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My nearly lifelong depression went away finally after stopping gluten. Now when I eat gluten, or at least a certain amount...depression returns like clock-work and last for 3-7 days. Its actually crazy....but very common.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I'm sorry to say it because it's not what you want to hear, but Cannabis and depression is not a good combination.
It depends of course what type of depression we're talking about, feeling moody after a break-up is not the same thing as a clinical state of depression. Nevertheless, most types of anxiety, severe forms of stress and depression have a tendency to get worse from Cannabis, and people with a fragile mental health/mental disorders better stay off alltogether, and equally all kinds of psychedelic drugs. It's usually a conclusion the concerned person reaches him/herself, because once you've lived through a full-fledged panic attack while depressed and high, you have no desire to return to that state. Ever.
If your desire for Cannabis is strong enough, then go for the weaker strains with a kind, energetic high.
I totally agree with those who recommend a healthy lifestyle in terms of eating/excercise/bad drug habits in general. Food and what you eat has an absolutely decisive impact on body and brain chemistry, and sadly it is often not before you've turned those bad habits around that you realize it.
So, Cannabis is not a therapy for depression, it is a trip through a different mental landscape, and also a friend/helper while in pain.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Medicinal Strain

Medicinal Strain

Rosy Cheeks said:
I'm sorry to say it because it's not what you want to hear, but Cannabis and depression is not a good combination.
I think Rosy is on the right page here. I have had my bouts with depression due to my disabilities and "Heavy Hitters" are not good for me at all. Uplifting Sativas or crosses I tollerate much better but sometimes these not at all. For any patient looking for medicinal help with cannabis some playing the field with different strains is a must....DD

Sweet Blue Joint F2.......
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Amber Trich

Active member
Rosy Cheeks said:
Cannabis and depression is not a good combination.

most types of anxiety, severe forms of stress and depression have a tendency to get worse from Cannabis, and people with a fragile mental health/mental disorders better stay off alltogether, and equally all kinds of psychedelic drugs.

once you've lived through a full-fledged panic attack while depressed and high, you have no desire to return to that state. Ever.

I have a lifetime of experience with anxiety and depression and I have to say I absolutely disagree with the above comments by Rosy Cheeks.

When my thoughts and feelings have spun out of control cannabis has never failed to bring me back to a rational contemplative state. When I have been anxious or depressed smoking has always helped me break free of my ego.

I have had full fledged panic attacks while depressed and I can tell you for certain cannabis instantly snapped me back to reality EVERY single time.

I do think it can be over done and used as a crutch which is never healthy. But I certainly think breaking some mental barriers helps more than hurts mental problems. I think psychadelics are GOOD for depression. Mushrooms and LSD both release seretonin. Mushrooms can be used daily at a low dose to ease depression.

I have seen it many many times... People are in a total depressed funk, they trip out and the next day(and beyond) they are euphoric and inspired.

If substances are going to be used to aid depression or anxiety IMO there is absolutely no reason cannabis and psychadelics cant be at the top of the list.
CheifnBud2 said:
1. Do you excersise daily, or every other day? Did the depression start before or after you started smoking?

If you answered "yes" to the first question, and "before" to the second, then smoking weed for depression probably CAN help you.

2. If not, quit smoking for a few days and get some excerise. I think 50% of people who consider themselves depressed are either sedentary, or have some sort of drug dependancy.

3. Eat more whole foods and fish as well... It will take some time to get used to, but your body and mind will thank you.

4. Quit drinking alcohol or any sort of caffinated substance. Stop drinking diet soda. Stop eating excess refined sugar. If you are not dependant on any sort of anti-depressant, stop taking those.

5. Read something of interest or inspiration.

^^^This is the best advice I have seen on any forum/any thread yet...

-Sounds liike pussy would solve your problems though.
-This isn't acute depression, everyone has this type of depression and everyone has times like this
-SUCK IT UP - Being upset/depressed doesn't help accomplish anything.
-I personally don't believe a vegan diet is healthy.
-Never take advice on mental health issues from people on here.
-Mental health is a soft science so most everything is based on theory.

