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and what happens if bambi gets tangled in this stuff?

I have absolutely no way of knowing, as I've never heard of that kind of thing happening.

Natural selection in action? Would the deer say "Hey Elroy, watch this hur" first? :biggrin:


Active member
Relax, as there is no need when a totally effective reasonably priced aternative is available. All you need is coyote urine crystals, or urine crystals from other predators, such as bobcat, or any big cat. The deer will change their habits and stay well clear of the area. When it gets rained on, they will still not come back. I used 3 applications from march to September on an acre and 1/2 plot. Just a lite sprinkling about every 50 feet does it. No deer or rabbit damage all season. It's cheap and easily found online in a shaker jar. I've used blood meal and all kinds of other crap. This is the only thing I've found that really works. Good luck. -granger


Moondawg, we must live close, I seem to have the same concentration of Deer. The best thing I've found is scattering a lot of human hair around. A friend raises Tigers and I get his old, Tiger-urine-soaked bedding that I spread around. I've never had a problem.

I'm experiencing a bad drought this year and am worried. It seems the only water in a 10 mile radius is the water I put on my plants. I've had something small, probably a Racoon, dig repeatedly this year. I feel the water is attracting them.


I'd say dryer sheets/detergent but sounds like you have some tame ass deer holy shit.
If they don't care about dryer sheets or predator urine, do you not have enough lush vegetation to blend in fine chicken wire fence? Plus spray paint the chicken wire different green/browns, camo it. Rusting helps.

If you do chicken wire just make sure it goes higher than they can reach, encircle your ladies, stake it in with some sturdy .5"+ bamboo or saplings and let the surroundging veg engulf. even fertilize/water that surrounding veg to help it spread into & around round the chicken wire but shouldn't be out competing your plant. help that by pruning other veg enough to keep chicken cage hidden but not blockin your ladies. Natural foliage cover + natural color paints = Invisible fence.
Sorry if you already thought of all that, and sucks if you don't have enough heavy vegetation (almost jungle like) to blend everything. (probably the ONLY perk to growing in the south east US, perfect climate/soil).
Even without the heavy jungle veg, growing even in most tall grasses the painted chicken wire isnt visible until after the plants already spotted usually.. Goodluck man.


Relax, as there is no need when a totally effective reasonably priced aternative is available. All you need is coyote urine crystals, or urine crystals from other predators, such as bobcat, or any big cat. The deer will change their habits and stay well clear of the area. When it gets rained on, they will still not come back. I used 3 applications from march to September on an acre and 1/2 plot. Just a lite sprinkling about every 50 feet does it. No deer or rabbit damage all season. It's cheap and easily found online in a shaker jar. I've used blood meal and all kinds of other crap. This is the only thing I've found that really works. Good luck. -granger

Not here granger. Theyll eat the fucking crystal and lick up the piss. A starving deer will litterally eat anything it can chew that it thinks has nutrition reguarless of predators, the smell or anything else.

In 2000, we went without rain for 3 months and deer were lying dead from starvation everywhere. Those that didnt starve would come into peoples yards and eat their flowers and tree leaves and bark and even when the homeowner pulled out his 30.06 and would shoot them, the survivors would run but be right back in 5 minutes. Shoot another one, theyd scatter and in 5 minutes be back.

A starving deer isnt afraid of a gunshot, humans, wolves, mountain lions or anything else. I think it knows its going to eat or die, so it eats, no matter what,.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
This stuff, Liquid Fence. It is the most effective deer repellent Ive ever used. I also live in an area of high deer concentration. Well over 50 /square mile. I wouldnt spray it on the plants themselves but sprayed on surrounding vegetation it will keep them away.
It is primarily rotten eggs and garlic but it works very well.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah there is actually a deer replelent that you can get from grow shops ask the grow shop guy and he will show you good luck headband 707


In 40 yrs of guerilla ive used every repellant available from liquid fence,deer away, animal repellant and its been my experience that they dont mean a thing to a starving deer. Ive had plants eaten that were dripping with deer away. If there had been any rotten eggs laying around, i know they would have eaten them as well.

