop shit. Anybody who says they follow the science and didn't get the shot, doesn't really understand science... at all.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I really wish the Topic was Boobs



moose eater

Well-known member
My Doctor one prescribed an anti depressant drug called Zuprexia to me. Going through a rough time at work and daughter issues.

Long story short....I gained 35 lbs from 125 to 160 and it took away all my competitive drive. Efficiency at work became ..... oh well. Didn't take long to realize I had to get off of it.

Doctor simply said to cut back on the dosage a little bit at a time........Results.....moody, lack of sleep and isolation. Took 2 years to get off the addiction........

Moral......be careful of the long term side effects.....I had covid and survived and I am not gonna grow a 3rd eye.
Yep, I've had a long-time friend from the old days die in his early 40s from a steroidal inhaler for his asthma, so he could ride bicycles with friends on day-long treks. His wife woke up next to him and he was blue. Steroids blew out his heart. He had realized his dream outside his factory job and ran a recording studio he'd converted from his garage in SW Michigan, 'Homemade Jams'.

I have my own milder horror stories from drugs that came with baggage that went way beyond any street drugs I ever took, and I took many (told the prescribing Docs that too).

Pharmaceutical companies often research prospective drugs via use of US tax dollars, often arriving at a drug that costs pennies (or less) to produce, researched with the public's money, and coming out with a 100,000% mark-up. There's a special place in hell for such vermin.

I've had a variety of negative outcomes from some Rx meds. Watched as others did too, going back to when I was a MH clinician and had clients from mid-teens to later-30s/early 40s having negative, potentially catastrophic emotional reactions to SSRIs, and spoke with our consulting psychiatrist at the clinic I worked at, only to be told there was no evidence of this in the studies/trials. There wasn't any evidence because they were later found to have buried it.

But the rates of death from COVID during the earlier, more lethal variants was astounding. And we needed to roll with something.

I'm admittedly mildly apprehensive about potential long-term effects, and know that with many Rx meds, as well as over-the-counter meds, it has sometimes been 20 years before someone connected the proverbial dots to attribute negative outcomes to a specific drug.
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Stray Cat
People should care more about heart diseases and cancer.
Both are the greatest death causes in the world before, during and after Covid.
Eat sh1t, drink sh1t, dont exercise, always inside a car... no walking, no runnings, pills for everything, anti this anti that, french fries, burger, alcohol, cigarretes and...
Chinese fault. Damn Vaxx!!!!!

:snap out of it:


Well-known member
Understood....have you read up on long term side effects......for one professional athletes having heart attacks on the field.

Don't think your statement is true.

moose eater

Well-known member
People should care more about heart diseases and cancer.
Both are the greatest death causes in the world before, during and after Covid.
Eat sh1t, drink sh1t, dont exercise, always inside a car... no walking, no runnings, pills for everything, anti this anti that, french fries, burger, alcohol, cigarretes and...
Chinese fault. Damn Vaxx!!!!!

:snap out of it:
A mark of my OCD, I read your post and found myself trying to hit 'edit' to impart paragraphs, initially not realizing it was YOUR post..

I laughed pretty hard.

Maybe I don't need to smoke any more dope today??



Well-known member
got all Covid shots offered, my flu shot, my shingles vaccine, and a vaccine for a variety of pneumonia my doctor advised me to get. actually, he advised me to get them all. if they offered one to keep ticks away, i'd get it too. had two friends in their 40s and their sons (all in good physical shape) die from covid, none were vaccinated. athletes and otherwise healthy younger folks have died for forever, it is nothing new. lots of causes of death (esp heart failure) can only be determined by a thorough autopsy, and unless there is something fishy alleged, it is rarely done.
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Stray Cat
A mark of my OCD, I read your post and found myself trying to hit 'edit' to impart paragraphs, initially not realizing it was YOUR post..

I laughed pretty hard.

Maybe I don't need to smoke any more dope today??

I'm going through a tolerance break
I want to start a war
Good time to visit Russia
Puff for both of us hahha



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Funny thing. I live in the foot hills above Denver. The only people I see wear a masks here are the younger generations. Rarely do I see a senior with a mask.
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