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Define a Friend



I think you defined it in your first post. A friend is there for you when you need'em.


the definition of a friend may depend on what you got going on in your life at that moment.

i have one solid friend that has been there in every situation good or bad over many years.

i have other friends, in the grow game, at work, the lady who has brought me great food at my favorite mexican place for years or the guy at the greenhouse i go to. these folks have not been through the shit that me and my one solid friend have been through together, but they are always there and they always make my day a little better than it would have been without them. i would use the word friend to describe every one of these people without pissing off my solid friend.

then there are the friends you don't even really know. the kind that help you when you need it without ever having met you. the kind who will set you straight when you say something stupid and the kind who will help you through a day when you lost your best friend.

anyone who helps you make it through the day is your friend on some level. i do what i can to see the glass as half full ...... and i get by with a little help from my friends


Well-known member
I didnt mean to come off brash, but in my years, trust is a big big big issue. screw me once, shame on you... screw me twice...... yeah..


Well-known member
Headiez is good people. easy there km. Once your old enough and known people long enough, you will find out who your real friends are, and to never trust anyone if you want to remain friends.

goes both ways. Headiez has peoples who got his back. whether he's right or wrong. I bet he would reciprocate the gesture. that's a good friend. friends & money.. oil & water...

you can rarely start as friends in business partnerships, but you can develop a friendship over time in business. most of my best friends are business associates. The best friends don't need anything from you. nor you from them.. I can trust a friend to feed my dogs while I'm gone, but I don't bother them for the favor.

another thing a good friend will do is tell you when your dead wrong, and not support your BS and physically stop you from makin a grave error in judgement.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
A friend is somebody who goes to town and gets 2 blowjobs, comes home and gives you one of em. No wait... That's something else I think?

Life is a ladder that we all build and climb as we progress thru life. As we meet people and become more acquainted with them we tend to place them on various rungs of the ladder we have constructed. Each rung represents progressive levels of trust and reliance which people tend to extend to those they interact with.
The higher up the ladder we allow another to progress; the more value we tend to place on the relationship. Rungs also tend to become more narrow as they reach nearer to the individual who has constructed it, allowing less room for those we tend to trust the most.


Wow It seems we growers may hav some trust issues. On the plus side,IF you earn our trust you will know a friend.. IMHO of course

I must spread and wait till tomorro. Just too many good answers..


Wow It seems we growers may hav some trust issues. On the plus side,IF you earn our trust you will know a friend.. IMHO of course

I must spread and wait till tomorro. Just too many good answers..

i am not at all shocked that we/growers have trust issues. IMHO we are not a stupid group and non stupid people learn fast. there are plenty of assholes on the planet, there is no getting around that, but i still run into good people. it is NOT an easy thing to earn my trust (and it is something that you have to earn) but i still try to give people the chance to do it. it is VERY easy to burn any hope of me trusting a person when i first meet them because my asshole detector is working overtime, and when it gets set off by anyone the reset button is very hard to push (to many lessons learned the hard way). i set the bar pretty high because of the way i play the game, you will get 100% from me so i expect the same in return. or better said if you wanna sit down at my table and play friends you better be all in.

do i have trust issues? maybe ...... but it is not impossible for people to earn my trust if they are willing to make an effort. if i won't give a stranger a chance then the assholes that have made trust an "issue" have won. in my world assholes are not winners, so i will not lay down and give them a victory.


Active member
Friend: A person that can see/know about your garden and leave it be. Excellent people, hard to come by tho...

Waste of Skin: Same, except said person comes in the night and steals it or tells others that do...

End of Story.



the shit spoon
As a grower your "friends" should never know you're a grower.

Mom's nagging voice: If they're your friends then they shouldn't care about the weed you got.

Don't even show it off... don't hook them up with good prices.. dont get involved in growing discussions... dont show off your encyclopedic knowledge of cannabis...

If you must, just be like I dunno I just got this nice eighth from this dude I know. Dunno the name of it but I like it.


As a grower your "friends" should never know you're a grower.

Mom's nagging voice: If they're your friends then they shouldn't care about the weed you got.

Don't even show it off... don't hook them up with good prices.. dont get involved in growing discussions... dont show off your encyclopedic knowledge of cannabis...

If you must, just be like I dunno I just got this nice eighth from this dude I know. Dunno the name of it but I like it.

I love when people ask me if I grew it and I say naw but wouldn't that be cool? hehe secrets are fun


really ......facebook ?is that one of those amoral sites where you''ll get raped just for showing up ?


Enormous Member
How about someone you've known since you were six who decides to fuck your girlfriend, and then call the cops on you?

Oh, wait! This isn't the "define someone you want to kill" thread? Sorry, wrong thread.


How about someone you've known since you were six who decides to fuck your girlfriend, and then call the cops on you?

Oh, wait! This isn't the "define someone you want to kill" thread? Sorry, wrong thread.
We will let you pass. Cause you need a friend with a backhoe...

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