A starving deer will eat old shoes, clothing, paint brushes, bark from trees or anything it can chew reguardless of what it taste and smells like.


Active member
We have some super thin black plastic mesh fencing around our garden and there is no way you could see it from the air, we can barely see it from 50 ft from the garden, just looks like a bunch of fence poles around the garden area. Maybe you could get something like that to try.


I'll ask again,
have you tried chicken wire caging (painted green/brown)?

from Heli or on the ground they will see your plants before that camo chicken caging


I use 3' tall burnt chicken wire cages, staked into the ground around each plant.
I add two runs of 40lb fishing line, at 3' and 6' high, around my plot.
IMHO, All the sprays in the world don't work as well as physical security on deer.

I use 6' 2x4 welded wire with rebar driven in the ground. Cage wired to the rebar and they will usually eat the part outside the fence. I does seem they to like some better than other. Just like we do. Since a fence won't work where you live. I would grow some peppers like habanero, thai, or ghost. Let them dry out. Grind them into powder. Be sure to wear gloves and some type of good mask over your mouth. Use around your plants they will not touch them as long as the powder is there. It does suck that you will have to vist after each rain. Had our first rain here in 36 days. Good luck with the deer they just happen to think your crop is good.


try laying fences down on ground, deer will not walk on fences layed down because thier hoves will get caught in fence. it freaks them out. the weeds grow through in at least a month. i have seen deer try, they jump and freak out. and never come back, deer have a very good meomery. hope this helps. good luck

headband 707

Plant whisperer
In 40 yrs of guerilla ive used every repellant available from liquid fence,deer away, animal repellant and its been my experience that they dont mean a thing to a starving deer. Ive had plants eaten that were dripping with deer away. If there had been any rotten eggs laying around, i know they would have eaten them as well.

A starving deer will eat old shoes, clothing, paint brushes, bark from trees or anything it can chew reguardless of what it taste and smells like.

Really I have never done outdoor and I asked a guy here in BC but he never told me which one but he did say repletent lol.. But your probably right .. Then I would look into what deer hate and go with that... I had a friend piss all over and I know that did not work we laughed as it took him forever to do it and he got really drunk aswell and fell all over his plants instead lol.. stay safe headband 707:laughing:

I'm sure lots of ppl have said this one before but I guess going for the deers olfactory receptors would be the first thing I would look at seeing as they are so keen.. As scientist have been studying just that and have come up with a few things as far as I know.. The reading is a bit long but interesting..
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High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I live in Australia. Deer in this country are feral introduced animals. We have sambar (the 3rd biggest in the world), red deer, fallow, chital, rusa and hog deer. We don't use fences or chicken wire or fishing line to control them.

The only way to do it is with a 30.06 180g bullet. And it's beautiful free range meat.


Not here granger. Theyll eat the fucking crystal and lick up the piss. A starving deer will litterally eat anything it can chew that it thinks has nutrition reguarless of predators, the smell or anything else.

In 2000, we went without rain for 3 months and deer were lying dead from starvation everywhere. Those that didnt starve would come into peoples yards and eat their flowers and tree leaves and bark and even when the homeowner pulled out his 30.06 and would shoot them, the survivors would run but be right back in 5 minutes. Shoot another one, theyd scatter and in 5 minutes be back.

A starving deer isnt afraid of a gunshot, humans, wolves, mountain lions or anything else. I think it knows its going to eat or die, so it eats, no matter what,.

This is the best advice on this thread. Repellents only (barely) work is food is plentiful and the deer are not hungry. A starving deer will ignore ALL repellents, people, dogs, whatever, to get at food.

Repellents are a waste of time and money and will put your plants at risk. Take the time to build a fence - which can be done to blend in with the native foliage so it is not obvious from the air.


i was shocked this year to find the deer had actually lifted my roll of fencing that was pegged down with some bamboo stakes. i was really shocked. i'm still wondering if there might have been human deer involved lol. never imagined a deer would be so persistent to actually lift fencing?

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