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New member
Hi good people.

I was wondering if someone have a good strain to recomend against depression?
I have had problems with depressions a long time, and i wont take anti-deprissives (i hate pills).



Registered Med User
Get locked up in the county for 6 months, when you get out you will feal the depression has been lifted and you dont even need to smoke!

Another method is to get moving and change something in your life that is making you depressed. To use Marijuana, alcohol, or any drug as a crutch for your depression is only postponing the problem.

A day full of accomplishments usually helps me, when I dont accomplish somethin I dont feal right!
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New member
GET MO said:
Get locked up in the county for 6 months, when you get out you will feal the depression has been lifted and you dont even need to smoke!

Another method is to get moving and change something in your life that is making you depressed. To use Marijuana, alcohol, or any other drug as a crutch for your depression is only postponing the problem.

Thanks for the reply.

I tried to move, but everything just got worse, and i don't want to spend 6month in jail.


Registered Med User
As far as bud goes you can take a few puffs of some good sativa and re-evaluate what in your life is botherring you, then smoke somemore and come up with a plan to fix it. Sativas deffinitly though, unless your the type who gets all worked up and heart racing. Remember though that weed cant fix your problem, its only something to help you get by, and too much of anything is never good. Try getting involved with a cherity or somethin, do something that makes you feal better about yourself, by get to moving I mean in a sense of doing something withyourself, also dont sweat the small stuff, its a big world and much you have not seen or done, be free!


Hello waldemar, good for you for not taking the anti depressives. I think some good pot can help, It helped me during a depression. But remember moderation is especially important during these times, use herb for inpiration not escape! Best pot for uplifting would be sativa grown outdoors.It's important that you get plenty sunlight too,and exercise with fresh air. How about food? this is medicine too. Do a search on the net food containing 'Tryptophan' this is natures anti depressant. Peace. :rasta:
trying to find what makes you depressed isn't that easy, the culprit is usually yourself.

Cannabis is great for spirituality... spirituality like meditation and yoga, not related to any religious beliefs.. when you realize that how you think is more important than what you think pot can be a great tool to work through your depression ... don't get locked up that's probably the worst thing you can do to yourself.

start small, take pride in what you accomplish be present mentally and not only physically.. pot just makes this easier to discover, after a while you won't need pot to feel better.. just to remind yourself how to feel better and clear your mind once in a while..

Amber Trich

Active member
Speaking of food... a lot of food additives cause depression and anxiety (high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors and colors, natural flavors, preservatives, and all those other ingredients that arent food).

I had lifelong emotional issues(depressed, angry, anxious... crazy) that STOPPED when I started eating fresh/whole/wild/health foods, cultured probiotic foods, and stopped eating packaged.

I think Grape Krush is the best antidepressant herb I've tried. Its clear headed and very comforting it also promotes feelings of euphoric satifaction.

If you have anxiety or too much inner dialogue, Old Time Moonshine erases it.


1. Do you excersise daily, or every other day? Did the depression start before or after you started smoking?

If you answered "yes" to the first question, and "before" to the second, then smoking weed for depression probably CAN help you.

2. If not, quit smoking for a few days and get some excerise. I think 50% of people who consider themselves depressed are either sedentary, or have some sort of drug dependancy.

3. Eat more whole foods and fish as well... It will take some time to get used to, but your body and mind will thank you.

4. Quit drinking alcohol or any sort of caffinated substance. Stop drinking diet soda. Stop eating excess refined sugar. If you are not dependant on any sort of anti-depressant, stop taking those.

5. Read something of interest or inspiration.
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Satori works for me. I have this one mother plant: a shimmering, love-vapor kind of high. I'm going to breed it with Diesel Ryder.


New member
CheifnBud2 said:
1. Do you excersise daily, or every other day? Did the depression start before or after you started smoking?

If you answered "yes" to the first question, and "before" to the second, then smoking weed for depression probably CAN help you.

2. If not, quit smoking for a few days and get some excerise. I think 50% of people who consider themselves depressed are either sedentary, or have some sort of drug dependancy.

3. Eat more whole foods and fish as well... It will take some time to get used to, but your body and mind will thank you.

4. Quit drinking alcohol or any sort of caffinated substance. Stop drinking diet soda. Stop eating excess refined sugar. If you are not dependant on any sort of anti-depressant, stop taking those.

5. Read something of interest or inspiration.

1. The depression started after i got dumped by my girlfriend (ex-girlfriend), and i don't excersise, since i'm to bummed out.

2. I haven't been smoking weed for a while.

3. I am a vegan, so i don't eat fish and shit like that.

4. I don't take pills, i fucking hate them!!!!!

5. I really want to read stuff, but i get so upset, and loosing my focus.

Amber Trich

Active member
I'm sorry about the unwanted ending relationship! I think that is a different kind of depression than the chronic type we have sort of been focusing on.

In this situation I think your sadness is healthy and probably productive. If smoking cannabis helps you look at the situation with a little more positivity or a little less pain than I think you should do it. It takes time to heal, you’re feelings are valid. Just remember to keep it positive and healthy. Make it an opportunity build yourself up. Go solo, celebrate Waldemar!

And hey at least you joined ICMag that’s a positive new direction. Welcome! Maybe you’ll start growing some kind new herbs, plants can be inspiring.

High quality St Johns Wort can have a significant difference on this kind of depression. It can be ingested through infusion(steeped tea) if you don't like herbal pills either.

Also in reference to regular chronic depression and being a vegan: How do you get enough B-12? I did a vegan diet for a couple years and couldnt quite get enough.
The only plant sources I know are angelica and fermented soy (miso, tempeh), how can you get enough this way?


