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Dense Nugs??

Dr Dog

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talos4 said:
I do this with my aquarium, a 2 liter bottle with sugar water yeast with airhose running into filter. When you have an aquarium and you see plants go from sitting there under your bright light, to instead sitting there with zillions of little oxygen bubble coming off the leaves, well, under water you get to see what the co2 does and how much it helps photosynthesis. Just wondering if it would work in my grow setup

try something like this:

Try sodium bicarbonate mixed with vinegar, 1 tsp: ~30cc- this will gush up all frothy as it releases CO2. do it just before you close the door on your plants. A MUCH cheaper way to provide CO2 is 2 Oz sugar in 2 liters of water in a bottle [sterilized 1st with bleach and water, then rinsed], or if you insist, yeast nutrient from a home brewing supplier. Add a brewing yeast, shake up and keep at 25 deg Celsius [~70 F] . Over next 2 weeks or so it will brew up about 1/2 Oz CO2 for every Oz sugar used. Keep a few going at once, starting a new one every 3 days or so.


let your plants finish, i always thought my buds were airy. i cut them at 60 days. then i waited 2 more weeks next round and that helped them fill in alot.
I can tell you from personal experince....You want big fat greasy dense nuggets???

Keep the heat below 80 and lots of Ventilation.

when it gets hot where i am at,it really gets hot...Summer buds inside are about 1/2
of the weight they are in the winter...Temps inside 85-90 in summer in that room with
lots of venilation and fans pulling all the hot air from the bulb....Winter time i take the
glass off the hood for a little extra heat.....maybe 70-75 degrees in the winter huge


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IMO zoolander has the answer...although I would contend that there may be a bit more to the puzzle than simple Lumens alone. I am becoming more and more convinced of the bud fattening prowess of the ceramic metal halide (and it's light spectrum). It also seems to be producing an over leafy bud as well, which I think many are mistaking for a lesser bud. But I think that both the leaf and the calyx' are seeing accelerated growth compared to the HPS.
I have the second grow of one strain under CMH now, and I plan on the next two grows using HPS to compare.
My first grow with a CMH the calyx's were swollen knuckles that looked ready to burst on two separate strains.


No Longer a Human Watering Can
i think youve had a pretty good response here from everyone .... intense light, enviromental conditions ie (airflow, temp,humid) nuitrents , water , genetics .... all play a role in getting dense nugs .....all that being said without a lot of intense light none of the other factors will matter you cant make super dense nugs with only 20 or 50 watt floros ..so the light might be the most important factor


Certainly not the only most important factor. All of those things combined give you dense buds. If your temps are 90+ that may be the important factor, or if they had no nutes or the wrong ones that is the most important factor.


So as of right now, I'm running 12 26 watt CFL's that are 2700k and pushing 1600 lumens each in a 1.5 ft x 2 ft area.........That's 312 watts and 19,200 lumens for the 3 sq. ft I'm using........And the temps are kept between 70- 80 degrees F..........This is a pretty good environment for the ladies to plump up, right??


The revolution will not be televised.....
Breeder KC says in the big book of Buds to feed mineral directly to plants because the roots will absorb it readily. I personally always use co2 now unless I am growing outdoors and I notice a difference.

steve green

Rainman said:
Breeder KC says in the big book of Buds to feed mineral directly to plants because the roots will absorb it readily. I personally always use co2 now unless I am growing outdoors and I notice a difference.
hey rainman
i have that book too,and i remember reading about kcbrains breeder saying that..i never heard anything like this-or if it could even work-he claims it does.... does anyone else know anything about that?


So I decided to use the sugar/yeast method for CO2...........Wow!!........What a difference.........Only been using for about 3 or 4 days and already see the improvement..........Taller and greener plants!!


Excellent, how many/what size jugs did you go with? And what concentrations of sugar?
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Danksta408 said:
So I decided to use the sugar/yeast method for CO2...........Wow!!........What a difference.........Only been using for about 3 or 4 days and already see the improvement..........Taller and greener plants!!

Have you run this strain before? How do you know it's not just the plant's normal growth?


I'm using 1-2 liter bottle 3/4 water, 1 cup of sugar, and 1 teaspoon yeast.........I have a pressure valve inline with my hose to control the flow of CO2..........

Bounty29: I haven't grown this strain myself personally, but the amount it has grown since I've added the CO2, I have to say it the accelerated growth is because of the CO2........But I'm not gonna remove it to see if growth slows down............lol


Good stuff here.

