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Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique?

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hey welcome to icmag and good job reading the whole thread.

defoliation in veg creates areas that can turn into bud sites. generally it results in more bud sites on a smaller plant

defol in flower after stretch generally results in more light on bud sites that have set and are producing. The extra light on the sites results in more bud at harvest because sites that would've been shaded are now not.

I've seen it work on Kush (pick a name), production (crap) indicas, sativa-dominant hybrids.... the discussion about this being strain specific is misguided in my opinion.

k33ftr33z has added a very valuable resource. delta9nxs is also the real deal. both get good results and have patiently laid out how they do it.

you'll really notice the effects under HID light not really CFL or LED as much but everything happens in a more pronounced way under HID vs. CFL or LED.

feel free to PM me anytime if you have any questions. If I can help you I will and there is a good chance I can be of some assistance although you are obviously meticulous and well read already.

Hey thanks for the welcoming.

I am a new grower. My first grow is in flower now and I have 8 clones I'm applying this idea to veg while I wait to harvest 7 in flower now. Photos are AK48 about 3 weeks from harvest.

I kind of disagree on the LED not being as good. I think it depends more on what LED and a good quality one I think will produce fine. I'm using a 600w from Grow Stealth LED (NOT Stealth Grow).


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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
LED and CFL tend to produce shorter plants with closer spaced nodes anyway.....

one of the main problems with this thread is that there are many people talking about defol that are doing so at crossed purposes.
some are aggressive defoling in veg as prescribed by keef, others are just doing aggressive defol in flower. some people are doing more 'passive' defol to expose budsites (even i do a bit of that). all this adds up to a lot of confusion.
also there seems very little quantitative comparison....

LED and CFL tend to produce shorter plants with closer spaced nodes anyway.....

one of the main problems with this thread is that there are many people talking about defol that are doing so at crossed purposes.
some are aggressive defoling in veg as prescribed by keef, others are just doing aggressive defol in flower. some people are doing more 'passive' defol to expose budsites (even i do a bit of that). all this adds up to a lot of confusion.
also there seems very little quantitative comparison....


Oh Verdy behave! Defol is good ONLY IF DONE CORRECTLY! So nerrr:tongue:


So verd, are you actually suggesting to not defol in LED?

My clones are at 7-10" under cfl waiting for current grow to harvest and go into tent. Those plants are 36" tall at two tallest points. They are under a 600w LED

Edit: you can see I have defoliated these a bunch already and they are about do for more.

*These will be transplanted so ignore them being in 1 dwc tub.


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Active member
OMG this rubbish thread is still a sticky after all this time WTF!

So whats it been now? 2years? Has anyone done a side by side to prove that a defoliated plant will yeild more? lol

You idiots have loaded up a hair trigger double barrel shit machine gun and the barrel's pointed straight at your own heads :wave:


Active member
This thread caused so much of a problem a year ago that the whole "Side by Side Grow Experiments" forum was created.

A couple of poor efforts at side by sides were done but they failed miserably.

Defoliation is a low yield technique and always has been.

I cant for the life of me understand why this thread is still a sticky after all this time. Blatant disinformation and for what?

How many more years is this going to go on? Bin the thread already or remove the sticky. Defoliators have had more than enough time to show some sort of proof to support these illogical claims and still nothing...


OMG this rubbish thread is still a sticky after all this time WTF!

So whats it been now? 2years? Has anyone done a side by side to prove that a defoliated plant will yeild more? lol

You idiots have loaded up a hair trigger double barrel shit machine gun and the barrel's pointed straight at your own heads :wave:

lol, typical know-it-all flamer. ALWAYS sooo worried about what other people are doing, due to lack of a life of their own. Sad. 4 words, man. Live, and let live... Think about it..


Active member

If your happy with with threads like this & "piss on your seeds for more females" and all sorts of rubbish like that as stickies then good for you.

To me and to anyone with half a clue it diminishes icmags credibility to have this rubbish as a sticky.

I'm all for live and let live. Couldnt care less if you want to destroy your plants and think this is a good idea.

I do care that this rubbish is a sticky though. Thats ALL i care about and the only reason i bother posting here...


I totally disagree with your assumption. If anything, it shows that ICmag, unlike some sites and indeed some of her members, is not a closed minded entity but willing to tolerate different opinions and new ideas. Now, I don't recall anybody making you the ICmag credibility police, so get over yourself. If threads like these do not warrant merit, they will go away on their own. If it is a matter of reminding a mod to take it down, try the pm function instead of trying to show them up in open forum....


Active member
How about you just show the world a single defoliated plant that yields more than a plant left alone. Just one...


I do care that this rubbish is a sticky though. Thats ALL i care about and the only reason i bother posting here...

No, the only reason you are here is because you are a flamer, and too lazy to go to the same subsection and start your own thread called JWP's "Why defoliation is a joke" thread....

It is what it is, there are no other options..


How about you just show the world a single defoliated plant that yields more than a plant left alone. Just one...

