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Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique?

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Active member
yea them magnets don't seem to work here is a pic day 8 from clone you be the judge hahaha and for your info there placed East and West and this plant is kicking others that magnets are in other positions Now i realize even this magnet thing will be hard to guage as you need more plants and more plants with non magnets but for 8 days cmon would love to see a defoiled plant @ 8 days from clone skinned and looking like that bring it on


I'm sure vegging under 1Ks has nothing to do with how your plants look 8 days into veg. As you, said, it's mostly small wattage growers that defoliate. Comparing the two seems a bit akin to comparing apples to elephants.


G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Comparisons need to be made not just with the same setup, but also the same strain and same grower.

If the grower changes the setup or goes from indica to sativa, it would probably be a good idea to compare again.


Active member
the debate still rafes, lol . i grow vertical screens with a 1000 w hps in the middle of 4 plants on 4x4 screens, i have tried not defoling them and i get alot of larf behind the bigger buds, by keeping all the big fans from shading the buds i get way less larf and better yields, thats what i want , YIELD. SOOO
yea them magnets don't seem to work here is a pic day 8 from clone you be the judge hahaha and for your info there placed East and West and this plant is kicking others that magnets are in other positions Now i realize even this magnet thing will be hard to guage as you need more plants and more plants with non magnets but for 8 days cmon would love to see a defoiled plant @ 8 days from clone skinned and looking like that bring it on
Dr. your making up numbers as you go those plants were started on the 14th of September according to your grow journal post 97 https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=5315010&postcount=97 and transplanted with magnets on Oct 8 post 46 https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=246150&page=4 the plants were about the same size they have grown some in the week I'm not against magnets they should help but I am against you making up numbers this is the second time I've caught you lying about your plants age in this thread actually the first time you just neglected to mention in your post 3691 that the plants were four weeks plus you tell us that they were 14 days under a 1000 7 days in a 5 gallon https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=174163&page=247 I don't know why you are so against something that works for so many of us.


Active member
Dr. your making up numbers as you go those plants were started on the 14th of September according to your grow journal post 97 https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=5315010&postcount=97 [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/attachment.php?attachmentid=182653&d=1347685708]View Image[/URL]and transplanted with magnets on Oct 8 post 46 https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=246150&page=4 the plants were about the same size they have grown some in the week I'm not against magnets they should help but I am against you making up numbers this is the second time I've caught you lying about your plants age in this thread actually the first time you just neglected to mention in your post 3691 that the plants were four weeks plus you tell us that they were 14 days under a 1000 7 days in a 5 gallon https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=174163&page=247 I don't know why you are so against something that works for so many of us.
not the ones in magnets and that date i took clones some rooted and some not out of 1" trays and put them in 2" trays for another week in clone domes on 24 hr lighting under flourous once i transplanted into 6" trays my actual veg days started which i am on 4th week in my thread
Also when i clone my clones are 1" clones this friday will be actual 4 weeks done and releasing them to grow unp right now i am more or less holding them back as there tied down total veg days will be 43 - 44 then flip on the 14th of sept i placed them in 2 " trays but still kept them under flourescents as some were not really rooted left there till i transplanted into 6" on the 21 / 22 of sept that is where actual veg days started and they were under 1 k then a week later they went into 5 gallon ( Second Week veg ) 2 k and has bin like that till now going on 4th week ending fri
which i will release them and veg another week Week 5
end of week 5 transplant into 34 gallon totes 3000 watts then still veg till 31 of oct then flip 7 weeks and they will look like this
Picture from September 15 https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.ph...ic/picture.php?albumid=40230&pictureid=951848 very thin and little branching till I defoliated it twice then on the 9th of October I did it again https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.ph...ic/picture.php?albumid=40230&pictureid=951855 then 70 hours later October 12 https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=40230&pictureid=952863 and today 6 days after defoliated https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=40230&pictureid=954284 there are so many branches coming from everywhere it might be time to do it again before I flip they are almost twice the height and many many times denser branching then what I started with. It is vertical lighting otherwise they would be double the height and much thinner but if defoliated I'd still have much better structure then supercroping or doing nothing when they stretch in flower they will still be very dense giving me more bud and still a pile of leaf that will come off after stretch that I'll give to a friend that juices it for her crones it helps.