I would add that Co2 is only for a colder environment where temps will remain low. Even in a basement, I cannot turn off my ventilation for 5 minutes before the room reaches 85-90 degrees. With no air exchanging and no A/C, temps get hot with higher wattage bulbs. How do you Co2 growers keep your temps down?

I think the optimum temperature for white widow indoors is high 60's low 70's. I have noticed an increase in growth all together when temps are lower. My absolute favorite temps are 72 lights on, 60 lights off. Everything really spurts, and the buds have more purple color.


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Microwido said:
I would add that Co2 is only for a colder environment where temps will remain low.

You sure about that? Maybe I'm just a noob but I could've sworn it was the other way around. :confused:
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Non Conformist
Dense nugs eh...

Dense nugs eh...

That's easy, happy plants! the genetics have ta be there, but the rest is up ta you. The better -all- the critria for growing a plant is met the bigger and denser the buds will be. It takes all the spokes ina wheel for it to roll right...... About the co2. It works best in flower when the high traspiration cycle occures. The stomata ( the pores on the leaves ) are open at their widest at this point. Some are pulling co2 out of the air, while others expell water at a high rate, leaving the nutes behind as it does it. Keepin the temps up around 85-90 degrees will also aid in opening these pores. The more co2, the more and quicker the plant can eat and build biomass. Hence the 30% increase in yeild..... When ya use a yeast bubbler it's a good idea ta use a rubber stopper with a hole in it and an air line coming out, on top of yer jug. By taking the other end of that air hose and puttin it in a bottle ( or whatever ) of water it will create an air lock. Co2 can bubble out threw the water, but air born nasties can't get at yer yeast mix, killin it. It will last ferever this way, jus feed it more sugar when it's stops bubbling..... Not sure if it's been mentioned, but co2 is heavier than air so it's prolly a good idea to keep it some where above the plants. Although running off of a tank and regulator with a light oscillating fan in the room, PPMs were consistant everywhere thoughout the room at 1500. Anyhoo, hope this helped, good luck and take care... BC
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Microwido said:
Good stuff here.

I would add that Co2 is only for a colder environment where temps will remain low.

I also think this is the other way around........I thought by using CO2, your temps can be higher than normal without harming your plants

B.C. said:
When ya use a yeast bubbler it's a good idea ta use a rubber stopper with a hole in it and an air line coming out, on top of yer jug. By taking the other end of that air hose and puttin it in a bottle ( or whatever ) of water it will create an air lock. Co2 can bubble out threw the water, but air born nasties can't get at yer yeast mix, killin it. It will last ferever this way, jus feed it more sugar when it's stops bubbling

I do have my CO2 outlet hose in a cup of water........I just didn't know what the purpose was.........Maybe to keep pressure on the yeast.........But thank for tha 411


jaw said:
let your plants finish, i always thought my buds were airy. i cut them at 60 days. then i waited 2 more weeks next round and that helped them fill in alot.

This is true for so many people..

It's especially lame though when seeds are marketed by scuzzy companies with a shorter bloom period than most will actually turn out.

zoolander said:
Genetic's and the right amount of Lumens per square foot and then a great enviorment

No doubt this is the truth too!


jaws said:
let your plants finish, i always thought my buds were airy. i cut them at 60 days. then i waited 2 more weeks next round and that helped them fill in alot.

I know what ya mean.........This happened to me on my very first grow right when I first got my card.........The guys at the club told me to flower for 8 weeks then chop'em.........Way too early..........After that little incident I went out and bought a handheld microscope and based when to harvest by trichome color


Non Conformist
A tip for telling when they're about done.

A tip for telling when they're about done.

If ya keep an eye on the amount of water a plant uses, yul see it starts -really- useing alot about 2-3 weeks in flower. This the begining of the high transpiration cycle I spoke of earlier. This will continue untill the flowering period is about done. Yul notice cuz it slows -way- down on water all of a sudden. At this point it's done building bud. If ya check it with a trich-o-meter at this time, yul see that some are still clear, but most will be cloudy.... If you run high PPMs ( 1200-1500 ) of co2 durring this cycle you better be ready to water and feed agressively! Because this will kick the plant in to high speed and it will demand it. If you have -everything- dailed in you can easily grow rock solid buds the size and length of yer arm. There's no short cuts tho, it takes everything a plant needs ta do this. A chain is only as good as it's weakest link. Take care... BC

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