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Diary of a Hydro Raid


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Amazing that of all the plants to have a shoot left it's the LUI, good news :joint:

That plant will likely live on in infamy :)

I hope you did not lose anything too rare or special, that really breaks my heart that your plants were chopped. At least they let you keep your bud. Best wishes to you dude.

Green Supreme

Still wonder how I would be further ahead. As it was it gave me 2 weeks to get moved and get the rest of the stuff done . Your way it would some how to have happened over night. It may not be the answer that you wanted, or were fishing for but it is the truth. Once again if charges were laid I might consider differently, but once again I state that's why I live where I do. Peace GS

ps. thanks again for the kind words folks


Green, I'm glad you came out of this intact, in one peice, a healthy chunk of your gear, equipment and well being. May you have better luck the next go around. What kind of dogger btw? :)


Active member
Wow glad to hear you are not going to jail. That shit would not fly on the east coast.

Take it easy bro...


GS thank you for sharing what happened to you. Sad to hear of your loss. Never good to hear about the fine lines that were lost.
Also very strange that your story generated such negative poison comments.
Peaceful Pot heads and farmers are not the problem.

Glad to hear you are still free. Never met you before but from what you post I am sure it would be a good time.

Peace :joint:


Active member
Biggups Green Supreme for all you do!!!!!

Sweetskunk, SweetPinkGrapefruit, Sweetblue are all looking forward to returning to your garden.
Flo (F13mother) wants to meet you too!

Thank you for your detailed diary.............all the info is helpful!

Peace and Love outdoordreams

Ps. To anyone that thinks GS is full of BS..........why do Bubbleman, BreederSteve, Red, Romulan Joe, Chimera, Kootenay, Marijuana Man, and many others hold him in such high regard???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Still wonder how I would be further ahead. As it was it gave me 2 weeks to get moved and get the rest of the stuff done . Your way it would some how to have happened over night. It may not be the answer that you wanted, or were fishing for but it is the truth. Once again if charges were laid I might consider differently, but once again I state that's why I live where I do. Peace GS

ps. thanks again for the kind words folks

ok i concede. you did come out in the best way for your situation. good luck in the future .


hey Green Supreme (or his friends) I was wondering if you were going to check in and let us know how you are doing. I am hopeing that this finds you and your dog in good health. Let us please have an update on your well being. Good luck or your adventures

Green Supreme

Dog is well, we are living in very dog friendly house. Am working on funding for a med project and cash to acquire a new home. Slow and steady and all that. Things keep falling in front of me, so I must be headed the right way. Thanks for looking in on me. I will be updating the rest as it comes. Peace GS


Dog is well, we are living in very dog friendly house. Am working on funding for a med project and cash to acquire a new home. Slow and steady and all that. Things keep falling in front of me, so I must be headed the right way. Thanks for looking in on me. I will be updating the rest as it comes. Peace GS

Love your attitude:biggrin: :comfort:

Keep posting would like to see your future grow:prettyplease:
damn man...it sucks...

but everything happens for a reason right?

love the positive attitude and thanks very much for sharing.

fuck the haters. keep doing what you do.

heres more good karma going your way man!


very interesting thread GS, thanks for posting.

sorry to hear about your troubles, but glad to hear everything is looking up!

Green Supreme

OK so not much to tell yet. Still awaiting funds. Have had to resort to leaf the last couple weeks, except Friday puffs with Marihuanaman and Sundays. Realized I could be puffing my own leaf{Had a a bag in storage} gets me much higher. No internet where I am. All safe, so all good. Peace GS


Senior Member
Keep a tap running on low. Usually works. Peace GS

Coming From a country where temps are not so extreme, and not ever having experieance with such weather conditions. May I ask you, the following?
Is it sufficient to turn one tap on, or would you need to turn on all taps?

Hope you find your new house and grow and set up very quickly.
Thanks for telling and keeping us posted

Green Supreme

Only one is necessary to keep the main from freezing. If you have pipes on outside walls, I suggest running them on low as well. Good luck and thanks all for the kind words. Peace GS