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not bad

not bad

doesnt look that bad! still looks like she got a fighting chance

Uncle Hughie

Maybe ....

Maybe ....

Mutant ...well its like this and heres my opinion on Mutants...

If any plant has a struggle at an early stage such as this ,of course it going to show in the final product if it makes it that far....

Mutants tell us about how well the strain is doing and how far along the stabilty spectrum the strain could be at....
my own opinion ...or maybe a translation of another explanation...

Growing em out is a Gamble ....could be a total waste of time...



Uncle Hughie - are you new to this concept of answering greow questions?? have you ever ussed rockwool or hydroponic systems ever??? cause this is the second time i have seen yer advice fully flawwed....you dont knwo shit dewd...i am sorry but yer advice in one post was to add more chemicals and suggest products...to me that is noobish....and then to suggest that this plant is a mutant...wtf???

barrance...i preach this alot...but rockwool is a flawwed product...VERY FLAWWED

fist off the cubes were deisgned to be on there own...not in use with hydrotron or anything of that nature...

so what yer doing is planting the clone inside a rockwoool cube.....that cube will absorb any nutrients/wetness in the area....it is a super awsum wick...BUT...this is no good..

you want the edge of yer roots to ALWAYS be wet....and you want the cube to be DRY once the roots make it out of the cube....

now back in the early 1990's profesional growers (people who grow hydroponic veggies n such) stopped ussing rockwool cubes because of the major flaw in the design.....see the only thing that rockwool cubes were good for was basically a self contained base....but the problem was that plants looked like shit from the clone til the roots came out....then once the roots came out of the cubes you were supposed to then keep the cubes dry and only have the bottom of the root structure (which is growwing outside of the cubes) constantly wet....the problem lies that with 10,000 clones running msot would be within a 2 or 3 day time frame but alot werent...so anything not within the 2 day time frame would die off .....then the ones within the two day time frame would look unhealthy for a few days/up to a week as what yer plant looks like

the reason for the unhealthy look...because right now yer plant is stunted..right now yer plant is not getting nutrients from the ends of the root system but instead it is getting nutrients form the base fo the plant....or the top of your tap root....this area should always be dry once the clone is established...

for billbions of years these plants have evolved from roots searching out for wetness/water/nutrients and so the end of the root system is where it can pick up nutrients....nwo you add this rockwool system and the ends of the roots are no longer eneded...and so they tend to die off...but then the plant tries to re grow them...but then they die off...and it is a cluster fuck cycle of events...a continious state of stress within the plants..

yes the plants do grow in these conditins...marijuana is hugely strong and can grow under extreme conditions...but is this what oyu want to do?? or do you wish to grow them in stress free???

never use rockwool....and if you msut because you have 10 grande werth of cubes for some dumb reason......realize that the rockwool MUST dry out...and form yer system it looks as tho it doenst dry out...the rockwool will wick up any wetness it finds in the surrounding hydrotron..


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here i jsut realized why some of you dont grasp rockwoool flaws...

think of it like this...

in nature all plants search for nutrients in the ground....when they first start out the plant will absorb the nutrients/wetness in the close area near the actual plant....but soon this area will be dried out and lal the nutrients absorbed...so the plannts that releied on small root structure would have to live a certain way or die off as a species...

this is what i mean when i tlak about evolution....things that have taken place over billions of years help form/manipulate the plants so that they can survive..

the marijauna plant has a very high end root structure if you compare it to alot of other plants...but it must do this because it has alot of things going on....including two sexes.....any plant that flowers will have a effecient root structure but the design of the plant is to SEARCH for nutrients....it is not liek some plants in swamps where you pull up the plant and there is small little roots......marijuana was never naturally growwing in a swamp..

so we cannot provide this type of enviroment to the plants...which is what rockwool cubes are...thea re swampy...lmao

marijuana will use up the nutrients/wetness in one area and then branch out and try and find other areas to ingest nutrients and bring in water..and the root system they leave behind is there as an anchor....ow with rockwoool what happens is the plants get fucked up because the anchor then becomes the area with most nutrients...so the plant is in a enviroment it doesnt understand....not he plant doesnt have some sense of beeing or feelings or whatever...but it does have a dna structure with a pre programmed way to live/exsist/grow...and when we try and change this way of living it becomes stressed and tries fail safe type ways of living to continue....which is why we see them stunt....we see a stop in growth cause in nature or in evolution any plant that continues to gow under wierd conditions wold most likely die off....so the plants that stopped growwing or at least slowed downt he process were plants that would continue ...

i hope this makes more sense now....but you cannot change the plants dna or evolution over night...maybe if we cold throw a bit of swamp thing dna into marijuana we could use rockwool...but i think it is simply better to just toss rockwool...fucking shit is unhealthy to breathe in...literally it iwll kill you...which i am suprized in lal the threads about this crap i see no mentiond of the fact your supposed to use face masks when workign with rockwool....and the shit is itchy as hell:(



Uncle Hughie

Krusty did i tell him to use chems?

