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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!



I was sent to a prep school in western Ct full of ultra preppies and ugly chicks.That was a long 4 yrs. Iused to escape on the bus to my old mans house out here on the cape, just for one night, a 10hr bus ride all day saturday, hang around all night and go back to that hellhole of academics on Sunday. Reunion, my goodness no.


Chaco - Killer garden.

I was fortunate with high school (I went to prep until my last 2 years) - a lot of really cool people with whom I have maintained friends with this to this day. Everyone has moved off away and done there own thing but when we get together its like old times. Most people are surprised by this as HS usually sucks. It must have been the ample amounts of cannabis. :party:


Active member
I didn't know you guys were such old foegies :moon:

My 20th isn't till 2014 but I've been growing since 7th or 8th grade. First HID I used was stolen off the side of a building by a friend in 93 or 94....I think it was a 150 or 175hps. First real one was a Hydrofarm compact 400w MH from Worms Way. It was too hot and too heavy so I ended up taking the ballast out of the reflector which made it much better.

Oh and I was just kiddin about being old....all it means is that your balls are a bit more saggy then us young bucks :wave: (sorry, I couldn't help myself)


heavy dank nugg

it's ok DK it just means us old foggies know how to take a joke better then you young bucks,oh and that shitting isnt as fast and easy as it once was.


I salvaged the pics from my cameras card and pulled them up. they're a bit ugly but it gives you some idea of what I've been crying about......

That pic almost made me spit a mouthful of coffee all over my keyboard. Good God. Those cuts, that setup.....homerun!


Active member
Hehehehe, If I was a total "megadick" like you said.. I wouldve quoted your original post acting like an 8th grader brosalini

...a sphincter says what:tiphat:
hey nor thanks man, felt good thanks for the overflow of positive energy it's radiant and glorious,soo positive
dude I was telling MP the other day when he said it was good to see me back here That I got nothing but love for all the local growers even those that dont like my style and thats the truth.Wanna know why...cause I look at the things we all have in common instead of our very different styles and personalities.Glad you like the pics man.I like yours too.lets let it go now ehh?


Active member
Chaco man o mannn, id be piss scared to trim that jungle.... i hope you got the chainsaw and a spare weekend bud

stay soured


Not as cool as some of the bud pics, but i love coco!! It grows nice roots!!!!
ChemD clone........

heavy dank nugg

Hehehehe, If I was a total "megadick" like you said.. I wouldve quoted your original post acting like an 8th grader brosalini

...a sphincter says what:tiphat:
It was actually major mondo. ok i'll bite..............



Its 4am and i need a break from trimming.
Some Larry lowers, somewhere around day 40



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Zen Arcade, damn those are some nice exposures of your dried nugs. What kinda camera you rockin'?
Really just responding to the Rapeman cover. "Just Got Paid /Trouser Minnow", what a great 1-2 punch, made it onto many a mix tape/CD over the yrs. Kudos for good taste all around. :good:

You guys are making me feel particularly old. If I attended such things, my next HS reunion will be the 40th. All my best friends are dead. :frown:

Keep the green flowing, NE!


Nikon D60. Just got it, have no real idea on how to use it!
Nice to know that there are other people on here with good taste in music!


Going out to take a pic with a friends camera of our 2 new Killing Fields, #1 and #2. Some really hot shit.I'll try to grab something good.


Killing Fields as promised...day 60. This particular pheno throws some heavy white russian thickness with none of the white russian attributes.It's all KF and very colorull witha deep jelly jam odor that shoots across the room...