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Desert Southwest Growers Union




I agree with Paco...and Homer! Your HG is looking sweet. How long are you planning to take her?

Well, I've lost a few of my outdoor girls due to the heat. I was really staying on top of them, but they were in pots and I think it was just too damned hot on the back patio. I get insane amounts of sun, and I'm guessing by the thermometer in my truck and a cheepie analog therm that they reach a good 115-120F at peak sunlight, along with radiant heat from concrete, block, and sandstone. There's nothing I can do, though, as that's the only spot that's safe from any potentially prying eyes. There are other spots that would be perfect, but they are definitely in plain view. I'll defeinitely be able to load the spot up later in the season, so I'm not extremely torn up. Maybe plant some bamboo as screens for future seasons.

Keep your cool, it's a blast furnace out there!



Hi All of Y'all!!

Just wanted to show off my new(and very first)glass pipe. I have finally put away my old stone pipe(can't throw it away you know).
Thought you all would enjoy seeing it. :rasta:

That's a cool piece man, make sure you clean it often to get the best taste of your herb. Sometimes my smaller pipes get so dirty with residue very quickly. Peace



Active member
bruja thats nice. been doing joints and bongs for over 20 years and recently a member here said he is going to send me a glass to try , maybe a old dog can learn a new trick


joesy whales said:
bruja thats nice. been doing joints and bongs for over 20 years and recently a member here said he is going to send me a glass to try , maybe a old dog can learn a new trick

Try it honey! I thought I would NEVER trade in my little ol' stone pipe, but those pretty glass pipes just got to me.
Trust me, us older dogs can definately learn new trix! :dance:


OldPathBluSky said:
That's a cool piece man, make sure you clean it often to get the best taste of your herb. Sometimes my smaller pipes get so dirty with residue very quickly. Peace


Hey Old Path,
What do you use to clean your glass? I read that salt/rubbing alcohol is good?
I will definately keep it CLEAN....I hate a dirty pipe.


Hey Bru...nice piece!

You can just soak it in some isopropyl for a little bit, rinse and dry. You shouldn't need to scrub or use salt unless it's really grungy, but by that time, you're not getting tasty tokes from it. Well grown stash shouldn't grub up your pipe very fast, but it's always good to keep a bottle of alcohol around.



Soooo....things to do in the desert when it's 115F

I know...clean the freezer out of some old buds and lots o' trim and make some bubble hash!

Sorry I didn't take copious amounts of pictures, but this conveys the morning I had.

Mix some trim/buds/scraps up in the icewater:

I don't have bubble bags, nor can I see spending hundreds of clams on them, so I found a place that sells monofilament screens in various mesh sizes. I just dump the bucket into another with a screen on the top. I've got 4 different mesh sizes, the smallest being around a 40 or 60 micron (I'll have to look it up)

Now the drying part:

As I was stirring the trim soup, I found a leaf from a purple kush plant I used to have. I put a red onion next to it for color scale, but its just not as vibrant after image upload:

It'll be dry after about 3 days and can be cured or used. Gonna do another run tomorrow and try to take some better pics.

Stay kool!!

:joint: :joint: :joint:
Awesome pics EatShitake, is that a soundboard underneath that cardboard?

Bruja64 - yea salt and rubbing alcohol works great, the salt gets the surface in all the tight spots.



Thanks OPBS.

Yeah, it's a Yamaha 01V. My studio is nice, cool, and dry, so I brought the bubble in there to dry, and...to try :D


Active member
Hey ES your going to have to show us how you built those screen tops, looks like a true desert rat idea, well done.


Hey joes:wave:

I got inspired by a thread by Smily called "Bubble Buckets-A Cheap Alternative to Bubble Bags" and figured a way to make it simpler for me...and stoner proof!.

Basically I use 3 buckets:
  • 3.5 gallon for mixing the ice/trim
  • 5 gallon to put the filter lids for first pour
  • 5 gallon for next pour

I've got a lid that I cut out so just the part that snaps onto the top of the bucket is there:

I ordered monofilament screen from Schilling Graphics (online) in 4 different sizes:

After I mix up the trim, I strain out the ice/rough material by pouring it through a collander:

After that, just place a screen across the empty 5 gallon bucket and put the ring on top. I push the screen down in the center a bit to form a little pooch or valley to pour the hashy juice through:

As the liquid drains, the bubble is left on the screen. I use a spray bottle to kind of "corral" it into the lowest spot on the screen. Once it's completely drained, I pop the lid off (carefully!!) and place the screen on some paper towels or cardboard for a few minutes. Then I put it in the freezer for a half hour or so. When it's frozen, it pops right off the screen and it's ready to dry thoroughly.

After the ring is popped off the first bucket, get the next-finer screen onto the next bucket and repeat. I really need to get another finer screen because there's still a lot left over that I'm not capturing and it's going to waste for now :bashhead:

I do all my pouring on the open door of my dishwasher so I don't make too much of a mess. This probably isn't the best method for anyone with lower back issues, as you're slowly pouring about 4 gallons of water from one bucket back into the other repeatedly. I usually do 2 runs with the same water and it takes a couple hours after all is said and done, so if you've got muscle/joint issues, go with smaller buckets.

Total cost is under $50 and ordering the minimum amount of screen will leave you with enough to make about 10 setups.

I'd gladly demonstrate at Vegas Nugs-n-Jugs if I could get a voucher! :laughing:

Happy Independence Day, Amigos!!! Remember to be good little freedom-lovers and not evil-doers! By that I mean...grow on!!

:joint: :joint: :joint:


Active member
looks easy and a good idea. Im looking for a voucher to. hate to miss it when its in my own back yard. Hey if you will post the size of the screen you recomend getting to get all the good stuff.



I ordered the 86,140,196,230 mesh sizes. I'd recommend getting one with a higher mesh in the 300-350 range for the ultra-pure. If you google "mesh to micron chart" you'll get an idea of what the mesh numbers mean in micron sizes if you want to order something different.

Hell, I've got plenty of the 4 sizes I ordered if you want to set something up :D
Eatshitake - man that makes it so simple, I think I'm also going to give it a go, b/c I bought some screens off ebay awhile back :D



I get knats or whiteflies out here sometimes, but I just kick on the ozone generator and it seems to kill them off pretty quick