.i am sorry but yer advice in one post was to add more chemicals and suggest products...to me that is noobish."

didnt i ask him if he was using pk13-14?
or ripen?
but that was that post...

ok...so if this dude has more of the same Plants in the Same system but dont look like those Mutated ones ..what would be the case then ?

i agree i know little compaired to yourself bro!
but atleast if i did i wouldnt rubbish anyone the way you tried me..

iam still learning Krusty itll maybe take years to achieve your standards ..and knowledge ..

But i dont think i could ever reach your Level of Arrogance ....

im sorry if i miss informed anyone ..



uncle...to me you dont use product to flush...simple:)

if you dont know this...now you do.....wanna call it arrogant..fine....but it is the way it is...and why?? cause i said so:p

if i sit back and act nice trust me...we get no where....thigns i am sorta uncertain about you will not see me be so "arrogant"

but look at his picture dewd.....how can anyone suggest this is a mutant or hermy????

thing is soooo small you cant tlel if it has any hermy qualities yet....

but as soon as i saw the hydrotron next to rockwool...

the ONLY way to use rockwool is to have it sitting ontop of a table that is specifically designed for rockwool cubes...

uncle hughie did you know that rockwool cubes have small pieces of sharp fiber that if inhalied it will cut small holes in yer lungs and the properties of the rockwool cubes are cancerous???

i knwo this...because my buddies at grow shops first off were told by the manufacture that they had to wear protectinve gear to handle the shit....then my buddies complained that when the shit was in storage that area of the shop woud be fileld with dust that made them feel like puke'n n crap...

this isnt bullshit....you call up or email the manufactures of rockwool and ask them if there is a guideline as to how to handle the shit...then maybe you wont be so esy on people who grow rockwool:p



Uncle Hughie

Yes Krusty ...rockwool ..you could insulate your loft with it ! but you must admit it bro! i didnt tell him to use chems!
atleast give me that !lol

I havent found my ideal medium as of yet
my next plan is som 4" soil pipping little medium and drippers etc....

yes i also tried the Rockwool slabs Krusty ..wow what an expierence that was ...

i dont want you to be soft on us Learners ..but! Hold back buy a punch bag and beat it !



New member
Thanks for the posts Krusty & Uncle Hughie. Krusty in this same ebb & flo system I have there are also two seemingly very healthy plants. That one in question looked abit odd from the start. but certainly has showed up in futher growth. What would you suggest as a growing medium in an ebb & flo system? I used seed sponges as you can see from the pics which were transplanted into the rockwool.

Uncle Hughie

so i looked a the wider picture ....!

hmmm ....there are healthy plants in there ...but maybe there is excess nutes lying around that spot..drainge problem ..

yep ...Rockwool is a hard one to drian ..the slabs i had in the hydro trays had major probs


New member
I dont believe its a drainage problem with nutes sitting in that area, Ive even moved it somewhat. I'm beginning to think I invested in the wrong system to hear you guys talk. But like I said for now I have two very healthy plants in the same system. Of course dont know if they will stay that way. Any advise for now on how often to flood? The healthy ones are working on there forth set of leaves. thx


barrance - what you say looks healthy and what is healthy in my mind i bet are two different ideas...

so the two plants that look healthy maybe comapred to the rest is simply an illusion:p


also marijauna is very very tough..and it iwll with stand alto of punishment...but why woudl you want to punish yer plants??

also mayeb the way yer flooding n shit is okies for thos 2 plants..but not for the other 20 or how many ever you got..

its a flawwed system...

rockwool sucks

to me healthy is when you have big huge narly looking pissed off at life kinda tap roots...they get all twisted and loook huge and you can tlel inside them shit is happening...then below you will see the end of the root ssystem very tiny extreme white...liek angel hairs....type roots that seem to alsmot flaot and looks so delicate that if oyu touched them you would break them...

