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Describe The Feeling Of Being Stoned....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
i think the above would be a description of being high. which is why we all started smoking pot. but now, if i could describe feeling stoned, i would just have to say: "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"


Well-known member
it depends on how I felt BEFORE I got stoned. similar, but different every time. ever notice how even pieces of the same bud taste vaguely different when smoked over the course of a day? one of the reasons I love it; it is ...different.:woohoo:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
As I've grown older I've become more and more a fan of the pre-stone, you know that feeling you get where you know the high is on it's way but isn't quite there yet. Where you know you could probably set the bowl, bong or joint down and still end up stoned a few minutes later but you keep hitting it anyway. It's kind of like that point in the date where you know you're going to get laid. :D


Professor Organic Psychology
Being stoned makes me happy.

Colors are brighter, feelings stronger, sex better.

I Always take a toke before I go into a store, especially Walmart. I want to be high to enjoy the experience that I normally hate. I have been laughing so hard I fall down in stores and there is nothing they can really do.


Well-known member
It shuts up all that useless excess thinking and let's you see things in perspective....
And makes you feel just great :)

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
should've told em,... "U know a Samosa, its like being inside a nicely toasted one,"
he would've hit that # u were smoking on for sure , ...



The reason why I ask is because was out somewhere today blowing some weed....

And an older Indian(country of India) man came over and asked us "What does being under the influence of hashish feel like?"

I thought about it for a minute and said "it feels like there is a couple of fried eggs under your brain"....

I see how u have trouble explaining that was terrible lol

Relaxed! Euphoric happy hungry that'll do it but itis hard as there's many different qualities to the high of cannabis,, stay hydrated and it feels bliss every time


never under pleased is more of an appropriate answer even cheap weed makes you feel good at least part of the time.... i mean if you need to tell someone.

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