Why? I don't practice defoliation. Seems like it would be a supreme amount of unnecessary effort for me to do that...

The only reason I am here is that I love ICmag because it is just chuck full of crazy ideas.. Aside from meaningless flaming, what's not to like?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
So verd, are you actually suggesting to not defol in LED?

hi bassy, aggressive defol isnt really my thing full stop, i was just saying that if you want short plants with nodes close together then vegging under LED is one way to do it.
my canopies are incredibly dense and i do minimal to no defol - just removing leaves that are right in the way of a budsite. i found my 'high yield technique' more than 20 years ago, and it's modular scrog. i get yields of up to 1.6 gpw, rarely under 1 gpw.
im very dubious about aggressive defol but ive never tried it and probably never will so im not in a position to categorically say that it doesnt work. so good luck to anyone who tries it but dont be convinced that it's the best method till you've tried some others too. the fact that leaves grow back when you cut them off is pretty amazing - but it proves nothing imo.
my NON defol scrog. 250w hps. the tubes are UV t5's



Active member
Well if your into crazy ideas this thread is the perfect place for you, it defies logic & reason.

You dont even defoliate so instead of pointing the finger and crying flamer why dont you just stfu, sit back and enjoy the show?...

So defoliators its been 2 years, the thread is named "Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique" and its stckied. Clearly endorsed as credible information by ICMAG.

Where is this magical defoliated plant that yeilds more than a plant left on its own?

You had a whole forum created just for you defoliators to show the world your side by side. But not even a single plant. Whats the go?


Active member
modular scrog! now thats high yield!!!

have you tied flowering clones (monster cropping)for that yet VerdantGreen?
Well if your into crazy ideas this thread is the perfect place for you, it defies logic & reason.

You dont even defoliate so instead of pointing the finger and crying flamer why dont you just stfu, sit back and enjoy the show?...

So defoliators its been 2 years, the thread is named "Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique" and its stckied. Clearly endorsed as credible information by ICMAG.

Where is this magical defoliated plant that yeilds more than a plant left on its own?

You had a whole forum created just for you defoliators to show the world your side by side. But not even a single plant. Whats the go?

Dont worry little buddy, soon time to come Ill be starting up a Side by Side grow. I have noticed increased yield with this TECH before I even found this thread.

I was just coming in at it with a NEW AGE Gardener approach, still holding onto old school techniques...just applies more that is known about plants today then years ago.

One has to ask themselves, HOW could removing 90% of Fan Leaves(NOT 90% of plant.. that would include stems & branches) HARM a plant?

It reduces possible photoseinthyzing?
hum..your removing green from the plant.. so your most likely
removing some photoseinthyzing areas.

BUT where does photosynthises even occur in the first place?
INSIDE the cytoplasm is where.

where is cytoplasm located inside the plant?
Usually in all GREEN location... but its safe to say that cytoplasm is located EVERYWHERE inside a plant.

So I believe its safe to say that... with just a little thinking and applied knowledge, the bud sites of a MJ plants produce their OWN food on site... which in my mind would result in less energy required from the plant, which it would have to MOVE nutrients/food from the FAN leaves TO the buds.. which is the location of the reproductive organs of the plant...which is what?? The most important part of the plant, IN THE PLANTS "mind" hehe

Enough said.
Ill be happy to post my results once my grow is complete.
If im proven wrong and my thoughts were misguided.. then guess what.. ill be a big boy and admit I was mistaken and that I have now learned :-D

But guess what little buddy (JWP),
You even concurring that there isnt a Side by Side grow of this method, FORCES you to agree with you having to say it, that also without a Side by Side grow this tech cannot be DIS-Credited either.

Boom shakalaka :-D

(Flamer lol)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
^^ yep its that kind of logic that makes me worry.
buds do photosynthesis a little, but actually its the leafs attached to the buds that provide the majority of the energy for growth of the bud. that is a scientific fact.

JWP - i do monster crop sometimes, i like it as long as the plant has plenty of time to go back into veg properly before beng flowered again, otherwise it sort of stays a bit confused ime.

^^ yep its that kind of logic that makes me worry.
buds do photosynthesis a little, but actually its the leafs attached to the buds that provide the majority of the energy for growth of the bud. that is a scientific fact.


Hey hey hey my friend :-D

Of course... but I have never seen the LARGEST fan leaves coming from inside a bud site.

Any leaves that come from INSIDE the bud i usually leave alone. Only supporting my own, what should be common knowledge,
thinking even further.

(I would like to add though,,, facts are on the moon, brother hehe)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
afaik the method prescribed in this thread calls for the removal of much more than just the big fan leaves. if you look carefully at a bud, each 'budlet' has an attached leaf - a medium sized one with a petiole. this is the leaf that provides the primary photosynthesis to grow that budlet - but of course the sugars and starches are pretty easily moved around the plant so energy from any leaf can also be used to grow a bud... but leaves are by far the most efficient organs of photosynthesis on a plant.

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