this is what i look for....i look for a system that provides this....you want the top of the root structure to be tough and dry like you would see a tree outside....

hydrotron also sucks hugely...the reason beeing is cause the plant cannot anchor itself to hydrotron...

take a bucket of hydrotron....and try and get yer hand to reach the bottom of the bucket....its easy...and if yo add water christ its liek quick sand and literally nothing to anchor too....now try that same shit on a bucket of lava rock...you cant get 2 inches down...and if you try and push with yer hand it hurts like hell...hell jsut trying to dig some out with yer hand sometiems hurts the end of yer fingers....lava rock provides the PERFECT anchor...it also provides a shit load of air cause there is soo much room arround it...

hydrotron is another flawwed product that nobody should ever use...

even ina small little system ...liek aerotubes...you are way better off to use lava rock then hydrotron/expanded clay...

give me a list of yer dimensions (area to grow) how much power yer willing to use....and how much money oyu have to invest and i iwll give you a quick layout/set of ideas to set up some sorta grow...and no it wont necesarily be the KBS

uncle hughie...i got a punching bag and weight set....its just i do the net thing as a warm up:p




New member
Thanks for the education Krusty! Ok here's what I have to work with. My grow space is a triangiliar shaped closet. With about 8ft across in the front sliding doors and narrowing down at the rear at about 5 ft. deep. The equipment I have is as follows. Lighting consists of a Hydrofarm Super Grow Wing reflecter. I have a 400 watt convertable Hydrofarm ballast. The bulbs are 400w Agrosun for veg and a 430 Son Agro for flowering. I have a ActiveAir Blower rated at 800 cu ft in 4.5 min. I bought a Hydrofarm ebb a flo system that is approx. 4ft long by 2.2 ft wide and has a 25 gal resovor. As you saw by the pics Krusty I was using rock wool and hydroton. Starting the seeds in seed sponges. Nutes are Hydrofarm 7-7-7 but also have earth juice. I have been flooding twice a day lately. I'm willing of course to do whatever it takes to get a quality stress free growing enviroment and if it means bagging the ebb and flo Krusty thats fine. The lava rock sounds logical. What would you start your seedlings in to plant in with the lava rock? The seeds I'm using right now are some free sensi and one white widow. I have some blueberry from sagmarantha or seeds direct. Sorry about the length but I wanted to lay it all out. Many thx!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Krusty do you think there is anyway to save this grow? Such as changing hydroton to lava rock. I realize I'm stuck with the rock wool their in now. By the way I luckily didnt buy a life time supply of rock wool lol.

only the best


barrance - okies you already have the table...does this table have vallies in it??? if it does were in business...

now the thing you MUST have is a air cooled reflector...nothing else will do in yer area and with the system were going to start you on...

ussing other reflectors will only REFLECT HEAT at the already very sensitive growwing systme were going to try and get you working with here...

were going to simplify shit by getting you on GH products for feed...can you get General Hydroponics in your area???

as far as starting out seeds.....i clone in ver/perl....now i will admit the only way i ever seed is with jiffy pucks...but i have heard of folks ussing ver/perl and if it was me this is the medium i also would use...

i would always get OVER 95 % crack rate with jiffy pucks....so i dont see the reason to bother with cracking beans on paper towel and crap...to me a waste of time..

but ya...try and do it with ver/per so that when you start the small plant off in the system were about to set yas up in that your plant isnt going to go thru any stressed out/stunt time...

as long as this table has vallies we will be in business....if not then tell me and i will try and think something up...

the reasons why we want air cooled lights is first off with the small area you want to take as much heat away as possible...also because of the limited amount of space we have you cant fit a fogger in the area.....so to maintain humdity we cannot take the air out of this area....the only problem is you might need co2 with this.....but since you are ussing small amount of lumens as long as you have some sorta fresh air intot he area (even a small inline fan like 50 cfm) will be enough to provide you with some co2:p

now you want yer resivoir to keep cool.....is this area ontop of concrete??

if it is ontop of concrete we are surely in business...but if not...then we could run into problems....

if yer ontop of concrete then you make sure the resivoir has direct contact with the concrete...then if anything build a fram for your table...and between the table and the resivoir have insulation....obvoisuly you dont want any loose shit so grab the pink insulation that is made for exterior concrete walls....its pink and about 3 inches thick and hard....i forget name of it:/

but place this insulation BETWEEN the resivoir and the table....this will keep resivoir cool....