Best of luck to you.
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Get some excersize. play a sport with some old friends. Go running or hiking in a place where people wont bother you. Something like that.

A way to explain this... Your body produces endorphins which kill pain from torn tissue, ect when you exceisze. This lasts 6-24 hours after you excersize depending on how hard and how long you excersize.
Heroin addicts shoot opiates to get an instant rush of endorphins and serotonin but it quickly leaves their blood stream making their body and mind beg for more... When you excersize your body natrually creates these endorphins and realeases them slowly so you dont get stupid and incapable of doing normal things.

The human body needs excersize just as it needs food, sleep, and water.
Make sure you are getting complete proteins in your vegan diet. (an easy way to do this is eating a PB&J sandwitch with whole wheat bread, or some beans on a corn tortilla)

As far as weed goes it can help you or hurt you, but you have to make that decision.
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Active member
Cannabis dosage is important as well.
Moderate amounts have been shown to increase serotonin levels but high doses does the opposite causing serotonin levels too drop.
There was a paper released recently with these findings.


I dont need scientific evidence, from experience i can trust this. And im gonna start smoking less myself.


Some people call cannabis Green Prozac!

Some people call cannabis Green Prozac!

Mental Marijuana

Can reefers cure madness? There is some evidence that cannabis – or 'green Prozac' – has potential in the treatment of some psychiatric disorders, principally depression and bipolar disorder.


If regular cannabis use helps your depression without causing more problems than it solves, then screw anyone who tells you not to use it.


St. John's Wort and Kava Kava both can have much worse side effects than cannabis.

Exercise can't work, if you can't get yourself out of bed to do it.

And, of course, using cannabis is always better than suicide.


Sharing Is Caring!
i have depression (have had dp for about 7 years) and can testify that cannabis (or the green prozac)it has helped me enormously and increased my overall quality of life. But ine has to be carful to select the right strains and use it right........but it works!!!!!

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Brownpants said:
Cannabis dosage is important as well.
Moderate amounts have been shown to increase serotonin levels but high doses does the opposite causing serotonin levels too drop.
There was a paper released recently with these findings.

Dosage is IMO a key factor in this matter, as you said:

Could you please post or PM me that paper, unless it's the one I posted? As far as I've understood it, Cannabis does not directly affect serotonin levels, but stimulates the production of anandamide (anandamide is a cannabinoid, or lipid molecule, that is naturally produced in the body. It is known to produce sensations similar to those of THC, when it reacts with THC.
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Rosy Cheeks said:
Dosage is IMO a key factor in this matter, as you said:

Could you please post or PM me that paper, unless it's the one I posted? As far as I've understood it, Cannabis does not directly affect serotonin levels, but stimulates the production of anandamide (anandamide is a cannabinoid, or lipid molecule, that is naturally produced in the body. It is known to produce sensations similar to those of THC, when it reacts with THC.

Well, depression is related to the nervous system, and we don't know much about the nervous system....we have theories...the body is an amazing piece. Antidepressants such as SSRIs increase serotonin levels in the synapse, but current theory is that therapeutic effects do not come from elevated serotonin levels directly, but indirectly by the high levels actually decreasing post-synaptic serotonin receptors.

Here are a few abstracts:

1. Local enhancement of cannabinoid CB1 receptor signalling in the dorsal hippocampus elicits an antidepressant-like effect.
Behavioural Pharmacology. 18(5-6):431-8, 2007 Sep.
Systemic administration of direct cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonists and inhibitors of the hydrolytic enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase have been shown to elicit antidepressant effects. Moreover, the endocannabinoid system in the hippocampus is sensitive to both chronic stress and antidepressant administration, suggesting a potential role of this system in emotional changes associated with these regimens. The aim of this study was to determine if cannabinoid CB1 receptors in the hippocampus modulate emotionality in rats as assessed via the forced swim test. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were bilaterally implanted with cannulae directed at the dentate gyrus of the dorsal hippocampus and subsequently received three infusions of either the cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist HU-210 (1 and 2.5 microg), the fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor URB597 (0.5 and 1 microg), the cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 (1 and 2.5 microg), or vehicle (dimethyl sulfoxide) and were assessed in the forced swim test. Infusion of both doses of HU-210 resulted in a dramatic reduction in immobility and increase in swimming behaviour, indicative of an antidepressant response, which was partially reversed by coadministration of AM251. No effect of URB597 administration or any effect following the administration of AM251 alone was, however, observed. These data indicate that activation of CB1 receptors in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus results in an antidepressant-like response. Collectively, these data highlight the potential importance of changes in the hippocampal endocannabinoid system following stress or antidepressant treatment with respect to the manifestation and/or treatment of depression.

