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Well, im suffering deer attacks on my 5' plants and my theory of deer predation has been proven once again. And folks, i live in an area of the US with the highest concentration of white tail deer in the world, with 45-50 deer per square mile and in my view, thats an undercount. On any given day, i can count 20-30 deer grazing in fields right along side the cows, when walking to my grow.


When there's lots of green shoots, alphalfa and clover, when there's been plenty of rain, deer would choose to eat their native foods as opposed to my cannabis plants. But when it gets bone dry and the green shoots dont grow and the clover dies, look out.

The only product ive found to have any effect at all is "brown eyed susan tea". Deer dont eat BESusans becuase of an astringent chemical the flower produces and im guessing when you spray the plant with the tea, the deer thinks its a BESusan and doesnt touch it.

But Ive had deer eat my plants while still dripping Deer Away. You might as well pour wolf piss, your piss, the dogs piss, mothballs and all of the other useless products out the door. They only work when the deer doesnt really want your pllants anyway. But let drought hit and look out.


Yortbogey, he chimes might work temporarily. They get used to noismakers. I tried the little plastic landscape animals that play a motion activated song around my plants and after a while, they knew there wasnt any problem. I had some frogs that sang, "dont pee on me" but after a while.........

The 30.06 works high country. We shoot them, run over them with our cars, poison them and they just keep comming. In 2000 i believe, we had a terrible drought and it thinned the population considerably. Farmers would find 10-12 deer at a time dead from starvation and for that year, there were no fawns but theyre back to their numbers.

I live next to a retired horse farm. The old lady that lives there loves deer. She has her hay fields roll bailed and feeds the deer. She tells me she has over 400 of the lovely animals that stay with her on her 300 acres. They eat several rolls daily and screw in their spare time.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
baaahhh deer

baaahhh deer

The only good deer is a dead deer

The obvious thing to do if chemicals doesn't work is to use some hardware. Perhaps some camo netting with some one inch spikes or some heavy bamboo.


To Have More ... Desire Less
sounds like U'r fighting a loosing battle....might be time to find anew spot....
i mean w/ grandmaw... having her own personal deer breeding/luv~fest facility...
and u being nxt-door.....
or break out the last resort.....electrified perimeter


Well, im suffering deer attacks on my 5' plants and my theory of deer predation has been proven once again. And folks, i live in an area of the US with the highest concentration of white tail deer in the world, with 45-50 deer per square mile and in my view, thats an undercount. On any given day, i can count 20-30 deer grazing in fields right along side the cows, when walking to my grow.


When there's lots of green shoots, alphalfa and clover, when there's been plenty of rain, deer would choose to eat their native foods as opposed to my cannabis plants. But when it gets bone dry and the green shoots dont grow and the clover dies, look out.

The only product ive found to have any effect at all is "brown eyed susan tea". Deer dont eat BESusans becuase of an astringent chemical the flower produces and im guessing when you spray the plant with the tea, the deer thinks its a BESusan and doesnt touch it.

But Ive had deer eat my plants while still dripping Deer Away. You might as well pour wolf piss, your piss, the dogs piss, mothballs and all of the other useless products out the door. They only work when the deer doesnt really want your pllants anyway. But let drought hit and look out.

I have to call bullshit on this one because we have somewhere between 100 to 200 per sq mile here. It just depends on what part of the "town" you are in. Further north and it it closer to 200 further south and it is closer to 100.

You can drive up to these motherfuckers, and talk to them and they will just look at you.

I have had a full conversation with a deer before. It was better than most I have with humans.:)

This year I had a deer in my drive that I could actually pet.

This same deer tries to play with my dog. The deer obviously has a short term memory problem(possibly related to eating someones plants:) )because when my dog sees her she tries to eat it.

Spread blood meal around, and it will keep most larger critters away.

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
in cali we have a product called deer scat. its a small fabric sack filled with saw dust and soaked in Mountain lion piss. you tie them arounfd the truck of trees targeted by the deer. they will stay at least 1/4 mile away as long as the deer scat is fresh.


i take it you dont have your garden deer fenced? for less than 200 bucks youll never have that problem again.


z-ro, air searches are so heavy here that you might as well hang a sign on the fence "marijuana grown here".

ogranicOzarks, i was using Dept of Interior numbers. They claim we have the highest concentration of deer around. But 0. you got to ease up on the sauce. I mean, youre out in the driveway talking to deer man. What depths of depraved behavior are next? Nakedness?

Ive tried talking to my deer. "Get out of here you sonof a bitch!" They just lift their heads, blow snot and prance away. Im totally ignored.


Monofilament fishing line in lieu of fences, something on the order of saltwater or pay lake weight.


I have had luck using dental floss strung 3 strand barbwire fence style.
Could have been pure luck though.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I saw one on the side of the road the other day. Mayperhaps you could drag it out there and drop a mail box on it and wait for Aunt Sally to come find it.

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