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Diary of a Hydro Raid


Green Supreme

Well more craziness, my dogs pregnant. It's gonna cost $400 to fix it. Have been offered another job for 2 months by a friend that needs to go away for work and needs a house sitter. I am seriously considering this one. Have another offer but it seems a little crazy. Thanks for looking in on me. Peace GS


just do it
Well more craziness, my dogs pregnant. It's gonna cost $400 to fix it.
damn GS, when you said the house was "dog friendly" you werent jokin around!! anyway k+ on your new setup:smoke:

Green Supreme

Thanks folks. So its update time again. I have moved from outta town back to the city. Thanks to the country host and the new city one. Sounds like money will come together in June and I have secured room and board till then. My new to be business landlord will be in same time to make my lease agreement for what is looking like a legal med grow. Honeybear seems to have healed well and is in good spirits as long as she is with me. Slowly its all coming together. Thanks for looking in on me . Peace GS


I don't understand why a man or woman cant post what he feels without drawing criticism from those that obviously live in different worlds. I consider this forum to represent and champion the peoples right and freedom to grow and use cannabis. With this freedom we must respect others freedom to say what they feel without destructive criticism.
Respect others to be respected.


Where I live if you have a business in your garage, shed or basement you can get an street address for that business. Say you live at 123 marshal st. You can get a business address of 123 1/2 marshal st. You get a electrical box and meter for the 1/2 address. This keeps anything going on there separate from your living quarters. Thus if you have a problem with the law they must have two warrants to search to different addresses. Or have a room classified as an apartment and the law cant search that apartment without a separate warrant. The same with safety inspections. What address are you here to inspect. Just a thought to help with security. Good luck brother you will prevail.


Well-known member
Glad that you're doing well and nothing serious happened to you. Looking forward to seeing what you do best.

Green Supreme

Thanks for the kind words folks and the info. That's one of the things this thread is about is informing folks in order to keep their heads up. Peace GS


Thanks for the kind words folks and the info. That's one of the things this thread is about is informing folks in order to keep their heads up. Peace GS

I've read every post in this thread, and it really was extremely informative especially for someone who lives so close to you..

Green Supreme

So the process of recovering my veg strains back is underway. It will take some time to put it all back together but it has begun. My buddy YBG sent me back the Sweet Blues along with his Mikado for the nice man that will hold the cuts local for me till I am back running. The dude has found quite a cool method for cuts. The company is called Hydrogarden. If yous need more info I can provide. Let the games begin. Peace GS

ps. sorry I have reached my limit here for pics


Tropical Outcast

My buddy YBG sent me back the Sweet Blues along with his Mikado for the nice man that will hold the cuts local for me till I am back running. The dude has found quite a cool method for cuts. The company is called Hydrogarden. If yous need more info I can provide. Let the games begin. Peace GS


Sure, always willing to check out new stuff!


Green Supreme

Another step forward yesterday as some kind folks allowed me into their med garden to do some leafing on flowering plants. What a joy and thanks again to the kind. Slow and steady wins the race folks. Peace GS

Green Supreme

So I have swindled myself into getting to play with plantys up to 3 times a week. Give yous a taste of what I have been working on. First up is Doc's Thai Lights at 66 days. Peace GS

ps. sorry still no room for me to put up more pics I guess

Green Supreme

Next is Gingas Angola/Banghi x Haze, then 2 Atomic Hazes also at 66 days. Peace GS

ps. again sorry no room for more pics

Green Supreme

Next I leafed the Atomic Hazes at day 75, then a Mango Haze. Last is the Purple pheno of the Jamaican Pineapple Skunk just before it gets chopped. Peace GS

ps. that's it for now


Glad everything is working out for you.

I'm somewhat starting to worry with my new setup, 4800 in flower and 600 veg(have another veg room seperate location).

Think i should worry living in a 4000sf house in the lower mainland?


New member
If someone knocks on your door and you look through the peep hole to find an officer or even someone you just don't recognize: don't open the door. If they've got a warrant, or are legally able to enter your home, they're going to come in and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm never going to make LEO's job easier by inviting him in.

In this instance it sounds like they were able to legally enter your home and the outcome would've been the same regardless, but I'd still rather have to buy my landlord a new door after LEO's kicked it down than let an officer into my grow house willingly.

Best of luck to you in the future.


New member
Remember that GS is in Canada and the US rules against unreasonable search and seizure don't apply. I don't know what the legal restrictions are in Canada for LEO and entry into someone's home. Too often these threads get sidetracked when people don't understand that a poster may be in a different legal jurisdiction than their own. If you are aware of this and posting from Canada, my apologies. GS has said that the BC Hydro and the cops can do what they have done and basically that sucks.

Your advice is spot on for the U.S. Force the cops to break down the door. Then there will be clear physical evidence of their forced entry which could be thrown out if they overstepped their authority.

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