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Desert Southwest Growers Union


Active member
Your always welome here bro. and your pretty much in the desert if you havent noticed. ya all come back now ya here?
ok great thanks for the help maj.,and shitake.,well i ordered a hf daystar ac hood so hopefully i will be a few or more degrees cooler?cause as of now temps are atleast 85-87.,if say im at room temp 78 or so and with 600w hps whats the increase of temps more then room temps would you guys think? hopefully 80 or 81 is my goal.,possible??

oh p.s. to maj.,if you can please get a hold of me in a private message so i could use some opinions but dont wanna flood these forums off subject.,thanks again man
maj., i already have a scrubber and a 530 cfm exhausting out.,but still around 8-10 hotter then room temps.,its 4x3x7 for flower which is where scrubber and exhaust attached w/ two 6 inch and three 3 inch holes in the back as i was adding more trying to bring heat down.,didnt work.,lol.,and this is also attached near the top to a 3x2x7 cabinet.,top dry.,bottom veg.,veg is around 4 degrees hotter then room.,running around 9 23w cfl's with six 3 inch holes in the back.,is mid to high 80's bad??? or is it tolerable?


I had a bunch of beans to give away at the N&J, but the guy that was supposed to stop here on his way there, never came by and picked them up. Sorry folks.


Ahhh bummer, rule. I'm gonna be heading out to the house here shortly...hoping to meet some cool peeps!


Active member
It was good to meet You ES and Dell and sci f, az, mad cow and many others I can't remember, I know I should but im soooohigh, must lay down.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
WallyWatermelon said:
maj., i already have a scrubber and a 530 cfm exhausting out.,but still around 8-10 hotter then room temps.,its 4x3x7 for flower which is where scrubber and exhaust attached w/ two 6 inch and three 3 inch holes in the back as i was adding more trying to bring heat down.,didnt work.,lol.,and this is also attached near the top to a 3x2x7 cabinet.,top dry.,bottom veg.,veg is around 4 degrees hotter then room.,running around 9 23w cfl's with six 3 inch holes in the back.,is mid to high 80's bad??? or is it tolerable?

for my fresh air intake its passive not forced i can hold a peice of paper by the air intakes and let it go. the intakes suck it right in n/p my problem with heat is im usen 4 inch ducting. if i was running 6 inch ducting i could maybe almost match house temps thats with a 400w hps in cooltube 400w mh in air cooled hood. the modded stanely by itself is approx 250cfm but add the cooltube air cooled hood and carbon scrubber im not achieving 250 cfm but my temps during summer hang 83-85. winter they dont get past 80 my fresh sir is supplied by my wash erea in the bathroom which also is my veggn erea. which is lite by 420w in mixed color cfls mid to high 80's isnt real bad but low 80's is better


zoo- :wave: Once you get the secret handshake down, you're a full member. Until then...keg stand, PLEDGE!!!

joes- Same here, man! What a blast last night developed into. I've got a feeling I'll be crossing paths again with y'all shortly! Gonna bring the last of my cured bubble to pass around, but judging by the mass quantities consumed by the judges last night, I don't think my truck could hold enough bubble to keep everyone going :biglaugh:

Wally- Feel free to post away, man. If you've got Q's there's probably somebody here with an answer, and the more people that get to see it, the better we'll all be as growers. Unless you're asking something about knitting or the finer points of quiche making...then take sh*t that over to the Toker's Den :muahaha:

Well, I'm off to water some babies, wash my drawz, and get ready for some evening festivities of the highest order. Everyone have a great weekend!



Active member
weekend, what weekend, don't remember nothing sinse saturday. musta been good, did the strippers ever show up?


Heya joes...I took off a lil early. There was a crowd headed to the strip to start a loooong evening, but I'm opting for the Valley of Fire hike at early-o'clock so we took off right before the titties came out. If I was gonna stay, I'd miss out tomorrow and I get into BIG trouble when titties come out :biglaugh:

Joesy Whales has some of the stinkiest herb I've had the pleasure of sniffin this weekend! Your Appalachian and SourBubble...gawdammed intoxicating, bro. Glad I got to try that Appalachian...Ima beg you for some not too long from now! :muahaha:

I'll be by tomorrow to bring some seeds to Grape and watch some ball and grub on BBQ...maybe I'll see ya down there!



Active member
yes that shit do stink, Im having fits with smell from the room, can't afford a bigger fan and filter at the moment, I bitch if my stuff don't smell ,now Im bitching cause it does.

you know your welcome to what I have ES, no begging required
thanks shitake well then i will pop up here and there to ask in this thread cause you .,joesy.,and maj seem to really know your shit and have great solutions.,so you are my new peeps to bother.,lmao.,and if i start to knit il make sure to ask YOU .,lmmfao.,jk


Active member
with Mr. Zoolander in the gang we have a great addition to your party. the guy probably has grown more strains than anyone I know and grows them well, I don't know about his knitting skills though


Hey you're welcome Wally. Between a whole bunch of us here, we're approaching pure genius! :biglaugh:

Well, I just finished up a little morning maintenance and took a few cuts. I've got a few extra DJShort GrapeKrush that I'm gonna bring to the house and chill. Whoever wants can have 'em, or else they're gonna come back and go on the patio.



New member
new to this forum im currently got a 250 watt scrog Grow going ..

my question is what a good way to dry bud in low humidity my humidity is average about 30% ..whats some good methods to dry i dont like using humidifiers ive already have unless you got a perfect drying method with a humidifier .. but im looking for just a hang or maybe cardboard help me??


Active member
hanging will work fine, its better to me to have a little humidity in room so they don't dry to fast 30 % is fine. I build drying boxes with screen bottoms so I can put a fan underneath or on top to keep air moving around the buds.


anybody having any problems with seeds getting delivered? I ordered some from nirvanna and its been about a month I am wondering if they got snatched..................


Active member
bigd21 said:
anybody having any problems with seeds getting delivered? I ordered some from nirvanna and its been about a month I am wondering if they got snatched..................
there's been a bunch of green tape the last month or so,have 3 pack coming myself so reallt concerd.


I've gotten deliveries in the last month as planned. I do have some on the way that were just shipped last week, so if they aren't here by Friday...*#E$(*!@#!!!