2. Effect of cannabinoids on platelet serotonin uptake.
Addiction Biology. 12(2):158-66, 2007 Jun.
Serotonin is involved in many of the same processes affected by cannabinoids; therefore, we investigated in vitro and in vivo effects of these drugs on the function of serotonin transporter. The effect of Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC), endocannabinoid anandamide and synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist WIN 55,212-2 on platelet serotonin uptake and membrane microviscosity was examined in 19 marijuana smokers and 20 controls. (1) Serotonin uptake was inhibited at higher doses of Delta(9)-THC (IC(50) = 139 micromol/l), anandamide (IC(50) = 201 micromol/l) or WIN 55,212-2 (IC(50) = 17.4 micromol/l); the inhibition was found non-competitive. Delta(9)-THC, anandamide and WIN 55,212-2 produced different effects on the membrane microviscosity. (2) Maximal velocity of platelet serotonin uptake was significantly increased in a group of chronic marijuana smokers suffering impairment of cognitive functions when compared with controls. Opposite effect of marijuana smoking on the serotonin uptake efficiency was observed in males beside females. In summary, this study provides evidence that (1) Activity of serotonin transporter is acutely affected by cannabinoids at relatively high drug concentrations; this effect is indirect and can be partially accounted for the changes in the membrane microviscosity. (2) Increase of maximal velocity of the serotonin uptake could be understood as adaptation change in the serotonergic system induced by chronic cannabis use. A hypothesis was supported that lowered serotonin uptake may reflect a gender-related differences in effects of psychoactive cannabinoids.

3. Chronic Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol administration affects serotonin levels in the rat frontal cortex.
Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology. 372(4):313-7, 2006 Jan.
Adult rats were subjected to chronic treatment with the cannabinoid agonist, Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or with vehicle, and their brains used to analyze the contents of serotonin (5HT) and of its intraneuronal metabolite, 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5HIAA). 5HT and 5HIAA contents were not affected by chronic cannabinoid administration in most of the brain regions analyzed. We found a marked increase in 5HT contents in the frontal cortex that was accompanied by no changes in 5HIAA contents. This originated a decrease in 5HIAA/5HT ratio, which suggests a possible reduction in the activity of serotoninergic terminals reaching this cortical area. This effect was not seen after an acute injection of this cannabinoid. The relevance of these observations was that they occurred in a region where changes in serotoninergic transmission have been implicated in the development of depression; therefore, our data support the theory that the cannabinoid system might be a potential target for the treatment of this neuropsychiatric disease.


Well if i ever go to a rat swimming competition ill get the one i bet on stoned first.


Brownpants said:
Cannabis dosage is important as well.
Moderate amounts have been shown to increase serotonin levels but high doses does the opposite causing serotonin levels too drop.
There was a paper released recently with these findings.
Would you have a citation or link to further info on the paper? I love reading that stuff, and I pass it on to my shrink.

Long Live Dr Tod!!


I would give my rat some DXM, canna-oil-infused peanut butter, and some Xanax. Give him some swim goggles and fins!


Can people keep naming strains? I'm making an Excel chart.
So far Strawberry Cough and Satori are in the lead. (not counting my vote)

I am looking for non-munchies strains. So far, Satori is it.
What can be said of the Strawberry Cough high?


Active member
very clear thinking but powerful high to begin with,
then later on the indica kicks in. maybe a bit of sleepy relaxedness.