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Describe The Feeling Of Being Stoned....


weed fiend
I smoked something my neighbor called colombian thunderfuck when I was 12. It's the only time I ever wondered if weed was lethal. Visuals were like mescaline, vivid color and object outlines 'crawled'. Physical effect was like sitting on the couch and becoming part of it, like a major barometric pressure drop.

The good was short lived, full blown anxiety so intense I knew I was a goner. I'll be 50 this June and 38 years seems like yesterday, walking home and thinking I'd die before I made it.

Low tolerance can be a terrible thing.:redface:


On Being Stoned

A Psychological Study of Marijuana Intoxication

Charles T. Tart, Ph. D.


"Should you ever be confronted with the temptation of taking that first puff of a marijuana cigarette... do it, do it, do it!"
I disagree with this. As I get older it seems the more simple life is, the better and easier to manage. Cannabis use can introduce one to a whole new dimension to life and certainly ads complexity to the equation. The decision to use and especially grow cannabis can have all kinds of implications that might not become apparent till it's a habit that's hard to kick. I am sometimes envious of those who have not partaken and have no desire to as well. Cannabis definitely reminds me of the tree of knowledge in some ways.


Professor Organic Psychology
I guess depends on what you are smoking. When I have what o prefer, sativa dominant strains, I feel an uplifting euphoria that enhances my senses. The colors are brighter, the flowers smell sweater and sex feels better. I have a higher tolerance to the typically mundane and boring and can focus on things at a higher level. I actually feel more involved and committed. I also feel special as one of the enlightened minority that throw conventional thinking to the wind to do things my own way yet not hurt anyone else. I feel more compassionate and giving. I would be more likely to help another human being or animal if I were high.


It's daylight, and you can see the stars in the sky as if it were night.


Active member
I't does reveal yourself to your TRUE self... If your trying to put a show on for other people by your actions or such you can really see your true self and realize how ridiculous some of the things you do are. For example somebody buying a fancy car to cover up their insecurities and whatnot.
Also you see thing's in 3rd person... and instead of your opinion mattering most you stop and thing what the other person is feeling or how the other person might be thinking.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I find it impossible to describe the feeling of being stoned in just a generic overall sense because each strain is different and even within the same strain you can get differing experiences just by when it was harvested or by stumbling across a different phenotype. Then of course a stone or high from an indica is going to be different then that of a sativa.

Alot also depends on why I'm doing it as well as when and where. If I get high just before or while being in a situation I know I probably shouldn't be high during the experience can seem much more intense but filled with paranoia making it seem less enjoyable. Sometimes I smoke to relieve digestive problems and when I do it makes me feel good because of the relief I feel in my gut but the high doesn't feel as strong as when I smoke it just to get high.


To Have More ... Desire Less
lost in my own drift... refusing too find my way back.....with a smile of confusion and satisfaction....none the less


Active member
Every strain effects me differently. I aim for extreme diversity in highs, and always on the hunt for something that gives me a different effect. Now that I don't toke as much I aim for sativa dominant pheno's. Amazing the effect one could get with no tolerance smoking strain's like Jack H, ECSD especially after certain life experiences.

Jack H ECSD and bubba kush are my go to strains for headphone jamming. Nothing I've found matches the euphoria better than these strains.

ECSD is just trippy mostly. Hard to look at one object to long. Shit looks like it's moving haha. Gives me a sorta dizzy feeling. Music is great. I get a "fuzzy" view.

Jack H enhances colors. Music sounds beautiful. Unmatched by any strain besides a certain ECSD s1 pheno in that department.Can hear every conversation going on in my home. Gives objects a fuzzy edge. Sometimes causes panic attack though that feels fucking horrible if you over indulge. Same exact one everytime too. Feels like blood is rushing from head down. Like a rollercoaster. High is a mindfuck for about a solid four hours if harvested too early too. Sorta similar.

Bubba Kush enhances music too. Not much else though in the head department for me though besides that aspect. Clear headed and aware of everything going on. However don't want to move not a bit. Honestly takes some effort for me to move body parts. Feel numbish. Pain vanishes. Feel calm and at piece.

One thing pretty much every strain I've smoked has done for me is made me a much more peaceful person. Smoke after I've been sober for awhile and allows me to see how much better I could have handled certain situations. Much more helpful to others too. Sometimes a bit too much. but ehh. Lighting that reward J at the end of the day makes it all worth it haha.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
What I felt when I was 14 is not what I fell at 50. The feelings I got when I was 14 where very energetic none stop on the go constantly puffing with a smile

Fast forward to 50. Relaxed with some anxiety. Some difficulty breathing with BHO. I like the less potent strain in my older age.

bad gas

Weed makes it easier to concentrate. All the extraneous stuff goes away.

Indispensible for musicians. You don't sound like a bunch of drunks when you smoke.

I like to get high and do something productive. Try to make the project special.

Obviously, I like sativas better than those soft mode indeeekas.

stay safe. bg

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