Kronically Ill

It's one of my favorite things to do.

IME, running a 1K over a 36"x 36" requires defol to get a respectable yield for a 1K.

Few previous runs.





yea them magnets don't seem to work here is a pic day 8 from clone you be the judge hahaha and for your info there placed East and West and this plant is kicking others that magnets are in other positions Now i realize even this magnet thing will be hard to guage as you need more plants and more plants with non magnets but for 8 days cmon would love to see a defoiled plant @ 8 days from clone skinned and looking like that bring it on

not the ones in magnets and that date i took clones some rooted and some not out of 1" trays and put them in 2" trays for another week in clone domes on 24 hr lighting under flourous once i transplanted into 6" trays my actual veg days started which i am on 4th week in my thread
Also when i clone my clones are 1" clones this friday will be actual 4 weeks done and releasing them to grow unp right now i am more or less holding them back as there tied down total veg days will be 43 - 44 then flip on the 14th of sept i placed them in 2 " trays but still kept them under flourescents as some were not really rooted left there till i transplanted into 6" on the 21 / 22 of sept that is where actual veg days started and they were under 1 k then a week later they went into 5 gallon ( Second Week veg ) 2 k and has bin like that till now going on 4th week ending fri
which i will release them and veg another week Week 5
end of week 5 transplant into 34 gallon totes 3000 watts then still veg till 31 of oct then flip 7 weeks and they will look like this
The day you transplant is the first day of veg the clone you showed had tons of roots some might not have been as good but still rooted and transplanted. How can you do a side by side with plants of different ages on your magnet plants?


Active member
The day you transplant is the first day of veg the clone you showed had tons of roots some might not have been as good but still rooted and transplanted. How can you do a side by side with plants of different ages on your magnet plants?

lmao yea from 1" to 2" trays you classify that as vegging lol not me dude again there were allot not rooted when you got shit load of clones you can start anytime you want lol there buddy and actual veg days started on sept 21 when they went into 6" pots :thank you: but anyways keep doing what your doing if you think its going to speed things up or give you better results here is a pic of lots of branches and how to get 12 + oz dry per plant thats what it really comes down to YIELD per plant right ???

but if were going to fight over that one week difference its still no matter what it will still give me 12 - 16 0z per 1 plant harvest


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=35098&pictureid=952084&thumb=1]View Image[/url] the debate still rafes, lol . i grow vertical screens with a 1000 w hps in the middle of 4 plants on 4x4 screens, i have tried not defoling them and i get alot of larf behind the bigger buds, by keeping all the big fans from shading the buds i get way less larf and better yields, thats what i want , YIELD. SOOO

The OUTLAW... comes through with the common sense... who'da thunkit huh?


Kronically Ill
and how many plants did you have there and what did you yield in your 36 x 36 scrog

1st pic - 2 plants
2nd pic - 3 plants
3rd pic - 1 plant
4th pic - 4 plants
5th pic - 2 plants show, was 3 plants

The scrog usually yields me ~22-29oz, strain/veg/# dependent. If I grew for weight, 2lbs is definitely possible w/right strain.


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
Now cleaning up sucker buds you know the ones your so worried about in your closet ???

Ive never noticed a slowing in growth when defoliating, if anything it grows faster in a better shape... the branches grow much faster an create a much more even canopy and allow full light penetration... I think you have seen to many poor example/over defoliated plants maybe...

and when defoliated properly, there is no sucker buds that you are so worried about pruning off in your "big tree" grow, they get enough electromagnetic radiation to turn into legitimate solid nugs as good as any top cola from the same plant. not to mention more bud sights and larger longer more branchy branches!
Infinitesimal I have to totally agree in three days you hardly see any difference in leaf mass from before defoliating as I have just shown. BrotherIndica nice plants great yield.


hahahaha yea i understand why cause Skinning a plant in veg and in flower is a a joke Period
Now cleaning up sucker buds you know the ones your so worried about in your closet ???
i don't need to read a stupid thread inreality you think i want to lower my yields Dude i make 34 + pounds in 4 grows thats 115 k clown :moon: with my last grow being 16,000 watts and 200 plants or should i say trees that sure the fck ain't going to be defoiled

