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Deltron's Backyard 2010


Active member
hey all, I'm sure I'm being like a new father, showing pictures of his wrinkly fat little baby to everyone, but these are my babies so :moon:
todays picture is a group shot of my plants after they got a little foliar of EJ catalyst and GH bioweed. They also got a nice thorough soaking, since I was having problems with the water not penetrating the soil, but I think that issue is resolved. I also cleaned up their area a little bit, just cuz I'm a neat freak like that (not!).
anyways, from l - r
top: bbxtw - OG kush
mid: purple odyssee
bot: lavender kush - sour lifesaver


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Another really good insecticide for cats is an organic product called Safer. It is a bacteria, when the cats eat it there digestive system gets jacked and they die..
. WTF!!! This has got to be one of the saddest things I have seen written on the preservation of a cannabis plant against domestic pets.

Sorry but I am so glad you don't live near me:cathug:
Nice pics there Deltron.
. WTF!!! This has got to be one of the saddest things I have seen written on the preservation of a cannabis plant against domestic pets.

Sorry but I am so glad you don't live near me:cathug:
Nice pics there Deltron.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hey I didn't mean Cats as in the mammal we have as pets I was abbreviating Caterpillars. I am pretty sure Deltron was also doing the same. I don't have to worry about cats luckily. Funny misunderstanding though.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hey I didn't mean Cats as in the mammal we have as pets I was abbreviating Caterpillars. I am pretty sure Deltron was also doing the same. I don't have to worry about cats luckily. Funny misunderstanding though.
Well don't I feel like an idiot BUT i 've never been so happy to be WRONG!!!

HAHAHA! And to think I was trying to be less judgmental with the various growers.
....was wondering why you went from cats to aphids:dunno:

I am so so sorry:whistling:

Not that I have to explain myself but I've met a lot of dudes who will kill anything that gets in the way of their growing and I went into assumption mode. If I had read along I would have figured it out but noooooo.......

It was certainly worthy of a morning chuckle though.
My morning tea almost ended all over the screen:laughing:

Thanks for being so cool about it:good:


Active member
hey all, back with another update!
unfortunately it looks like three plants are battling some shit right now. I'd like your guys thoughts on what it is. it looks like my leaves are getting a claw like shape, with the tip of the leaf almost curling all the way under and touching the stem where the leaf starts. the first picture is a branch of the purple odyssee thats got it particularly bad. wtf is happening? I'm hypothesizing that I over watered them, since its a small number of plants, all of which are in the same mix, and the three affected may have been watered more recently. does this sound like an accurate diagnosis? thanks in advance
and other than that, the garden may finally be in its full for the moment. potted up the grape ape or johhny rocket seedling (don't know which bud I pulled it from) and also the little mandala 8mh babies got planted up too. in the second photo, its a family shot, all together again :)


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Active member
got out the ol' jewelers' loupe today, and was able to take some startlingly good pictures with my cell phone.
these are all tops of my bbxtw and then an overall garden shot too


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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hey Deltron those leaves look like a plant that is starting to revege. Did that plant throw out a few pistils when you put it out? And then the leaves went to single blade leaves for awhile? Plants are looking real healthy though. I would suggest keeping em of the cement sidewalk if you can though as the heat from the sidewalk will actually start baking your roots.


Active member
hey guyute,
thanks for the info on the concrete heating the roots too much, but thats the more stealthy location in my backyard, may get some panda plastic and lay it down, white side up to actually get some reflection too :)
and on the whole curling leaves and reveg question. Reveg was my initial reaction too, but the thing is that the two plants that it has been most predominant on have been outside since mid june, and the problem just showed up, so I don't think thats it. I'd say that alot of leaves are curling so that the tip of the leaf will touch the stem where the leaf starts, but alot of other leaves on the main plant experiencing this problem (the purple odyssee) look like they are bent at 90º, and to me it seems like a problem that wouldn't correct quickly, because the leaves, when flattening out by hand, almost tear? its like they don't have enough leaf material that they could flatten out.
the only thing I can think is that I work late most days, and before I thought about it, I'd go and look at them with my cell phone light (after dark), but I stopped that when I realized it might fuck with the photo period

In other news:
Got a legit spray bottle the other day, a serious upgrade from my shitty 8oz cvs water spray bottle that clogged like crazy. Night and fuckin' day difference!
also, picked up safer cat. killer, and some neem oil at the garden store too, since I've been finding cocoons and I ain't tryina hear that.
bbxtw is looking almost completely better from the leaf curl/claw, but the purple odyssee is still deep in it. oh well, the PO has been sort of a runty bitch from the beginning.


Alchemical Botanist
Your garden is looking pretty happy deltron (cool nick by the way). Glad to hear you aren't killing cats. lol

I've found that I have good results if i apply neem oil at rates a bit higher, 25-50% higher than recommended. The oil will persist on the leaves a little longer, but that keeps bugs from wanting to come near it for the most part. I just spot test on a plant or two. My mix is around 1-1.5 tablespoons (15-22.5ml) of neem oil with 4-5 drops of peppermint oil and some biodegradable soap.

Don't know about that clawing. Makes me think it has some kind of salt build-up in the soil. When some of my plants got salt lock out a few years ago they displayed what you are talking about. Very hard and brittle leaves. Try flushing the soil out. If that seems like a possibility that is.



Active member
not much to report, but the ladies are lookin' good, and continuing to fill out.
starting to see calyx's on more and more of my plants, so I figured I'd throw up a group shot, pretty cool to see it vs. the one from a week ago


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Active member
hey all,
having a little bit of plant trouble. uploading some pictures, if you guys could tell me what you think? to be clear, these are from two seperate plants
I'm thinking its probably mostly overwatering? maybe a little bit of burn or deficiency? you tell me! I'm stumped on this one
Thanks :wave:


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Active member
no pics of the plants? are there lots of leaves like this? top of the plant? bottom? more info helps.


Active member
its happening somewhat sporatically on the picture of the leaf with the burnt tip, and on some lower fan leaves, the ones closer to the ground, on the one with the side leaf damage (2nd pic)
attached is a picture of both leaves to give perspective


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Active member
little update of a closeup of bbxtw buds stacking, and starting to see buds stack on lavender kush, and sour saver, but otherwise, just the purple odyssee and bbxtw flowering so far.
also, a group shot


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Active member
hey all, little update, not much to report, but the BBxTW is havin some yellowing on alot of its bigger leaves. the yellowing starts at the veins and spreads from there. picture attached.
other than that, overall update picture. been tying the ladies down with floss and bushing them out, and they've been loving it!


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