New member
Amber Trich said:
I'm sorry about the unwanted ending relationship! I think that is a different kind of depression than the chronic type we have sort of been focusing on.

In this situation I think your sadness is healthy and probably productive. If smoking cannabis helps you look at the situation with a little more positivity or a little less pain than I think you should do it. It takes time to heal, you’re feelings are valid. Just remember to keep it positive and healthy. Make it an opportunity build yourself up. Go solo, celebrate Waldemar!

And hey at least you joined ICMag that’s a positive new direction. Welcome! Maybe you’ll start growing some kind new herbs, plants can be inspiring.

High quality St Johns Wort can have a significant difference on this kind of depression. It can be ingested through infusion(steeped tea) if you don't like herbal pills either.

Also in reference to regular chronic depression and being a vegan: How do you get enough B-12? I did a vegan diet for a couple years and couldnt quite get enough.
The only plant sources I know are angelica and fermented soy (miso, tempeh), how can you get enough this way?

Thank you :)

I also have a problem with alcohol, but when i smoke weed, my body don't want any of that shit, so i can focus on other stuff, and i'm feeling alot bether.

The reason i also wanna use weed for depressions is that it makes me ceep on going, and it makes me put things in perspective.

I eat alot of lentils, spinach(?), chickpeas, and beans, so i get all the things i need to keep healthy.


People are right on with the exercise advice. The endorphins created help immensely with depression. Sativas like Cerebus(a SSH cross) is good. Also Kali Mist , Haze, Sour D and Sat doms for sure. And talk therapy, smoke and then talk it out, it's better when you are not alive. Peace.


Urkel, Snow Cap, Satori, Chrystal, Green Crack, and Trainwreck are my favorite daytime happy highs. I would stay away from the OG's and Kush's.


Active member
i irecomend strawberry cough, from what i have tried.
but really i want to recommend you take some 5HTP, (5hydroxytryptophan) it is totally natural it is just powdered griffonia seeds.
tryptophan is the pre-cursor that brain turns into seretonin, 5HTP is a concentrated version of this. so rather than feeding your brain actual seretonin or promoting the un-natural release of seretonin it allows the brain to make its own seretonin in its own time, your just supplying it with the food to make as much as it wants.
its available in most health food shops.
making sure you get enough amino acids is important, because you brain can make all the neurotransmitters (the brain chemicals which make you happy, feel good and intelligent like seretonin, nor-adrenalin, acetycholine, melatonin etc) out of amino acids.
also fresh fruit and veg helps.
smoothies are brilliant.
but i too am looking for a strain which is strong but aids clear thinking and anti-deppresive.

The Bling

5-HTP 200MG
TMG 1000MG
SAMe 200MG



DO THAT FOR 2 WEEK THEN TAKE SOME PEYOTE and smoke a joint then wish positive thigs on people I used to suffer from depression now I always smile Im always happy eat vegis too stay away frm beef,beef is sad food


It sounds like you have a great diet as far as plant foods go,
I bet you get plenty of fresh fruit and veg.
But are you a complete vegan?
I don't mean to push my opinion but I think some animal products
Can provide vital nutrients for us that are not in plant foods.
Protein isn't usually a problem but a lack of B Vitamins is a prime cause
Of depression and other mental troubles...

Do you think it may benefit you to try small amounts of organic dairy?
Maybe yoghurt or full fat milk? Butter on vegetables etc?
Many of the vitamins in vegetables are fat soluble so a little butter helps
Your body absorb them.
Also I find eggs to be healing, provided they are free range/organic
They are easily digested with all the essential amino acids.

Just a suggestion and an opinion I know diet is a sensitive topic.
Hope you find your path.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
let's not make this into a veg / omnivore debate.
different thread, different forum.

You need to cut out the alcohol.
Not cut down, cut out.
It is a depressant. You are depressed and it will not help to exacerbate the situation.

the exercise comments are dead on, too. you may be a stick figure (as is common with vegans) but this does not make you healthy. actively building and sustaining your muscle mass is critical to overall good health.

for a short term solution all the supplements suggested are generally helpful. I would include GABA on the short list.

Dr. Lesser's "The Brain Chemistry Plan" is a book I highly recommend for perspective on how to manage your emotions and thought processes through diet. it helped me immensely with my long-term mental health issues. sometimes, like plants, our mineral or chemical ratios get out of whack and certain elements can get locked out. for me it was balancing my copper/zinc ratio with a dash of chelated magnesium and more zinc.

you might also try kava-kava as an herbal mood adjuster.

good luck!

peace, love & coco
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New member
levant said:
It sounds like you have a great diet as far as plant foods go,
I bet you get plenty of fresh fruit and veg.
But are you a complete vegan?
I don't mean to push my opinion but I think some animal products
Can provide vital nutrients for us that are not in plant foods.
Protein isn't usually a problem but a lack of B Vitamins is a prime cause
Of depression and other mental troubles...

Do you think it may benefit you to try small amounts of organic dairy?
Maybe yoghurt or full fat milk? Butter on vegetables etc?
Many of the vitamins in vegetables are fat soluble so a little butter helps
Your body absorb them.
Also I find eggs to be healing, provided they are free range/organic
They are easily digested with all the essential amino acids.

Just a suggestion and an opinion I know diet is a sensitive topic.
Hope you find your path.

I'm almost a complete vegan (i use a leather jacket, and leather boots) :)

I don't eat that much fruit, but i eat bananas and pears.
I don't think that i would get any benefits out of eating diaryproducts, since it's just makes me ill.

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