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Delicatessen Seeds experiences


Active member
I started 6 QM in paper towels the first of the month. 5 were sprouted & into pots two days later, a day ahead of their always reliable Mandala Rishi Kush room mates. The sixth was sprouted & ready to pot the day after that. Good seeds always sprout vigorously. They're all coming along nicely. I'll post pics own the road when they're sexed & ready to go into their flowering pots. It'd be pretty boring atm...


Active member
Well if you assume that the likelihood of one seed being male is 0.5 and that the likely hood of getting two males from two seeds is 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25 then the likelihood of 40 males from 40 seeds is 0.5 to the 40th power or 1 in 1,099,511,627,776 roughly one in a trillion (1000 billion).

But I do not think that it is a simple probability. Some years ago I wanted to reproduce TIM's Blueberry Sativa so I threw down around 30 seeds to get decent population.

I had 24 grow and 24 females. I know the chances of that are only supposed to be 1 in 17 million- hardly 1 in a million million; but I think it points to there being something in the process that influenced the sexual expression.

Several years ago there were some studies out of Russia showing a higher rate of female expression under certain cultural conditions.

So who knows. Perhaps something in this growers environment influenced the sexual expression of those seeds.

That seems more likely than a random 1 in a trillion occurrence.

I have documented a few years ago that you can alter a plants sexual expression with plant hormones. Specifically getting them to become female you can use cytokinin which you can find in some tomato growth sprays or seaweed extracts. It will not work on 100% of the plants but you can get successive 80%+ female ratio from lots of different seeds. I have read that to make male plants you can use giberellic acid but I did not try this one.

Im 100% sure that environment plays a role in sexual expression. There are studies done with hemp that show a relationship between plant sex and amount of nitrogen. This is just scratching the surface.


Another Her Majesty 6 days in 11/13


Well-known member
Beautiful, as healthy as can be.

My Her Majesty was harvested a few days ago, she flowered(12/12&11/13) for 11,5 weeks but could be harvested a week before, easy. I have a feeling I let her go for too long but a smoke test will give more insight into it.
Yield seems pretty good, actually more than expected for this grow. However with better canopy management she can be a very good yielder for such a plant.

I'll post more details in coming weeks/months as she dries and cures properly.



Hey Green Johnny,looks marvelous!

Thanks Koon,I'll be tuned!

The Majesties 10 days in 11/13



#2 .If you look closely,two fan leaves have an extra tip.



Active member
Beautiful colours GJ!

Hi Mustafunk!Thanks for all the info you gave me when I was researching O.D. strains. :)

Yes,those leaves are fantastic!

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Hi Syd, I grew Alice this year (rippers took it unfortunately) She had the same kind of big fan leaves, gave her a vigorous aspect despite the lanky vine growth

green johny

Worst season, thanx to two cobs there is something sometimes

..qm and reunion harvested

Qm pheno1 is sweetest, calm and creative high like it. Normal weather she could be done mid october at 50n

Reunion, fastest sativa, resistant, not smoked. Late one, leafy, but resined best, also sweet but more acidic and fresh, i thing keeper, must be killer indoor or with sunny weather...

Third one, congolese. Just showing something, have two weeks probably. Small balls


Fourth seed, maybe month lol


I saw the post of mobi50 about his 40 seedsbeing males...I got big problems with od seeds too...On the queen mother regs i had more than half of a pack which turned hermies (and pollinated mothers plants). So i bought 2 packs of edy (25) and upstream(12) fem seeds. The germ rate was so bad (less than 50%) and on the rest of the plants, i already cut 5 males (real males not hermies...)
To compare i sprout 10 cannabiogen seeds, 9 sprouted and 9 are fems...
So needless to say that i'm very disappointed about this seedbank, so much that i don't even want to contact them to have new seeds in compensation...
I don't want to condamn them, but if smbdy like me see this it can help him to avoid all the problems i had because of this seeds.
Have a good day everbody


Based on my limited experience I'd put their gear above almost all others.

Chrondiddle O

Same here ^

(with that said,the cultivars that OD sells are very oldschool.I daresay much much closer to the actual landraces/heirlooms they are derived from than much of what is commonly available in seed form nowadays. Because of this I would always err towards buying their regular seeds if you are concerned about intersex plants as who knows what kind of response these older varieties will make to being treated with STS and selfed. I am fairly sure that if you can provide a receipt/proof of purchase and still have the seed packs that CBG/OD would be willing to replace the seeds you experienced a poor germ rate on)


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
I saw the post of mobi50 about his 40 seedsbeing males...I got big problems with od seeds too...On the queen mother regs i had more than half of a pack which turned hermies (and pollinated mothers plants). So i bought 2 packs of edy (25) and upstream(12) fem seeds. The germ rate was so bad (less than 50%) and on the rest of the plants, i already cut 5 males (real males not hermies...)
To compare i sprout 10 cannabiogen seeds, 9 sprouted and 9 are fems...
So needless to say that i'm very disappointed about this seedbank, so much that i don't even want to contact them to have new seeds in compensation...
I don't want to condamn them, but if smbdy like me see this it can help him to avoid all the problems i had because of this seeds.
Have a good day everbody

Yes, I had a fem Alice turn out male on me, I assumed it was one of the 1% who do, so ignored it and didn´t bother reporting it on here because I assumed it was a one off.

Maybe there was a mix up with seeds, or with the femming process, the other stuff has been fine so far.