You actually think a defoiled plant is going to compete with a non defoilated plant then your out to lunch
you mention longer veg times for defoilated lol i do 6 - 8 week Veg's on my girls and can guarntee you a defoilated plant will not even come close to it

34 lbs = 544oz
200 plants, 544oz, = 2.72oz per plant ..er tree? wow, impressive. (you sure smoked my 10.43 oz plant)

You realize that going by d9's average results he would yield 163 POUNDS with the same 200 plants? And I'm not calling his 18.38oz dry yield from a single plant (8 week veg) his average (post #1101)

You keep throwing out so many conflicting numbers I tend to think almost everything you type is fabricated or just plain untrue. It's so hard to keep up with all the lies and not screw up the numbers isn't it?

Now lets see why you don't need to read the thread:

Post #153: Several posters have suggested that they would like to see a side by side. Unfortunately it is not
as easy as that. Defoliation allows plants to intertwine. It is not advisable to defoliate and train one and
allow the neighboring plant to leaf out and get tall. The leafy one will shade out direct and reflective light
and the comparison would be invalid.

Post #562: Just a few ideas.
In nature, plants undergo leaf senescence as part of their strategy to survive. Senescence can be described
in plants as a change process as much as a dying process.
At some point in flower, I believe it is at the end of stretch, when maximum root and shoot mass have been
achieved, I think the fan leaves radically slow down photosynthetic production, starting with the bottom
leaves first.
Outdoors, uncultivated plants, which usually have had to make a meager living from whatever nutrients
occur naturally in the soil, begin consuming the nutrients stored in their leaves for flower production.
This is
mostly true of indicas as they usually have a much shorter season than sativas and grow in areas with
pronounced wet/dry cycles. Usually wet during the vegetative stage and dry during the flowering stage.
This is important as the roots are not as effective at extracting nutrients from the soil in dry cycles. The
energy stored in the fan leaves becomes a food bank during those times.
I have seen research papers that
indicate a direct relationship between soil moisture and nitrogen uptake, for example.
Indoors, cultivated plants are still getting fed high quality nutrients and do not need the stored leaf nutrients
as much.

I strip the fan leaves at the end of stretch because I am looking for maximum plant mass. I have strong
vertical lighting and a 10 ft ceiling.
K33ftr33z and most other indoor growers, are using horizontal lighting with height restraints. As they need to
keep the plants shorter they can use vegetative defoliating as a means of restricting plant height. As
k33ftr33z has demonstrated, restricting height does not necessarily equate to lower bud count. So the point
at which you defoliate is dependent upon your technique.
The decision to defoliate or not is dependent upon your strain. My plant reacts well to it. Some won't.
As the cannabis plant can only propagate in the wild by seed, seed production is it's primary function. It is genetically programmed to produce seeds at all cost. Since we usually don't allow seeds this energy gets
focused on flower development. The plant will grow flowers, no matter what you do to it.
Research has demonstrated that almost all parts of a plant are capable of photosynthesis. When the large
fan leaves are stripped, the plant shifts whatever photosynthetic production is needed to other plant parts.
And immediately begins new leaf growth. As the fan leaves are now gone and the only option left is the bud
leaves, growth occurs there.

I believe the same hormonal stimuli that redirects growth to the bud leaves causes enhanced bud production.
The fans leaves of an uncultivated plant are there primarily for developing plant mass and to store nutrients
for flower production

Gee, gosh, wow, you mean to say we're feeding more and better nutrients to the roots daily than a naturally grown plant will get in the normal outdoor in the wild soil? So the leaves don't have to store nutrients indoors because the roots are eating constantly? whodafuckinthunk?

k33ftr33z and lifeless, thanks for the compliments on the monster!

i just weighed last weeks plant and it only went 15.80. i guess i screwed up somewhere.

so my last five consecutive defoliated plants went 11.96, 12.35, 14.74, 18.38, and 15.80 for a total of 73.23 or an average of 14.65 each.

my last 5 plants before defoliation averaged 10.49, or 52.45 total oz's.

a total difference of 20.78 or 4.16 zips per plant.

i have been doing a series of changes over the last year to drive up yield and this one, defoliating, has made the largest difference.

at this point i'll stop posting pics and weight here as i think i have proven this technique.

thanks k33ftr33z!

Do I really need to add more to refute your claims?
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