now on the table you want to make a fram....say 1" x 2" .....so if the table is 4 feet long and 2.2 feet wide then you will cut 2 4 foot pieces and 3 just under 2.2 foot pieces....the third one goes in the middle of frame to help support...

then you take this frame and you wrap it with white/black poly...one side of the poly is white...other side is black...you staple it to this frame and then place this ontop of the table....

then you take the pots you wish to use...if it was me i would place about ...er...say 3 rows of 6...so ya about 18 plants in this area....but yeah take the pots you wish to use then make an X in the whtie sided poly to place each pot into......this poly is going ot help keep heat out and also it will reflect light away from roots...

then take yer pump and make sure it is on the exterior of the resivoir.....if it is a bottom drag pump yer fucked and you need a new one...you need a pump that oyu can plumb the pump so your not elaving yer pump running in resivoir creating heat...

then your can run any sorta 1/2 line up to the top of this table...then take some 1/2" black tubing ...the stuff witht he blue tripe...and punctures holes allong this manifold/length of tubing and poke in some spegetti lines...there is special little attachments that allow you to do this...go to a ladnscaping or sprinkler palce and it should have them...

then obviously you have a spegetti line going to each bucket....now this is to feed them until the roots hit the bototm of the vallies....

now inside yer tray you will have the same 1/2 blue striped tube attahced to the underside of the frame that holds yer white sided poly....yu have 2 rows of this tub that runs between the 3 rows of plants....then besude each plant you puncture a small hole in this tube...this is what you will use once the roots hit the bottom of the vallies

so you will have a feed line comming from the nutrient pump...which will then be t'd off so that you can either have the rpessure going to yer top feed or to yer mini sprikler system under the poly....of course after the T you will need valves to control where the flow goes..

that was just a quick basic idea....if you have questions feel free to ask i will try and answer:/




New member
Krusty wish you lived next door. As I digest your latest information I'm going to take a few pictures of the table, resovoir and reflecter and my grow space to inable you to help me and those looking for this invaluable information. I hope you dont grow tired of my questions. I believe I have a few answers to your questions right off. Air cooled reflecter? I have a 4" fitting for ducting on top of the reflecter and a exhaust fan for removing air from the area to where ever I take the ducting. Right now its not hooked up but is available. My plan is to take it up through the sheetrock ceiling and out of the room. Hopefully this is what you mean. As far as valleys, yes I have ridges running the width about an inch high with low spots or valleys in between. I will be uploading pictures krusty with my next post so you can see what I'm referring to. It's been a rough week so I'm going to reread your post, have a couple of cold ones, and picture what you have described to me. I will be forthcoming with pictures and more questions. hail to the krusty

only the best


New member

Click for Larger Image

Krusty here is a pic of the bottom of my table. Those ridges you see run the entire table. Hopefully this is what you meant. To answer a few of your questions from your last post. I do have a air cooled reflecter and it is hooked up and running. Yes, I can get GH products. The reservoir sits on carpet on top of concrete. The closet is in a room that is airconditioned so the ambient temp will not be above the 78 degree range. I don't have an exterior pump yet but one is one the way. I am in the process of building the frame. I do have a couple of questions for you if possible. Do you think I will need to pull up the carpet? Or do you think if I put the same insulation under the reservoir that I put between the table it would keep it cool enough? One more:) I have 5.5" mesh pots for my ver/per mix. Under the black/white poly will I be using the lava rocks you suggested earlier on top of the ridges on my table? Thx many times...
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Thanks Krusty,

Excellent info on the rockwool product and process. I killed alot of plants early on using that shit. Forced me to find a better way. After a couple of lack luster trials with other methods, I started adapting the Krusty rooting method. Now I start the rooted clones just on the top of the hydrotron ( not lava but space is limited), damn similar to the way you do you buckets, and they do awesome. Lowered my flood table fill level also made a big difference. Now only the ends of my rootmass get water or the bottom 1-1/2 to 2" of the pot

Still a little depressing that I'm not in a position to grow trees but I love applying your techniques to my grow and scaling them down to suit my space. Not one wrong turn yet

Texas Kid


New member
Interesting Texas so your still flooding and it works out well. Do you run an airstone in your reservoir?